Scott’s blog
Musings on a world I am no longer sure about
Pottering on.
Sometimes life is complex. Complexity makes things awkward. Simplicity is the key to good design, good living, good mental health. So I’ve taken this opportunity to simplify my life a bit.
I have a routine. Gym, work, cycling, coding, photography. Loose enough I don’t feel trapped by it, but strict enough to make sure I do it. I have a clear month and a half to make this stick properly, to make this second nature.
Exciting for me. Probably less so to read about
I have Friday+Monday off this week. My goals are to finish my photography website (www.scottjoycephotography.net is the new one) and to write an app. Let’s see if I can do this.
Also will be sunny, so doubtless some swanning around in Berlin for me.
Need to try and fix my Brompton too. Replace the dynamo hub front wheel with a normal one whilst I try and work out how to get the spindle out. Find a way to get the remains of my right pedal off the bike too. Am tempted to get a second bicycle for non-commuting cycling as Liam’s bike has become my bike for the duration of him being away and having big wheels makes me smile.