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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Unhappyness is a warm gun

Thursday March 31st, 2005 at 14:13pm

Feel a bit unsettled. Got lots of bits of FC done yesterday, including bits to the old and battered site that you see before you. Waaaay too many new members in the last few days, so I’m going to try and migrate to SQL server (well, I’m paying for it anyway) if it’s any faster...hoping it will be blinding fast and amaze and wow everyone, but suspecting it won’t be as this is the world of Microsoft ; ) Almost fell asleep on the way home last night. Tried to go to bed early. Kept awake lots by Adam being loud. Grr : ’( Wish my life would be a bit more normal from time to time. Think James wants me to go to Hudds with him at the weekend. Don’t think I’m gonna go though, I have things to do... Reckon I’m going to manage a weekend without beer though, as I can’t be arsed with all that ; )

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Wednesday March 30th, 2005 at 11:08am

arteh (clicky)
Cripses. *faint* So rundown. Barbecue, drunkenness, sex, barbecue, vodka, waffles, barbecue, river trip, pubs, clubs, sex shops and getting high on James’ hairspray Oh yes, I’ve had a fun few days. I think I had a chat with my mother half way through it too, but I might not have been sober. I went to trash palace (shit) and I went to PurpleE3 (shit) and I went on a river trip from Greenwich to Embankment (outstanding, if only for the fact that we ran a duck over and it DIED). Went to harmony where everything was a tiny bit more than I wanted to pay for it. Barbecue was entertain0rizing. Showed everyone (some of) the photies I did of James (anandamide’s flatmate) on Friday. We were up chatting until about 4am Friday morning and he was bored and so he decided to come over coz he wanted some new pics...he arrived at about 5:30, we went to bed (*ahem*). Got up and went restauranting with ref:Adam. Talking about vomit sex in polite company is apparently welcomed there as we were given complimentary Amaretto “from the lady”. Aww. Realised I now have an entire phonebook page of Jameses and considered categorising them into those I’ve slept with and those I haven’t, but then realised I’d only slept with two of them and I don’t speak to one of those two any more, so that’d still be crap. I guess there’s just been a run on gay Jameses in the last few years...might start numbering them... James (number 12 from now on) had brought props. So we took willypix down by the canal and I did strange things with a cigar and my fisheye lens. Barbecue was fun. James got back Monday morningish, we had spent £150 on various alcohol and meats for the barbie. Much drinking and eating. Many freaks were there including zaty, hillbilly, bingowings, zzzp, sexylushcrazycool, mogwai, mattnottm, teleute, huggie, robl and probably some other people I’ve forgotten. Rah!

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Thursday March 24th, 2005 at 9:36am

Ok. So there will be no mention of pie at all in this entry save this part. I was only messing with ya... The District Line seems bored of being punctual today. Grr. I am going to be soo late... Yesterday was spent trying to get Tiles/Struts to behave and failing. Annoyances pervaded the day. Feh. Still - long weekend planned - closely followed (possibly) by a day off. Need to confirm today. Retro after work. Got to hug owen lots, which was nice. James is away until Sunday and ref:Adam’s gonna be busy so am probably going to take my camera and Jam over to Owen’s and take pervy pics whilst cackling at Chris Morris’ brain... The woman sat opposite me looks just like the woman being beaten by a spacehopper up a tree whilst mouthing “Loving You” La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la, la la, la la, la la, do be do do be doo, laaaaa-aaa-aah-aaa-ah-ah-aaa If you know it... ; ) jimmy was pished. footle was jittering. mage was sipping “Norsk” Smirnoff and coke. Various other people appeared and disappeared including vervain and taxidriver. Drinks were served by the lovely zzzp, sexylushcrazycool and log - too much voddie. James split with his bf and there was some drama. Decided to get fags but had no cash so went to the Swan for cashback and more drinks and to watch fit boys get their kit off. The second guy who stripped was 18 and gorgeous (and from Ilford, Owen ; )) - even James said “I’d do him” *cackle*. All defined and smooth - fwoor. Got in, went to bed. Adam and James stayed up cackling about stuff for a change *smirk* Tired and have a lot to do today. Blurgh. Hoping, as I’ll have a nice quiet weekend, that I can manage to get the new freakcity done. Will see...

