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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Nyeh nyeh ner ner nyeh

Thursday June 29th, 2006 at 11:34am

Been so tired since my scrabble marathon on Monday that I’ve been having trouble focussing on things. That’s changed a bit today, possibly because I’m not working again until Wednesday. Possibly because I’m slowly getting my energy levels back up. I have a cold brewing, I can feel it on the edges of my consciousness...that tickle, that slight twinge in the throat. Here’s what I’m good at, combination placebo and vitamins that make my brain believe I will be well again and so I am. I haven’t had a cold since giving up drinking. Attempted once more to fix Lloyd’s ill laptop. There’s been a rather serious disk error, the partitions are fine but the NTFS file allocation tables are fucked, so the data’s there but nothing (I even tried Norton Disk Doctor in desperation) can read the filesystem or the files. Chkdsk dies at 50% with an unrecoverable error. And Dell’s own diagnostic tool errors out. So that drive is toast, I think. Chatted to Jon last night. Gonna hopefully see him tonight. No work in the morning ; ) Broke my chair. Shall have to buy a new cheapy swivel one from somewhere hideous to replace it. I need a visiting order from Dan apparently to go visit him, so have written to him asking for one, he’ll get back to me then I’ll be off to Dorset. The joy. Pride this weekend. Gays meeting at 11 at Marble Arch. Then wandering on down to Baker St. I have a “do nothing” Sunday. Yay me ; ) Going to tidy some flat, work on my portfolio and see if I can’t get a few photography clients = D Disturbed Lloyd slightly as MogsSHAG was leaving the flats. Do people not realise that sex is written all over their faces for a time after they finish? So pointed at random bloke leaving and said “he just shagged Mogs” Was meant to be GAYing tonight but if Jon comes over I won’t be. Coz I suspect that picking my nose’d be more fun than GAY. Tired. Bit irritable. Going to go walk a bit in the sun. And not repeat yesterday’s small accident in HMV which left me with Ferris Bueller’s Day off, The Big Lebowski, Fargo, The Hudsucker Proxy, Barton Fink, Back to the Future I-III, Spirited Away, Kill Bill Vol 1, and a few others. Woops. Out at Retro briefly last night. So need to find us another bar.

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Tuesday June 27th, 2006 at 10:16am

Date fab. Jon fab. Everything fab. Possibly need slightly more sleep though. Up playing scrabble until 5am on a schoolnight possibly less than fab. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it : P

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Monday June 26th, 2006 at 11:39am

+Friday+ was a barrel of laughs. Free pizza, communications meeting and stuff at work. Lots on the horizon, demoing to fabby people and also there were photos of all the HP kit going into the far east. Left work reasonably on time and headed home to rewire novak. New modem went in fairly easily, silliest thing was that I thought it was a v2 330 but it was a v4, so I spent about half an hour trying to whack in the wrong firmware. D’oh. Also added another hard drive to Novak. [[ scott@novak ~$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/hda8 13G 430M 13G 4% / /dev/hda1 102M 57M 46M 56% /boot tmpfs 251M 0 251M 0% /dev/shm /dev/hda9 168G 61G 107G 37% /download /dev/hdc1 187G 173G 14G 93% /download/Video /dev/hda3 38G 16G 22G 43% /home /dev/hda7 197M 60M 137M 31% /tmp /dev/hda5 4.7G 3.9G 817M 83% /usr /dev/hda2 56G 47G 9.9G 83% /var /dev/hdb1 28G 17G 12G 58% /mnt/backup /dev/hdd1 112G 47G 66G 42% /download/Video/Porn ]] So in total I now have over half a terabyte in there. Poor thing ; ) Sunin arrivorated at about half ten, I’d got it mostly all working fine by then so we went out in his Merc and cruised about London in the dark. We went to the 24hr Tesco in Surrey Quays — Sunin was driving Jane free, as he’d forgotten to bring her brains. He always gets nervous whenever he doesn’t have her and has to rely on my directions, I have no idea why... Bought lots of beer, lots of stuff from tesco, etc. Admired the view. Bought lots of barbecuey type meats. Sunin bought vats of ethanol to bathe in. Headed home (in the wrong direction) and ended up in Greenwich. Oh well. I was up early on Saturday fiddling with things, washing up, that kinda thing. Drove down to the hotel to acquire MogsRICH and headed to Sainsburys where he spent about £130 on alcopops. Sauntering round Sainsburys at about a quarter to one, safe in the knowledge that no-one’d turn up on time, took the shopping back to the flat via the hand car wash (FWOOOOOOOR) and all the fit boys soaping us up. Phoned at 1 by zaty and William and Danny who were all on time. Bah. Got in, settled down for a lovely afternoon watching films, chatting, watching everyone get pissed and stuff. Barbecued rather successfully on the balcony, considering it’s teeny. Bittersweet told us of a dream he’d had of all of us dying when the balcony collapsed. It cheered us up no end. Mattingham Bittersweet Sunin Skywalker Trikkit Mage Zaty Mogwai Owen Selonsteve Moogal Mickstar Abeneplacito Louie Alastair Were all present. And I’ve probably forgotten some people because I’m rubbish. Owen got laid. so did Selonsteve (work it out ; )). I’m nominating Steve as the new website bike : P William got immensely drunk and offensive. But I like him best like that. Alasdair played mummy and banned him from drinking. And bruised his bottom. Much amusement. Zaty made mutant annoyed sea bass which was gorgeous. Everyone got drunk. Half of them went to GAY and I Played Starwreck: In the Pirkinning to the rest. Zaty is naughty. Very naughty. Almost as naughty as I am. I laughed far too much at his special cards ; ) I swigged some champagne but behaved other than that. No cigs, 3 glasses of champagne. Most I’ve drunk in 4 months...and I didn’t have an urge to have any more after. Yay ; ) William passed out in my bed. Went to XXL with Warren and frolicked about in the dark for a few hours (well, it was either that or sleep with Will...). Left at about half five. Home and some sleep then up earlyish and took everyone left over to Café Verde for breakfast. Walked there along the canal, which was nice. Got a text from Dom: "Wan

