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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday June 23rd, 2006 at 9:39am

been arseing around with the whole text formatting thingummy. So now you can do strikethrough text - just put minus signs each side. And you can do code text: [[ Tetris High Scores Rank Score Name (points/level) Rank Score Name (points/level) 1* 9702 sunin (4851 on 2) 14 1246 justin (623 on 2) 2 6862 adam (3431 on 2) 15* 864 pete (144 on 6) 3 4682 scott (2341 on 2) 16* 725 pete (145 on 5) 4 4546 mogwai (2273 on 2) 17 530 m (265 on 2) 5 3654 david (1827 on 2) 18 500 justin (125 on 4) 6 3588 danny (1794 on 2) 19* 342 pete (38 on 9) 7* 3306 sunin (1102 on 3) 20 292 dave (146 on 2) 8 2866 pete (1433 on 2) 21 280 simon (140 on 2) 9 2006 lloyd (1003 on 2) 22 216 scott (24 on 9) 10 1894 owen (947 on 2) 23 150 justin (25 on 6) 11* 1864 scott (466 on 4) 24 28 dan (14 on 2) 12 1736 gaz (868 on 2) 25 24 naveed (12 on 2) 13 1368 james (684 on 2) 26 24 naveed (12 on 2) ]] and you can do quoted text: ""And I said to him ‘never’ and he said ‘oh yes’ and I fainted"" and [small text works better] now. I’ll add them all to the toolbar tonight I think ; ) In other news. Well, it was the Freakcity birthday Retro thing, which was fun. Loads of people there (well, at least 20) and our very own freakcity barman too. I thought for a short time that it was going to turn into a live sex show, and I am thankful Tom was very drunk as he almost embarassed Lloyd a lot, but was too drunk to aim properly. I shall say no more ; ) got to meet some new freaks, but not enough of them. Some other freaks may have turned up but I’m not sure if they were freaks or just looking for someone else. Shoulda put signs up or summat. Headed off to the lovely Swan afterwards. Had to pay to get in, the cheek. And it was shite so I left shortly afterwards. Apparently the filthmerchants all went saunaing afterwards, the horror. Up early to let Lloyd in, accidentally fell asleep after that, woken by gas man, my gas is all fine. Then it was the turn of Mr BT man, who tested my line. Fine line. 16db SNR with his equipment plugged in, about 4db with mine plugged in. Eliminated the cabling from the equation and decided the lovely speedtouch DSL modem is at fault. So I’m going shopping at lunch ; ) Might buy a card reader too if I can find one cheap enough. tje offered to lend me his old DSL modem, but I can’t get it running under linux. Bah. Still, I got to visit him and meet him at last, even though it was briefly. Told him he should pop over sometime as he’s like only a bit over a mile away. Back home and more arguing with computers. I think I managed to accidentally fry mogs’ DSL router thing doing a hardware upgrade. Crappy thing. Why allow flash updates over the network if network problems can completely kill your device? Got annoyed so went to bed earlyish. Bah. Was way too tired...

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