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Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 at 13:14pm

13 men made the world another 9 ended it Through the haze They look down and regret The end

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Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 at 8:49am

So I spent much of yesterday vomming. It was lovely and gorgeous. Oh yes ; ) Forgotten how good “God is a DJ” is : D Shits and vom. It was vile : ( A friend was watching US tv - a chat show about the latest student massacre - no mention of the US shit gun laws being at fault, but apparently trenchcoats should be banned from schools - because, obviously, the trenchcoat is at fault “’Hitler obsession’ of gun rampage student” claims Metro, right next to photo of Michael Jackson. Cunning. Bumped into Stewart McGowen (think that was his surname) on Saturday night in the village - seems Kris from work used to work for him in Leeds - small world. Also bumped into the artist formerly known as Liveboy on - was cool : ) Good god the US gun killing student mings. I feel sick but am fairly sure I won’t be. I feel like I need to crap but I’m fairly sure I won’t be able to for a few days after the amount of immodium I had. Watched the new Doctor Who yesterday. CGI was a bit crappy. Billie was less annoying than she could have been. The Autons were crap. The thing I loved about the show was gone - the detective style of storytelling - the story dragged out over a few episodes - this seemed rushed. The doctor not being Paul McGann with no explanation. Dramatic music all the way through. Etc. Will see if it gets any better.

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The Blog Today

Monday March 21st, 2005 at 8:55am

+Friday+ I think I sulked at Struts lots. Refactoring fun and games. Finished the first two pages - sulked at the rest. Arranged to meet ref:Adam at Euston at 6:30 - had a haircut at Hammersmith. Got to Euston on time and farted around getting tickets for a bit. Phoned Adam as he was ten minutes late - he answered and told me he was just leaving. I swore. He turned up an hour later as I was on the phone being told by Rob that trains in the North were fucked and that he’d not be able to hang around to meet us - which was annoying as I wanted to see him to thank him for the (rather expensive) tickets. Virgin Pendolinos (or whatever they are) are lovely. Although I think I might have been in an unlabelled first class carriage as it was prettier than the one home. Started writing a story on Libby. Got bored. Stopped. Arrived late - fortunately that meant a) that we didn’t have to wait forever for a train and b) they were all fucked anyway so we got one within about 10 minutes of arriving that had been delayed 20 mins. Katie, Shaun’s girlfriend, picked us up from the station and drove us to the hotel - Shaun had given us a suite as he was out of doubles - bottle of champagne waiting for us. Rah! Sat in the bar and had a couple of drinks with him and then they drove us into Birmingham. DV8 is dirrrty. We liked : D XXL Brum - and half the people in there were London regulars. Spotted James straight away as he had his hair up - “Adam, this is what James looks like erect” *giggle*. Said hello to Steve too and somehow managed to end up buying them all drinks, cept possibly Steve who I think wandered to the loo at the wrong moment. Or didn’t ask or something. No idea ; ) Danced a bit. Drank a lot. Said hello to entadaeastenda and his OH Andy. Jay was there too in just a pair of dungarees *dribble*. And the usual fat blokes too. I’ll not mention how filthy Adam was but I was shocked! 3am and everyone had fucked off, so we thought about cabbing home. Got a quote of 30 from a bloke and Adam said “20” tho he claims he didn’t and we got in a very very dodgy sortablack cab with a cracked windscreen with wipers that were stuck halfway up it, fluffy dice and a dodgy was 30 in this one too and the bloke was on about wanting a drink off me for looking after me so well. Or something. Thought we were gonna die... Got back to the hotel at around 4amish I think. Polished off the champagne and had some lovely food then stayed up chatting until 6:30am. Woke Adam at just before 10 on Saturday for brekkie, had waaay too much food, ogled the chef a bit (fwoor) and then went back to our room for a bit, packed and checked out. Shaun drove us to his new place - very pretty! Sat about, had coffee, looked at his New York pics, then he drove us back to Brum for the train. Made Adam get the train without a cigarette so he sulked at me... ...back in London at about 3ish. Took another two fucking hours to get home though because all transport was arsed. James was there by the time we got back, took his bags in, watched some of my newly arrived Jam DVD and cackled lots and lots and lots. Bought The Day Today too, which I think arrived at about Thursday or something...watched the rest of it at the weekend as well. They do a little mockumentary called “The Office” which *must* be where the inspiration for “The Office” came from... Went to find the fat blokes for the chubcrawl. Found them. Steve forgot that he left his bag at my place so Adam wandered down with it. Steve went home, we went for Mr Wu. My chicken wing bled and I complained to be told “sorry, it happens sometimes” and they still charged us. Not eating there again, fuckers. Went to XXL, tho I didn’t stay that late as I was knackered. Left James with taxi money and went home via some buses as I didn’t think he’d be able to work out the buses on his first night in London (tho to be fair, they’re a bit convolouted and you have to walk over bridges and t