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how cool is that?

Friday June 23rd, 2006 at 13:57pm

Went to CEX at lunchtime and bought a lovely fabulous speedtouch 220 usb modem. For £5. Yay! Came back and our communications meeting started off with a photie of the huge amounts of (6 weeks late. Tsk) HP hardware that is being installed thousands of miles away to run our systems. Rather impressive ; ) That and free pizzas make me like this company. Now I feel fat after combining Sloppy Guiseppe, Americano and various other Pizza Express pizzas. Yay for free pizza. So, tonight, I have a Sunin at 9pm, then tomorrow a barbecue for freaks. Anyone who can’t find my flat should call me from All Saints DLR and I’ll come find you. The number’s on the event.

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Friday June 23rd, 2006 at 9:39am

been arseing around with the whole text formatting thingummy. So now you can do strikethrough text - just put minus signs each side. And you can do code text: [[ Tetris High Scores Rank Score Name (points/level) Rank Score Name (points/level) 1* 9702 sunin (4851 on 2) 14 1246 justin (623 on 2) 2 6862 adam (3431 on 2) 15* 864 pete (144 on 6) 3 4682 scott (2341 on 2) 16* 725 pete (145 on 5) 4 4546 mogwai (2273 on 2) 17 530 m (265 on 2) 5 3654 david (1827 on 2) 18 500 justin (125 on 4) 6 3588 danny (1794 on 2) 19* 342 pete (38 on 9) 7* 3306 sunin (1102 on 3) 20 292 dave (146 on 2) 8 2866 pete (1433 on 2) 21 280 simon (140 on 2) 9 2006 lloyd (1003 on 2) 22 216 scott (24 on 9) 10 1894 owen (947 on 2) 23 150 justin (25 on 6) 11* 1864 scott (466 on 4) 24 28 dan (14 on 2) 12 1736 gaz (868 on 2) 25 24 naveed (12 on 2) 13 1368 james (684 on 2) 26 24 naveed (12 on 2) ]] and you can do quoted text: ""And I said to him ‘never’ and he said ‘oh yes’ and I fainted"" and [small text works better] now. I’ll add them all to the toolbar tonight I think ; ) In other news. Well, it was the Freakcity birthday Retro thing, which was fun. Loads of people there (well, at least 20) and our very own freakcity barman too. I thought for a short time that it was going to turn into a live sex show, and I am thankful Tom was very drunk as he almost embarassed Lloyd a lot, but was too drunk to aim properly. I shall say no more ; ) got to meet some new freaks, but not enough of them. Some other freaks may have turned up but I’m not sure if they were freaks or just looking for someone else. Shoulda put signs up or summat. Headed off to the lovely Swan afterwards. Had to pay to get in, the cheek. And it was shite so I left shortly afterwards. Apparently the filthmerchants all went saunaing afterwards, the horror. Up early to let Lloyd in, accidentally fell asleep after that, woken by gas man, my gas is all fine. Then it was the turn of Mr BT man, who tested my line. Fine line. 16db SNR with his equipment plugged in, about 4db with mine plugged in. Eliminated the cabling from the equation and decided the lovely speedtouch DSL modem is at fault. So I’m going shopping at lunch ; ) Might buy a card reader too if I can find one cheap enough. tje offered to lend me his old DSL modem, but I can’t get it running under linux. Bah. Still, I got to visit him and meet him at last, even though it was briefly. Told him he should pop over sometime as he’s like only a bit over a mile away. Back home and more arguing with computers. I think I managed to accidentally fry mogs’ DSL router thing doing a hardware upgrade. Crappy thing. Why allow flash updates over the network if network problems can completely kill your device? Got annoyed so went to bed earlyish. Bah. Was way too tired...

