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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Saturday April 30th, 2005 at 7:30am

It’s a bit nippy. But then again - it *is* pissing it down...who’s idea was it to go camping in April anyway? Am sat in the covered bit that they made from tarpaulin and rope, am the only person awake so far. And I’m a bit damp ; ) Escaped from work yesterday in time for me to get to thedude and steve and only be 20 mins late - which I thought was fairly cool. Gorgeous weather which I mostly got to watch from the back seat of the van as we sped out of London at tens of miles per hour...I was a bit hungover as I’d been out Thurs night with Helen and Plucker drinking beer 3.5 hours later we arrived. Just as the sun was going down : ) Nikki was hanging around marshes so we set up next to them and waited for them to return. Lloyd was with them - a relief as he’d travelled on his own on train... It’s disturbing when you fart but don’t care as it’s warm ; ) There’s a map on the laundry wall detailing the layout of AA Camp - Stiffkey - Norfolk. CRE Bedford’s drawing number 5Y 110. Created in March 1954, it lists 181 buildings on the site, ranging from a sewage plant through mess halls, ration stores, generator hut, a 12,000 gallon water tower and even (somewhat disturbingly) a gas chamber! Nikki came back, we said our hellos, met Hannah, who is very cool, and said hello to Lenny, Brian, etc. They’d been bouncing around in bogs and Hannah had managed to land on one and therefore was washing. Lots. And trying to dry her shoes. Had some home brewed wine, sat about and chatted. Made fire, drank beer. Went to bed, borrowed Lloyd for the night as it was freezing ; ) Clever thing left the flynet shut but the main door of the tent open though, so we froze *giggle*

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Thursday April 28th, 2005 at 18:07pm

I was on my way to work when I saw a brand spanking new copy of Heat on the tube. It’s such a pile of vacant dross I thought it might be a giggle and/or have naked pictures of Justin Timberlake in it. I was right on one of those counts...and then a curious thing happened. In amongst all the pointless celebrity gossip and news I saw an advert for free tickets to see Jake Glyenthall(sp?)’s “new film” the Day after Tomorrow at the cinema. Curiously I looke at the front and discovered it was from 11-18th May 2004. *boggle* It looked freshly bought. Pristine condition. And just left on a tube train. Was very very bizarre... Maybe someone’s trying to tell me about global warming ; ) I’m going to use Ajax to drive the Flights engine. Rar! Lots of meetings plus being productive! : D

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Wednesday April 27th, 2005 at 15:40pm

Things not to say to your (female) boss when you arrive in work late. “Sorry I’m late, fucking woman tubedrivers...” Fortunately I know not to say that to my boss. Plus I wasn’t *very* late. And the woman tube driver was probably going slow due to the unbelieavable shiteness of the District line, and not because of some inate ability not to be able to drive. Dan did something naughty and got in trouble so phoned me about it yesterday. Am worried about him coz he sounds really scared, but equally unimpressed with what he did. Mostly this balances out to wanting to give him a big hug - but that’s up to him really. Watched some of Enterprise yesterday...or, more accurately, fell asleep to some enterprise yesterday. Urgh. Been too sleepy. Tho this wasn’t helped by Windypopsing on Monday and drinking much too much. And staying up until 5am chatting to Adam, making the world right and (eventually) watching him throw up in a bucket again. Yay for vodka ; ) So yesterday was spent being very tired, not doing that much @ work, and wanting to be sick lots. Which I managed not to be, so points there. My new guitar arrived on Monday too (yay!) it’s immensely cheap (we’re talking £50ish), electric, comes with spare strings, an amp, strap, case and a plectrum and makes loud farty noises when I play it. It’s lovely! Today got some bits done. Thinking about using Ajax to do some of the flights functionality - it could be really quick using it but not require the overhead of a pure clientside sort (or require all the results on one page ; )) - might see if it’s feasable : D

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Monday April 25th, 2005 at 9:39am

Rah! Saw the new EpIII trailer - Looks outstandingly good : ) Listening to Sting Live in 1991 - forgotten how much fun it was - went to see it for my 18th (ta mum : )) Quiet weekend - too much beer Friday eve (quelle suprise) - want to kill Orange. Meh. Cut me off. Will beat them to death soon. Have my new EasyMobile sim. Tis quite cool : ) Bought a tent yesterday. Watched lots of Enterprise too. Directed by Mike Vejar. Guest starring various ex B5ers and Buffyers.. Marvellous : ) The CGI seems to have got substantially better tho. Was deeply impressed with a couple of them - one of the two parters being far better than Star Trek X : D Acquiring more... Tidied some. Slept bad. Bah. SO much to do today. Urgh. Oh well...

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Wednesday April 20th, 2005 at 17:58pm

Does everything break when you’re trying to do one last thing before going home of an evening?