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Friday March 18th, 2005 at 14:02pm

The XHTML bits work ok. Bit of a hack but it’ll do... Still got lots of bits to do on the stuff I’m doing though : S Off to Brum tonight to see ref:Shaun and go to XXL Birmingham. Should be a laugh, if I stay awake that long... Back tomorrow, then possibly doing Norwich on Sunday. Busy weekend!

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Wednesday March 16th, 2005 at 9:17am

The deeply cool way of coding doesn’t work on less than Netscape 7.2 - so I may not be able to use it *wail* - will chat to Rach about it today. Need to catch up a bit. Only got until Friday to finish my enhancements ; ) Today is Wednesday. I am knackered - more so than yesterday, which is strange as I’ve had more sleep : D Rob Dougan rocks. Dan came round last night. He has 3 girlfriends now. *giggle* - he’d sent a mate to pick up his engagement ring from Laura - all a bit wrong really ; ) Slow train. Pah. Not got much more than that to say really. Short blog today - think I’ll have a nap : )

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Anywhere is.

Tuesday March 15th, 2005 at 9:04am

Owen showed me a new way of doing stuff using the box model. It’s deeply sexy. Deeply deeply so. Spent yesterday doing it for Hotels. have shaved 20k off just the landing page by doing this. It deeply rocks. Orange have just cut me off again. Bastards. Very productive day considering the lack of sleep. Met ref:James after work - he was with a mate downstairs in the Scariest Bar In The World - the Quebec. Invited Zaty to join us. He made it as far as upstairs, couldn’t see me, then ran away. Took James to Barcode after we’d disentangled ourselves from the bleached bones downstairs. £1 a pint! Rah! Cute fit blonde tanned muscly bloke type barman too. Grr! The mate James had gone to see offered him the chance to be in London Fashion Week, so he’s all excited : ) I think something crawled up my arse and died last night, judging by the very special smells emenating from it. It’s lovely. My new clothes seem to be going down well : D Went back to the flat and acquired ref:Adam then wandered down to Windypops after peeling a sleeping James off the carpet. Well, he had been up all night *smirk* Said hello to bumpy, zaty, smee, anandamide, mavis, etc - and a miserable Sal who required many hugs. Not enough people there - still fun though. Got in at 2ish and I went to bed whilst the others played with the interweb. James goes back today. I promised him grannypr0n for when he gets back. We found midgetpr0n the other day - “45 inches of horny dwarf” *cackle* and apparently she can take 12 inches - though not sure where she puts it. It’s all a bit wrong ; ) Be at work soon. Then I can phone Orange for my monthly rant. And continue with my adventures. Ranj says to me “What you using to generate XHTML?” - I reply with “My brain” *giggle* NP: Little Fluffy Clouds. In other news - the Vatican has condemned the Da Vinci code for its “lies” as the rest of the world struggles to care. Somebody should probably explain the concept of “Fiction” to Cardinal Bertone. (reported as Cardinal Bertone, 70 in the Metro as if to underline how out of touch he is ; ))