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Wednesday June 21st, 2006 at 7:58am

The rain in Spain London falls mainly on the days I tube to work : D Tired. Frantic evening. Work is interesting. I’m currently performing the role of tester on the extremely dodgy codebase I’m working on. Took me most of yesterday just to get it to run. Home and ready meal in the microwave, planned on settling down with a nice plastic meal and doing more freakcity when the database decided to go bang : S My net connection still being screwed, it took 45 minutes to download the bugger and then another 20 mins to upload again. So I had to shut the site for 2 hours on our busiest day ever. Grr. Bed at 12. Knackered. Not helped in part by having cycled home yesterday in the amazing wind : )

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Tuesday blues

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 at 12:17am

Feeling all collapsible and stuff internally. I shouldn’t do, but I do. Fortunately I can mostly just turn it off and put it in a small internal box until it’s gone away, but it makes me feel a little vulnerable, which isn’t nice. I’ll live though. I just may require hugs for a few days. Work was dull, fixing bugs that I caused. Trying to tag in CVS and then make the tag actually build proved somewhat more interesting than it should have been. I managed slowly to get it to work this morning. I think there are some magic words that must be said before it actually works, but am so far not sure. It seems alternately to build all but one of the projects successfully and fail to compile all but one of the projects successfully. Wah. Wrote a message sending class before work this morning. (Classes in Jscript? Who’d have thought?) which does all the exciting things I need it to for me. Used it to send a message to everyone on freakcity about the third birthday. It checks if a user is logged in and sends them a mail if they’re not, so it is also a very good way to get loads of old people to visit who haven’t in a while. Which led to there being about 30 people online this morning. All at once. And it didn’t explode! Footle encountered a database lock error, I really need to go through all the DB code and change the locks so they’re only used when *absolutely* necessary. This will speed up the site and also prevent errors like that happening. Because that shouldn’t have happened. I think I’m also going to create an error framework that notifies me of errors, but equally also doesn’t just give an error 500 page. I shall do this in the next round of changes I’m making to the site, hopefully in the next couple of weeks. Avatars Blogs Errors Message Manager overhaul Profiles tweaking. Should keep me pretty busy. So I’ll have beta all up and running again and people can test stuff ; ) Chatted to Jonni lots last night, was good. Chatted to Dom a bit, got home with chinese and planned on doing FC but in the end just didn’t have the energy. Am trying to wean myself off the energy supplement things I’ve been taking, I think I understand how to keep my energy levels ok, but it’s a bit tricky. Hopefully I’ll get it right soon. Bidding on a wireless dongle for the small furry boy that lives with me. Will find out in an hour if I get it or not. It’ll be a surprise for him ; ) (well, unless he reads my blog first ; )) So far, 122 people have logged in today. I think that’s pretty darn good considering... plucker’s birthday is the same day as Freakcity’s apparently : )

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Monday June 19th, 2006 at 7:35am

