Beta testing on the server
New url for beta testing forums: beta.freakcity.net
Sunday May 22nd, 2005 at 4:30am
V2 forums finished, just the rest of the bugger to finish now 
I have finished the new forums, they’’re sat on my shiny test server, if anyone wants a play they should go to methuselah.ethosuk.org.uk and have a look. Post what ya like, it’’s a test database – mainly I want people to give me feedback and find bugs
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 at 18:26pm
Help Scott make some money for a good cause
A friend of mine is putting together a video about what’s been going on in Iraq since war broke out and as she’s only one person and not very rich she’s needing help funding it. I’ve put in £100 of my own money but would like to get the same from the website if possible too, so go visit thread 950 for more info and to ask any questions
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 at 8:10am