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I (L) Mark Thomas

Monday March 14th, 2005 at 11:24am

As responsible citizens, we have to choose between public rights and public protection, which is why I propose that anyone who looks like Hazel Blears, the Home Office minister, should be stopped and searched by the police. Some innocent people may be caught in the net but we can’t risk her launching further attacks upon our liberties. I also believe we should forcibly attempt to remove the wasp or bee that she appears to be chewing. My other fantastic plan is to run scientific experiments to test the logic of some of our more popular expressions. For example: “Britain is full up - we can’t have any more people coming in.” Those who believe that will be placed in the middle of Dartmoor with no phone, money or survival kit and told: “Seek help from the first person you encounter.” Another example is: “Guns don’t kill people; people do.” Those who believe that statement will be divided into two groups. One will be attacked by people wielding AK-47s and the second by people wielding other people, like clubs, in an aggressive manner. The survival ratio should give us a pretty good clue as to the truth of the original statement. If guns don’t kill people, why does the Ministry of Defence give them to the army? Surely, we’d be better off arming our troops with jellyfish and catapults. At least that way our boys could cause a nasty sting. And given a good bit of elastic they could cover 50, maybe 60, metres. Mark Thomas writing for some awful rag or other...

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Cor. Long weekend without even being one ; )

Monday March 14th, 2005 at 9:07am

+Friday+ I decided - after a fab day at work - I should fall off the wagon a bit accidentally on purpose - for one night only. Met ref:James @ Retro (ref:Adam was meant to come too, but James couldn’t get him to wake up properly - lazy fucker). SpiritusMundiSpit was working as was zzzp so we kindly informed them both of their attendance at the White Swan later and then fucked off there. Tried to get GarD and JohnP to come, but alas, they were in Norwich with the twins. Went via Iceland for beer. Yum. Got home, scraped Adam off the sofa and put him in something fashionable and then (cunningly) arrived at the Swan at just before 10 to obtain free entry to Pam Ann. Ooer. Chatted to Rob (boxx) and Rob (spiritusmundispit) about stuff. Drank a smidgin too much. James and Adam vanished in an attempt to schmooze Pam Ann (she’d seen Adam naked the week before and he bizarrely thought that this might make her like him for some wrongheaded reason (*cackle*). I’m listening to a random song with the line “spread your precious love over me”. Dirty. Adam and James arrived back after the show - “I don’t think she liked me but she thought James was fab”... I promptly realised I had had too much and staggered home via kebab/french bread/hot wings which I then proceeded to pass out into. Woken on Saturday by Adam getting in at about 10:30 - having spent the night at some random lesbian’s house getting stoned and having baps waved at him. Was at that point I noticed James wasn’t there either - he turned up a bit later with tales of naughty huggie trying to perve at him and (unsurprisingly) not getting anywhere. *cackle* - he’d stayed at theirs... James went to lunch and I took Adam clothes shopping for kicks. Bought me lots of new stuff he wanted. Hah! Texted my brother as it was his birthday. He replied with “It’s next week mate”. So I phoned mum to tell her that her son had gone mad (not quite sure at this point which son ; )) to hear him cackling in the background. He invited me to stay in the hotel again, so I think I shall be taking Adam and quite possibly James on a trip to Birmingham at some point soon... Did perverse things to Libby to make her run faster with a 20gig HDD and dual booting Windows and Slackware. It’s all a bit slow but useable none the less ; ) Java chat is comically slow : D Stayed in Sat night. Too knackered. Had pizza and telly. Sunday I was up earlyish, playing online, chatting to people, fiddling with bits of Libby and Lazarus (Any Heinlein fans sensing a theme here? ; )) Got them all fixed. Tried on new clothes. Played with the idea of deleting huge amounts of shit from Pixel. Managed to defrag and gain about 20 gig, so maybe I’ll not need to buy the huge SATA drives quite yet ; ) Kinda fortunate as I’ve spent waaaay too much already this month. Cor. I’ve spent £400 this weekend. Woops. OK, a chunk of that was on clothes (of which I got two items for £0.02 each as the lovely old dear who served me failed entirely to be able to type on a till ; )) but still. Must stop leaking money quite as much. Or get paid more. Or win the lottery. Or make Adam pay some buggery rent *cackle* Decided as I was bored of watching the two of them on gaydar that I’d take us out to lunch at Chilis in Canary Wharf (as they didn’t like the idea of pizza or sushi.) Food was surprisingly good considering the interesting reading that link makes. Maybe that’s why it was so quiet...had 1lb of hotwings, steak, Adam had steak too and James had something chickeny (fnarr) and beer. I swear he lives on beer and doesn’t require food at all. Left there and decided to walk home as it was pretty. Wandered around looking at gorgeous houseythings and flats and stuff and plotted how to become immensely rich so we could buy some. Sadly I failed to win the lottery so I gu