There’s something rather pretty about watching the sun come up from the wrong end of the day. I don’t know if it’s tired eyes making the colours do oddness or what...but it’s nice. I was going to cycle down to Tower Bridge and photograph it properly but in the end I couldn’t be bothered at all. Miles failed completely to turn up on Friday, giving some lameass excuse or another for not coming. So it was left to myself, William, Justin, Dan, TJ, Binky, Mike and a mate of Justin/Dan’s whose name I didn’t catch to have a good time all on our own. Which we did. Filched a load of wooden chairs from inside of CXR and subsequently constructed an 8 seater table out of their 4 seater one, sat outside admiring the view. William hadn’t met Mike before, which was bizarre, as they’ve both been on IRC as long as each other (way longer than most of us have lived...). I went to the loo in CXR and a man was talking about how he hated the place because there were no normal people there. The thing is, he was talking to his own reflection, in the toilet mirror. And sounding somewhat deranged. Talked of the world. Thailand. Small boys. Big boys. Opera. All sorts. Bitched about Retro. Gossipped about people. Was nice. Have decided to audition riverside pubs and then move us to one of them, creating a small pink area on the bank of the Thames. These things need to be done... Went to buy some food from the offy. William facetiously asked if it was going to be pie. Came out with a pork pie, just to prove a point. Although I’m not convinced paying £1.50 for a pork pie was worth it, just to prove a point... Got told to move inside CXR, I got butch and made everyone finish their drinks so we could go somewhere not inside a bar (It was a pretty pretty night. Sky laced with diamonds. Air warm with a hint of cool breeze.) Went and hung about outside the Admirable Dunkan. Everyone discussed their trains and how far they had to travel and the feasibility of buses. As most of us remaining (William’d run off to the BatCave to see Harvey, TJ had run off to work) were all going from Charing Cross or nearby, we all wandered down to embankment together. Bumped into Andrea en route, he’s looking fit and lovely as ever. Said hello. Then bumped into David (spooky, Andrea and David used to live together) who was attempting badly to hail a cab. He decided to walk with us to Charing Cross as he’d probably have more luck there. En route we decided fuck it, we’d go to the swan for kicks. Friday night at the Swan — I’m not sure if we slipped into an alternate reality or what. Picture a bar, only half full on a Friday night, pole dancers and drag queens and more short fat essex women than you can shake a very large stick at. And all their gay friends. All sporting scary multicoloured mullets and orange leathery skin. I’ve had more fun at bingo, and no, I don’t mean the pissed as a c*nt variety... We stopped for a drink. Then the stripper came on and we watched halfheartedly as the essex women en masse looked on with open mouths. Honestly, one’d think they’d never seen a large penis before. Scarpered after about 20 minutes, it was simply far too vile. Went to the sauna instead. Wandered around in the dark. Annoyed people in the jacuzzi by talking about pointless crap and trying to teach David to float whilst they were all trying to cop off. Smiled lots at strange men. Then bumped into Drew and a friend of his too. Got cuddles and gossipped lots. Eventually left at around 6, the sun was gorgeous as it came up over East London. Bed. Up on Saturday at around noon, started sorting out my room and throwing away shit, dusting, sorting out the spaghetti that is my PC and its associated wires, that kinda thing. Went to Tesco at Bow and bought 22.6 kilos of shopping. I know it was 22.6 kilos because it was so incredibly

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Tuesday June 13th, 2006 at 22:48pm

“And the irony is...Al Zaraqui was a huge football fan. And now he’s gone and missed the entire thing...” (after a sketch “translating” a welsh language tv show) “We’re gonna get lots of letters about that one...won’t be able to read any of them, mind...” “I met Kilroy Silk once...and out of him and Anne, it’s no good, I’d have to kill all of them” (To an audience member) “Oh right, yeah, that hotel’s local...I’ve got friends who’ve done coke there...” Marcus Brigstocke - rather cool indeed...

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Woo! Yeah baby!

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 at 11:50am

Cycled to work in half an hour. Yay me ; ) Got in, started work, checked out an entire new project and the power went out at 12pm. Watched fit man get rescued from the lift. Pootled about in the dark for an hour with the rest of the office that hadn’t elected to choose an early lunch and then gave up and went home at 1pm. A most excellent Monday, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately my bike was trapped in the basement as the lifts weren’t moving. Pointed out somewhat incredulously that lack of access without power is a tad naughty, what if there was a fire? “DO NOT USE IN CASE OF FIRE (cept if you’re stuck in the basement)” is certainly not what the lifts have written in them. Home on bus by 2. Chilled out. Made toast, stilton and broccoli soup and failed to do anything useful. Chatted to Dominik a bit, seemed a bit happier at any rate. Chilled out more (which is hard to do when it’s a gazillion degrees centigrade and you have no real aircon). Devised a cunning path through the flat to move air about and keep us cool. Witnessed ChavWars downstairs, as the loud annoying family tried to upset the muslims upstairs. Watched some telleh. TJ was watching LotR so saw some as I cooked spaghetti bolognaise. Doesn’t work quite as well with white wine as red = D Taught TJ how to make crisps using a potato peeler. He only sliced off a tiny bit of finger in the process, we’ll make a culinary master out of him yet. Bed at 12. Dom failed to phone back. I shall spank him when I see him ; ) mtr is visiting on Friday, so must acquire Retro people for him to play with. Up bright and early at 4:30 as it was pissing down and both my huge bedroom windows were open. Woops. Drifted back to sleep (sorta). I love it when it rains after hot weather, but only if there’s a storm involved. As now it’s just hot and wet instead of hot. Bah! [ is traffic converting program was organized in 2003. Always only fresh exploits, best anti AV modules, our loader and all other exe files not detected by ANY antivirus program! You simply add our iframe code to your sites, and we pay you from 80 usd and up to 500 usd per 1000 trojaned computers. Realtime statistics, weekly payouts! Read more on our site.] Fun spam! ^^ Also got mail from Lloyd I miss my internet connection : ’( When I am away from my sister and her super awesome boyfriend THIS HOLIDAY ROCKS! On the way in I read about a ringtone adults cannot hear which amused me somewhat...and more on the mad Dutch person who has built a 1/4 size replica ark which amused me even more ; ) Work late, as I had issues with traffic from the bus. Updated correctly to the right builds and stuff, popped to Tesco for lunch and bumped into Dave, who was looking very sexy. Chatted a bit about pot plants and bikes. Apparently the LGC was powercut yesterday too, and they stayed open and were showing people art supplies with torches...made me snigger ; ) Poor love has really bad hayfever at the moment. Either that or talking to me makes him cry. Who can say? TV filming thing tonight. Should be a laugh. Told TJ to wear his “rentboy” top = D

