Words of the Day for March 2025
People leave us lovely words in the amusingly named dick, along with short, factual and concise definitions. No really. Here's this month's words so far...
Wednesday March 5th, 2025
Noun. 1. A young person. Very common on the gay scene for an attractive young male.
2. A game of courage in which competitors dare one another to complete a given task. Usually a game of adolescence.
Adj. Cowardly. {Informal}
Monday March 3rd, 2025
Acronym of “International Talk Like A Pirate Day”
On Sep 19th each year the world is encouraged to take like a pirate. You can learn how at the official home page devoted to the day (link below).
Made famous by writer Dave Barry, the event has quite a cult following, particularly at the b3ta boards (not that I go there; very overrated website that’s rarely funny).
See ‘Pirates’.