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Well I wonder...

Friday March 11th, 2005 at 9:27am you hear me when you sleep? I am tiredly. Sleepy. Too much to do this week. Splargh! It’s red nose day and I’m in black. Black out of my mouth, the black of my mood. Dan says he’s going forever. I don’t know where. James is being strange. Work worked yesterday. I can almost code again. My fingers are weary from typing. Pouring my mind into a small black box that bears no attachment to me. My memory arrived yesterday - I added it to ref:Libby - she seems happier now. I am merely waiting for the drive to make her very shiny indeed. Westminster station shimmers through the window - shiny metal and stark, unforgiving grey, streams past as I listen to something unintelligble on the Karma - faintly annoyed by the warbling but lacking the will to reach into my pocket to find “skip”. The dictionary captured me yesterday - before I knew it I had lost an hour and it had gained a handful of new words. So very tired. Talked to danlad some last night. he seemed dismayed at Gaz and Deev’s split. Told him I’d see him soon. Michael_Jackson apparently cried yesterday. Poor love, I’m sure it’ll all be over soon, but does he have the heart to cry when he’s naked and alone, with only god watching? I just had a flash back to the Michael Jackson film “Moonwalker” - The tortures parents subject their children to... Slowly the District Line rattles on, taking me ever closer to the one place I don’t want to be. Jeremy Clarkson - he’s a bit of a cunt inne? Pam Ann tonight at the Swan. Hoping she’s on better drugs than last time. Weekend of calm. No drinking. Too many fags (spoil the broth). So I’ll have to buy a red nose. It doesn’t matter that I work for two charities in my spare time, that I part funded people going to Iraq to help children and people making a documentary about it. That I donate considerably more than one pound every month to a good cause. No, it doesn’t matter, because I’ll still be hassled if I don’t follow the flock and buy a red nose. Even though all they ever do with their money is buy a red nose and piss the rest down the pub toilet. Right. This is my stop. See you all tomorrow?

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Thursday March 10th, 2005 at 11:13am

The fucking thing did lose my journal this time. Bah. Yesterday. Worked and worked and worked and finished other people’s work at around 7pm so I could get mine done. In around 10 minutes. Yes, I spent all day fixing other people’s problems so I could do 10 minutes of work. Cuntybaws. Lots of KHRP finished yesterday, Larochelleuk will be happy ; ) Dan came over in the evening - in a suit - Owen would have approved. Some dodgy deal or other means he’s a bit rich right now ; ) Have lost HillBilly. Gah. No idea where he is. Will phone him again tomorrow... Been playing with my Rio Karma all day. It’s purty. Very purty. Blue glow is funky too. I shall take some arty pics of it soon enough just to show off how good I am at still photography *cackle* 17p and a mars bar won’t buy you happiness. Have inserted more songs into the Rio. And have decided that as its file system runs on the file’s id3 tag that maybe I should get around to editing the tags in the hundreds of songs that I have that are tagged all wrong. totally forgot to install U2 on there. Woops. Spent lots of yesterday busy reading reviews about how good the bugger is and how lovely etc...and how much better than an iPod it is. Am impressed with signal to noise ratio - I know the hiss I’m hearing is from the tape recorded in 1978 and then remastered to CD and not from the device, frinstance. And it’s gorgeous glowy blue bits. Navigation is easy, blue big 16 shades of grey backlit screen is pretty, UI is fast and responsive, synching is easy (although it somehow crashed WinXP yesterday) and AutoDJ rocks. It’s almost exactly the same as the MusicMatch one. So iTunes/iPod users will be impressed with functionality denied to them that’s been around for 5 or so years *cackle* All tracks are by default gapless, so when listening, for example, to The_Wall - it all comes out perfectly. Occasionally there’s a small click, but that’s it. Typical of me to choose this album as the first album to listen to on it really isn’t it? ; ) got to bed at 2am because I was working/geeking. Gah. So very tired!