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+Friday+ was a hot day. Went to Retro for a bit after work but there was no-one there. The attitude in that bar is still shifting round further to “Ku with piercings” — so need to find something new. Am considering converting a wing of a straight bar, much like we did at the Tap all those years ago. Unfortunately, most of my friends are sluts and won’t go to straight places as they require gay eye candy. So I’m buggered. Maybe I’ll set up a tent on Old Compton St and only invite lovely gays. The Pink paper has a thing about “Lovely Gay Day” in it. I’m not sure if it’s this week or last week’s copy, but I rarely read it as it’s a thinly disguised scene advert these days. How I miss the days of angry left wing gay media, such as Capital Gay. And I didn’t even live here then! So...Lovely Gay Day — not gonna happen is it? Gays? Lovely? Naaah. Stood outside Retro on my own as it was far nicer there. So bored that I ended up online for most of it. The height of sadness - checking gaydar whilst stood outside a gay bar. Headed home. Chatted to people online a bit and then went to sleep. Up earlyish on Saturday spent most of the morning alternating between the washing up and doing things to freakcity. Went to Lidl at 9am and bought EIGHT WHOLE POUNDS worth of shopping. Which was enough to entirely fill my huge rucksack. I love being a contradiction, Waitrose one week, Lidl the next. It’s the variety that drives us, the variety that keeps us sane when all else fails. Sometimes I think giving up drinking was the best thing I ever did. Because making myself cope without the alcohol has made my life FAR more varied and fun. Lidl. Yay 2l diet cola for 19p. Came in outstandingly useful the following day. Decided after lunch that I should go play with the canals so hopped on the bike and went for a ride around East London. Took the Limehouse Cut Canal up to the Bow Locks then came down past the Bow Flyover and back on to Regents Canal up to Hackney and then round and back through Limehouse and home. Via Victoria Park, of course, which was shiny and lovely and full of life. I love East London and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Cept possibly Canada. Ref:Oliver is off to Canada to see his Dad at the end of the month. 2 weeks holiday, for him, the holiday of a lifetime. But then again, he’s only about 15 so he’s not been alive very long. And straight after that he’s off to Wales to do some really cool outdoors stuff. Am going to slip Vic £50 for him for Wales as doubtless he’ll have run out of cash by the time he gets back from Canada. Might see if I can lend him a camera too so he can take photos of either Canada or Wales (or both). DV Cam isn’t doing anything at the moment...and I could make do with 1 1gig card less whilst he’s there I spose. Then I could see all the pics he’ll have taken and be a proud godfather ; ) Failed to get any of my pics website done this weekend. Am considering creating a “portfolio finalists” group in flickr and then getting as many people to comment on the pics as possible to see which I use on the site. Am also (hopefully this week) going to add picture comments to the profiles on here, as well as some other stuff to profiles. If I get time. As I have a busy week. This week I have to — meet Dom and make sure he’s ok. And hug him lots. Go see “There’s no F in Script” being filmed tomorrow. Try and find some photography clients. Finish FC. Start and also And get a suntan. My sunburn from last week is almost gone. Although the right arm still looks pretty nasty. It’s more than red, the flesh looks cooked. Possibly might be a good idea for me not to do that ever again...but last weekend was fun ; ) Anyways...I digress... Came back from cycling and did more FC. Watched the odd film or two. Did more FC. The chavettes downstairs were having a party. 3 generations, experts at scraping the bottoms of their r