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Wednesday March 9th, 2005 at 11:06am

I wrote a lovely journal entry but alas, it was eaten by my Palm crashing. Oh. No it wasn’t, I was just looking in the wrong place. D’oh. • 9:23: Yarg. Getting X to work in widescreen is a bit fun. Still - I managed it ok. I now have 42" of KDE in the living room. Plays video and stuff just like it used to - only it does it correctly now - not using the vesa FB device but using the NVidia drivers. Yay! Woken early by the postman. New Rio Karmas have arrived and I’m impressed so far : ) James was visiting a mate last night - so just geeked. Did some freakcity and got a headache. *smirk* Now I have to think of a use for my 1GB SD card. Might try watching video or something...or might put it in the camera. Wil didn’t get into London art college : ( It’s very odd having this many odd songs in my pocket. Possibly the least shocking headline ever in the Metro this morning - smokers’ babies apparently are at risk from cancer

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Am I mad?

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 at 9:24am

Either the “For Dummies” books are getting increasingly bizarre or I’m hallucinating in a rather interesting way. On the way home yesterday I saw someone reading “Letting for Dummies” or somesuch and thought “eh?!” - and I’ve just seen someone reading “Google for Dummies”. Most bizarre. Didn’t think there was enough google to warrant a whole book, but hey! Not much done yesterday. Was feeling ming. Broke my server too. Oops! Now running 2.6.10 though. Tasssty. Changed from SVideo to component RGB in an attempt to get better quality from the DVD/Plasma combo. Wibble. Sorta worked I think. Failed to get any KHRP done or make it to Windypops tho...Grr. Oh well, ref:Smess will just have to try and seduce James some other time *cackle* Got sound working this morning. Server complete. The Fedora Core 3 version of 2.6.10 is pretty damn sexy and capable of loading the Speedtouch firmware microcode from within the kernel - so you plug it in and it syncs then works with nothing external required. Next I build a custom kernel with added Netfilter goodies. Cooked chicken. Watched Angel with James. Went to bed and slept. Etc ; )

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Monday March 7th, 2005 at 8:51am

Oi, Mr Cynds, that’s the DVD player, right there! ^^ (clicky)
Oi, Mr Cynds, that’s the DVD player, right there! ^^
1].jpg What difference does it make? * Scott dances to the Smiths on the DLR I am tired and blinded by lights. My mind is a mess of opportunity - new ideas litter the streets of my consciousness like fag butts in a back alley, all blowing away with the breeze of time. OK. I shall stop talking in cliché now : D I need to write something soon. Either bookish or filmish or musicish. Am feeling creative and need to do something about it. Ideally, I want to take all the 01/W sample data and whack it onto a PC and sort out soft synth noises to make PC versions of my songs. Not yet sure what to do though - it’s odd that I know so much about computers and music but so little about the two together ; ) Daily_Mail: One in 20 asylum seekers has HIV (and treating them can cost £150,000 each) They fail to mention that it’d cost less than £500 each per year if we used generics instead of brand name antivirals, but that the Tories signed away our rights to do that in the name of free trade...That paper pisses me off. I stabbed myself on the TV box as I put it out for the binmen this morning. Now I look like I’ve attempted to slash my wrist. And it hurts. Bought me and Adam a new mp3 player each, as Owen’s one’s soo cute. Should arrive by Friday, fingers crossed. Think I’ll stop spending money now... Got some KHRP to do to tonight to go with the bits I got done last night. I so need to finish thinking about making a dynamic version of the site. And I need to add some bits to c2i. And I need to finish Freakcity a bit more. Grr. Too much to do! And I have to entertain James and see Dan. My life is so complex ; ) Deleted Angel from the FTP as I now have the DVDs. So I now own Buffy S1-7 and Angel S1-5. Sad bastard. I need a bookshelf and somewhere to put my old videos. I’m thinking I’m gonna digitise the ones I want to keep (mostly live shows) and just chuck ’em.