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Friday June 9th, 2006 at 11:56am

Cycling has its bonuses ;) (clicky)
Cycling has its bonuses ; )
(Small).jpg Cycled to and from work. Still no puncture. Think I’ve just about sorted out the quickest route — takes a little over 30 minutes. So was home by 7 (!!) and got a nice relaxing evening in on account of TJ being out and being a feelthy slut...(threesome indeed!). Chatted to Jonni a bit, which was cool. Invited him to come to “There’s No F In Script” but he’s busy in Spain that day. Lucky git. Although the thing he’s up to isn’t very nice so I spose I’ll let him off. Invited Lickspittle instead. Am considering starting work on FC version 3 soon. It’s going to be a MVC application written in Java, although I’m not sure if I should do XMLC (thus improving my skillz at work too) or something like JSF or Struts. So I shall ponder... XMLC is quite cool, it “compiles” HTML templates into java code and then gives you getters and setters on anything that’s IDd...allowing you to manipulate the entire document using the DOM. This means you have human readable HTML that can be styled and written and used by people with no java knowledge. It also means complete seperation of logic and presentation layers, which is a good thing. The downside is that fuck all people use it, so it’s not really anything I’d get points in commercially. JSF is the next “version” of JSP and is basically the bastard child of JSP and Struts/Tiles (which are themselves the bastard spawn of taglibs). You create a base JSP with all your unchanging elements on it (css, javascript, etc) and then build upon it. Snippets of JSP are then placed on that base page to display the view you want. Or I could go completely random and do the *whole* thing in XML and style it using XSLT — meaning wouldn’t have to be a completely seperate site, it’d just have a different template. This could be combined with themes to give drastically different look and feels to each theme instead of just playing with the CSS. Which may also be fun... Whatever I do, I am going to try and do it on a new shiny server somewhere, running something linuxish and java on top. Spose I should learn about image manipulation in Java, really... Changed my bedclothes, tidied my room somewhat and sorted out my faux aircon unit. Went to sleep in clean sheets with the window wide and a gentle cold breeze all over me. Which was nice. Slept okish... On the down side, the amount of sun I got weekend means I’m badly sunburned and have been all week. And now — joy of joys...I’m peeling. I look like I have psoriasis. It’s vile.

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I have melted

Thursday June 8th, 2006 at 16:38pm

Worked very hard yesterday. Nyet puncture. Zoomed around the world a bit on my bike on the way in, only got a little lost. Work was okish but horribly hot in the office, which is vile. Hot sweaty men usually bring me out in hives, but not these hot sweaty men. I think I have hives on my feet. I think it’s an allergic reaction to something in my 8 billion pairs of M&S socks. I’m going to wash all of them very hotly in something hypoallergenic and see what happens. We happened to be organised enough last night to go to the cinema. UGC at canary wharfish bit by bike. X3. I explained to TJ that all he had to do was turn off the bit of his brain that deals with logic and go “ooh, pretty” at all the things that go bang. Outta there bang on the dot of 10:30 — decided as it was a nice night to bike round some of the riverybits. Was still muggy and icky but there’s something far more impressive about the night than the day and cycling at speed in the black is incredibly fun. Cycled round the Isle a bit, headed home at 11:30ish for food and B5. Food, was tesco finest steak. Was on RFQS and so I bought almost a kilo of it. Of which we had half each. I think it’s the best steak I’ve cooked so far, was gorjus. Had it with fat chips. Chips are bad for me. Had put on weight again when I weighed myself in the morning. Bah.

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Well, that was fun!

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 at 8:55am

Work was dull. Fixing CSS is uninteresting. Ah well, it’ll all be over soon. Went out, as previously mentioned, at lunch. Looked at prices for entirely new wheels, they start at about £40 for a back one...and whilst I can afford it I thought I’d be good. Cycling’s meant to be cheaper than travelling by tube...but this month I’ve spent more on the bike than a travelcard’d have I still have a date to organise an stuff and it’d be nice to keep my options open about it all ; ) So I just got the tape stuff, the slime and the kevlar tyre. Next month I shall buy two new wheels, a new 8 speed back cluster and a new front tyre. Cycling to work is a piece of piss and faster than the bus/tube so I think I’ll be doing it as much as I can from now on ; ) Luckily I have a PAYG Oyster, so if the worst comes to the worst I can still get about easyish without the bike. My problem with Hammersmith was that I’d bought a gold card and they don’t let you suspend it, so I’d already paid for the fricken travel... Home via Argos to buy a new pump with pressure guage that doesn’t work. Yay Argos. Walked to Picadilly Circus via a chicken kebab from Dionysus, got the bus home surrounded by 14yr old Germans who seemed obsessed with saying “spank me like a bitch” over and over in English and giggling about it. And that was just the boys. Got home to find my B5 script volume 7 had arrived. Read the intro and the discussion around how crap “Grey 17 is missing” was. And the practical joke stuff. The Breast Bowl amused me. Decided on gourmet pizza and hotwings for dinner as we both couldn’t be arsed with the real world and/or the kitchen. I might have lied about the gourmet bit. Watched Kosh die again (I was in the mood, having read the script). Slipped slime in my kevlar and added mogs’ rubber, inserted the hose and pumped somewhat. Then went to bed knackered.

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Tuesday June 6th, 2006 at 14:01pm

Have bought... 1x kevlar tyre 1x roll of slime 1x roll of velox I expect NO MORE FRICKEN PUNCTURES! You hear me, bike?

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Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 at 8:21am

work was rubbish, not helped by the fact I was feeling shitty. Left pretty much on time, biked past Ku to see if there was a mogs there, there wasn’t — headed home via shoreditch filthery. Got out to find I had another flat tyre, pumped it up and it held. Home on squidgy tyre and chilled out a bit via chicken pie and chips. Bed early, dreams of someone I lost. Up this morning, the tyre is flat again, am suspecting the wheel rim is rubbing the innertube somewhere, so Imma going shopping for a new wheel and tyre and back cluster thing, then I’ll put it all together tonight. It’ll give me something to do other than listen to mogs and his hangover at any rate ; ) Oh my. There’s an unsecured network on Cannon St...libby just blipped as I went past ; ) Meant to be going to the cinema to see The Omen tonight, but not sure if I can be arsed. Today is an evil day, it being the 6-6-6 — however, that’s only applicable if one iks Christian and I’m not so whatever d00d. Chatted to lickspittle lots yesterday, will drag him out for a drink next week when he’s back from the hinterlands. Also halfheartedly tried to sort out the other libby but was foiled by lack of energy andd motivation. Kept thinking about mailing Chris, but decided against it. If he wants to talk to me, he knows where I am, no point in sending more messages that’ll be ignored... Jams donated me 50p towards freakcity : D Fruitbat deleted himself because of the “advert” on the front page

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Cripes. My bum is sore!

Monday June 5th, 2006 at 10:41am

Been an entertaining few days. Friday mogs was working, I went home and did bugger all cept chat to people online and fiddle with bits of PC a bit. My life is so exciting! Up early on Saturday though as it was gorgeous weather and I can never sleep well. Went to somerfields and biked 5k potatos, 2l coke and 1l rice milk back to the flat — forgotten how easy it is to take heavy loads on my bike. I’d arranged to do photos for Neil at a market near Hackney, so aimed for 12pm. 2.5 miles on the bike, a place called Broadway Market in a really amazingly nice area. The market was very good too, reminded me a bit of the foody bits in Spitalfields, must take Mum there one Saturday. It’s on Regents Canal, which means it should be cyclable from my flat along the canal, although I used the main roads instead as I wasn’t feeling adventurous. Got there bang on the dot of 12, found Neil and went to a pub for some fantastic pub food. Burger made out of lean Brazillian steak in foccacia. Was gorgeous! Wandered about taking photographs of him and everything else around, watched some cricket, chatted to some of the market blokes, got annoyed at the football, that kinda thing. Had decided to do an impromptu trip to Greenwich that afternoon as the weather was so nice. So cycled down by the river through limehouse and Narrow Street. Neil seemed impressed as I don’t think he realised just how big the fabulous bit is. Went through the park, round Canary Wharf and along the curve of the river to Greenwich foot tunnel. Where we discovered they were refurbishing the lifts, dammit. So we had to carry our bikes down the tunnel, under the Thames and up the other side, something I’m not really sure I ever want to do again. My bike may be aluminium but there’s a lot of aluminium. As I walked up the stairs with bike, passed an old black guy casually pissing up the lift shaft. Lovely. There was a french market on in Greenwich, which was a bit naff, but some nice totty. Locked up the bikes and went for a wander around the town and then on up to the Observatory. Had a “pork in the park” hotdog which was uninspiring and took some photos. Headed back down the hill and grabbed our bikes and went to Greenwich Pier. Discovered that they let you take bikes on Thames Clippers, and that there’s a two for one offer at the moment on tickets, so £4.30 for both of us to the Savoy was cool. Had chatted to mogs, decided to go meet him before he got *too* pissed, so went to KuBar to find them all round a table sharing a jug of “Sex on the Beach” and being a touch shallow. Unsurprisingly. Not been to Ku since that time with Chris, just before christmas. Not planning on going back any time soon either. Said goodbye to Neil, TJ decided he was going to come home too as he was bored, I suggested we get a cab with the bike but he wasn’t feeling that adventurous ; ) — so he set off to the tube station and I went to get my bike. Dominik walked past me and didn’t even notice, so I sent him an indignant text and set off. Went back a slightly different route, via Old Street and Shoreditch. Which was far better than my usual route, so I may accidentally do it again some time soon ; ) Texting Dom at traffic lights and stuff, he’d not realised I was there, was out with a mate and invited me out, so I got home, piled on my lippy and set off out again. I beat TJ home by a good 10 minutes too, I rock ; ) Headed back into town, to the Admiral Duncan, to find Dom playing mummy to one of his very drunk mates, a guy called Chris. Who seemed to have pulled some lesbians. Bless ’im. We decided to go to Ku as it’d keep him happy, but it was heaving, thankfully, so I persuaded them to do CXR = D Chris was drunk, kept stating the obvious. Was funny. “You’re nice” as he hugged me. “You’re funny”, etc. “Dom is cute isn’t he?” and stuff. Bless. Dom helped him pull a big muscly man, security guard apparently at a shopping centr