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Sunday March 6th, 2005 at 23:42pm

Isn’t it big? :) (excuse the curtains...) (clicky)
Isn’t it big? : ) (excuse the curtains...)
Went to XXL last night, danced, met some new people, saw Dominik and his new bloke (who I’d met before ; )) and generally chilled out and had fun. Still not had any alcohol in ages. Still not craving it, so maybe I’ll be ok. Ben and Alastair came over to pick up the old telly so I rearranged stuff about a bit to make it all shiny in the livingroom. Ref:Adam sorted out his pile, and now it’s all lovely. Man the telly’s huge. We (ahem) watched some porn on it yesterday. Life size penises scare me. Off to bed in a mo having done some work.

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Saturday March 5th, 2005 at 18:47pm

Aww :) (clicky)
Aww : )
Chilled out last night. Got home to discover huge telly in the hall and James lounging about on Adam’s pile. Chilled out. Watched Thirdspace. Went to Retro where Adam misbehaved with JenJen *cackle* - then departed to the Swan to watch chicken battle with Dave Lynn. Up earlyish, took Adam to the doctors as he has tonsilitis, as we soon discovered. Went shopping at Sainsburys and bought waaay too much stuff. Came back, thought about tidying up a bit but didn’t manage much more than playing with the internet. *sigh* Took a pic of James just now. Coz he looks pretty : )

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Please Replace This Empty Title With Your Own Text

Friday March 4th, 2005 at 10:56am

Snooooow. Overexposed Snooooow! (clicky)
Snooooow. Overexposed Snooooow!
I have been syndicated by a LJ user. I have no idea who, but maybe I have a secret admirer who loves my prose ; ) Or maybe I don’t and it’s just David being bored. Or maybe I’m being stalked by that Nice Man from Up There again. Who can say. But HELLO! : D Finished work at a vaguely sensible time yesterday. Chatted to Dan lots during the day and think things might actually start sorting themselves out. Bought James a coach ticket for the weekend. He’ll be home by the time I’m back tonight. Be nice to spend the weekend with someone who’s not a bit loopy for a change *grin* Was at Owen’s last night. Chatted to him lots about what he’s gonna do with his brain. All seems cool, hope he manages today ok. Took him into work and kept him calm. Tho he did most of the work. Yay! Hopefully he’ll not have forgotten it all by Monday : ) Telly Has been attempted to be delivered. ref:Adam was asleep. Grr. Trying to get them to reattempt the delivery today, but they can’t get hold of the driver as he’s a bit special. Apparently. ; ) Snow everywhere in Ilford as we walked to work. Purty purty. Watched some of Angel S5 and question time before bed. Fixed (I think) the RSS feed on Freakcity. Fixed the phantom popup window that appears if you have secretly turned the message checker off. Added a “Journal Bio” to your user profile that’s included in the RSS feed.

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Thursday March 3rd, 2005 at 17:49pm

purty (clicky)
Another pretty piccy. My office being lots of glass, leads to this kind of sunset way too frequently...