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Friday June 2nd, 2006 at 9:34am

Failed to get a refund on the innertubes. Did however get two new ones in exchange for the burst one and the wrong sized one. Failed to make it to Tigertrap Records Launch (Was still at work at 7, when it started) Failed to go to bed early. Failed to eat healthily. Succeeded in replacing innertube (although that’s really not very hard ; )) Succeeded in talking to Jonni lots. Until 1am. Woops. Succeeded in not getting takeout Succeeded in changing some of FC to make the old “today I am mostly...” thing change daily ok in the scheme of things. Listened to Thom Yorke’s new album yesterday - The Eraser. It’s quite good, will probably grow on me. Got lots of graphical bits sorted for the admin system at work. Changed some of the code to point to the correct DOM (!!) and stuff like that that really should have been sorted centuries ago. Watched lots of B5 Poked my finances with a stick. They wobbled a bit. They’re not dead yet then. Possibly doing Brighton at the weekend, although TJ wants to go out with his scary friends on Sat night so he’ll be getting pissed and I won’t be. So I might go away somewhere else on the spur of the moment... I have to organise a Leeds trip again. I told Deev I’d bring TJ, he said he’d fit the appropriate high pitch noise dampeners. Think I may be getting a cold. Am munting really vile “chewable” vitamin C from Boots. 1 gram every few hours. Watch as my cold fucks off ; ) inserted newLibby disk into oldLibby. Inserted 20gig disk into newLibby. Will clean the keyboard too if I can work out how to remove it. And then I’ll have 2x XP powered libbys with wifi, one with bluetooth and a wireless link to my 384kbps phone modem for travelling with. Which should be immensely good fun. Am considering painting one black with hippy flowers, just coz I can. Am rather impressed with how fast they run. I am, however, also tempted to put Win2k on one of them, as there’s a way of removing IE completely from Win2k, as my investigations have found, which might actually make it go like shit off a shovel...

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Yay! Another puncture!

Thursday June 1st, 2006 at 8:53am

Libby from Tom is now running XP quite nippily. Have installed the bluetooth modem drivers and I’m dialled up from a phone in my pocket and am surfing at a fairly reasonable rate. I wasn’t meant to be, of course, as I’m meant to have been cycling to work, but my brand shiny new innertube burst on me on te way in. Gah! And it’s a cheap Halfords "slime“ clone, so burst is the operative word. Green goo everywhere. Am going to go in and complain lots later. Grr. Because not only that, but my spare one turns out to be a 20” tube in a 26" tube box. Bah. Cycled back quicker than I cycled to work, which was cool. Am meant to have been in work at just after 9 again, so I’ll get told off. As I’m currently stuck in traffic and it’s 10. Didn’t do much last night other than watch some telly and chat to Jonni. Sorted out Cat’s DVD and posted it this morning as well as reposting Dan’s stuff. Am meant to be going to the Tigertrap Records launch tonight, will see what happens...

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