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Oh my! Naughty Mail

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 at 9:06am

Lord Rothschild, it appears, was a bit of a naughty boy. Papers released by MIsomething have confirmed his support of the Nazi party before WWII and mention letters he wrote to Hitler as well as his support for Chamberlain’s non aggression treaty and Germany’s invasion of Austria. Tsk. Got some funky work stuff done. Also played with Gel lots - a quite fabby IDE for Java and stuff... Meeting for flights - almost worked out what we’ll be doing. Figured out a neat way of doing hotel fixes too... Off in the evening to do photos for a lovely Irish guy called Alan. He was happy with them and had a lovely accent. Think he wants more later some time. Did them at his place, which was lovely if a little cold (his boiler broke) Got lost and ended up on Hammersmith & City and then Met lines home. ref : Dan turned up at 3am. And woke me. Grr. So. Camera with me again today as I’m staying at Owen’s tonight in the hope I can sort his brain out a bit ; ) Need to phone James tonight to see if he’s coming down or not this w/e Went to use my debit card yesterday evening to find that it didn’t work. Got home to find (free coffee from Kenco and) two identical letters marked urgent from Barclays suggesting my card might have been used for fraud - and that I should phone them aboht it. It also listed 5 payments that were suspect (which were all ones I’d made) and a phone number (which was closed) to phone about it. Curious. So I phone it this morning and I find that it was an entirely different transaction that set it off - namely the one for my telly - but that obviously putting that on the letter would be way too clever. And I only found that out after hassling the bloke...

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Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 at 23:30pm

purty. (clicky)
(Small).JPG Here’s a pic I took the other day. Isn’t it pretty? Off to bed now. Dan’s due over and I suspect I shall have to be asleep so he can try not to wake me like he promised to. Like that’ll work ; ) Still think something’s going on. Dunno. Guess I’ll see when he arrives.

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Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 at 10:24am

Remember. Don’t put popcorn for recommended time in work microwave as it’s over twice as powerful as non work microwave and will burn. * Scott munches burnt popcorn Dan just called. Said sorry. Seems like he’s trying to start a row still though so don’t know what to do. Grr.

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Tired (again)

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 at 9:06am

Ohmyfuckinggod. “Hasn’t pregnancy left Julia looking swell?” Photograph of Julia Roberts that’s looking straight down her newly ample cleavage. Guess the paper. Dan is being a ’tard again. Phoned yesterday - this time claiming that it was my fault that Laura split up with him - even though he split up with her. And then he told me he was coming over that evening to sort it out. No Dan turns up. Ah well. Door is double locked from the inside. Will phone him tonight to see what’s going on or if he’s still gonna be silly. Work was dull. Watched Carnivàle with Adam. Damn is it getting good. Can’t wait for the next one... The paper was The Mail

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"All the things I should have given but I didn’t"

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 at 9:01am

There’s a woman here with the same hat/hair as the fag hag from the League of Gentlemen. Scary. Nearly fell asleep in a meeting yesterday. In my defence, they were talking about hotel rates - but still...will chat to Rach about it later - maybe see if I can work from home or something for a bit. 10-6 is a little better - though I may be late today as there’s a “non communicating” train in Bank tunnel. Maybe it’s just misunderstood and needs a chat. Managed to install everything on the 6gig drive in the libretto only to have it die on me spectacularly when I tried to install it. First the BSOD (which was fixable) but then the Evo claims “No operating system” and Libby just hangs. Crap. Anyone got a spare 6gig Toshiba laptop HD? *giggle* Bed at 11ish. Slept bad. Grr. Metro headine of the day - “Hash may double mental illnesses” - bless. How the fuck journalists as a whole dare to preach to the rest of us about drugs is beyond me : ) Dan’s off to Scotland. Back tomorrow. Bizarrely I got the feeling I’d not be seeing him for a while when I said goodbye last night. There’s definitely something going on with him. Bah. So - delayed on the DLR then have had to wait 10 mins so far for the District line. Grr. Did a flyer for MySociety last night - had to recreate their logo, which came out very well - was dead chuffed about it : ) Kate’s version of “The Man I Love” from the Glory of Gershwin album is gorgeous. I always forget just how pretty. She has such a 50s voice when she wants to. She’s cropped up onlist - Rochelle wants her albums : )

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