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I am so funny it hurts.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 at 9:21am

I am going to reverse engineer gaydar and wreak merry havoc with their stylesheet for kicks : D We have a new pope. Well, by “we” I of course mean those silly people who believe in legends and superstition and call themselves “Catholic”. Ratzinger, “god’s rotweiller”, has become Benedict. Someone tell Dirk ; ) He was in Hitler Youth but apparently didn’t inhale or something. It’s all OK though because apparently it was the law back then or your parents would get in trouble. Only his father was a prominent anti-nazi who had to leave Germany because of it...And he was in the German Army and apparently guarded a Jewish death camp...very sure his parents were happy with that. So we’re expected to believe that a man who moved country rather than be silent about the Nazis would let his son join them coz the law said so? Hell no! Good god the press need to learn joined up thinking. just saw a photo of him in 1943. Hottie! Bet he saw some cock action... So we have a Nazi supporting homophobe of 73 as new pope. Suspect things won’t get any better for the poor, guilt ridden catholics then... I feel hungover, but I’ve not had a drink since Saturday. Cock! --begin Orange Rant. Cunting fucking cocksuckers. Phone totally cut off. No warning. *beats them to death* --end. Home at about 8:30 as I worked late. My bank cards had also arrived yesterday morning but had been put through the wrong letterbox. Yay for postoffice(TM). So a nice kind person stuffed them through my door at 9pmish ; ) So I can have money again! Chatted some online last night, but mostly did work for KHRP. Forgot to chat to João (sorry!) about OSX before crawling into bed and snoring. Cock! William’s tonight for cheese and wine - then sleep.

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I can’t think of a title

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 at 9:31am

Almost falling asleep at work is fuuun... Phoned the people in Nice to obtain sample flight data. Have convinced them to make the system server side with front end data sorting if it’s light enough to do client side. Rah! Am really chuffed that I’m getting a say in how our flagship application works at a technical level : D Nearly finished on hotels. Looks sexy : ) Bed at 10pm. And I still feel knackered. Bleh! Oystercard arrivorized today. No more paying for travel : D Just need a bank card now ; )

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Monday April 18th, 2005 at 15:09pm

Long crappy weekend full of me aching and crapping lots. Made a bit better by seeing Dom on Saturday night, he cheered me up and bought my skint arse a drink. Felt like absolute shite all of Friday, fuck all sleep too. Oystercard arrives Weds. Bank cards before Friday. Went to the GORGEOUS area which is Bromley on Saturday to retrieve my passport from the arse of the library (long story involving and a plasma telly). Arrived at Barclays an hour too late to get any money out of them (thanks,, for lying to me) as it shut at 2 and not 3 like we thought. Trundled into town to arrive at Pic Circus just in time for the Barclays that shuts at 4 to have been shut 10 minutes. Went home and bitched online about only having a pound and Dominik dragged me out on the chub crawl. Back home to find Adam pissed on wine. He ordered pizza slurrily, then promptly threw up lots. Then passed out on the toilet floor. An impressive feat, as any of you who have ever visited will know... Pizza arrived, peeled Adam off the floor long enough to pay for it, then he promptly got a bucket and passed out on the sofa. So I got a whole pizza, yay! Stayed up chatting to people waaaay too long - went to bed at about 8am. Did bugger all cept chat and feel dodgy on Sunday too. Dan’s by cab in the evening as he was having some dramas. Fuck all sleep at all. Bleh. Meant to be at his tonight but might just go home as I have KHRP work to do and I’m shattered. Keep falling asleep at work : ( On hold to Orange. They piss me off somewhat ; )

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Sunday April 17th, 2005 at 2:30am

*snigger* (clicky)
(Large).jpg bingowings had a bit too much to drink whilst I was out I suspect. Oops ; ) He looks so sweet when asleep with his head in a bucket

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What is it with LT at the moment?

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 at 9:21am

Hoping I get in for ten. Not holding my breath. Bah. Quite a bit done yesterday - got the tiles to behave and got (through some evil and nasty hacks) my baby tabs to work right. Couple of meetings. Fun. Bought a cheap “feel proud coz you cooked it” thing from Sainsburys. Really basic and too watery. Feh. Got home to discover someone’s nicked the front wheel to my bike. Bastard. Need to tidy. Chatted to a few people online including the lovely cutelad1984 who I scared with some music, and another mate who is thinking about leaving home and moving in with his “sex partner” - thing is, this guy hit him once. Told him it didn’t seem a good idea (I’ve never known a man who hit a lover, said sorry and *didn’t* do it again). Put my new DVD burner in my PC (and accidentally knocked the power lead out of my LiveDrive - should probably fix it really ; )) and copied Carnivàle for gayrath and zaty. Played around on webcam some. Had some beer. Went to bed. Woken at 3:30am by Adam storming into the flat on the phone. Loudly. Am going to have words as this is becoming a twice weekly experience...

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Long Time no speak –

Monday April 11th, 2005 at 13:31pm

We did it! Watched the whole of season 1 and 2 of Carnivàle over Saturday and Sunday. Gorgeousness : ) zaty seemed very impressed. As did lloyd. Wednesday night I ended up going to Heaven with mage and Andy - Bad idea! Very drunk - not much sleep. Sang at Karaoke when pissed as well - “I’m so going to fuck this up coz I’m pissed. Thank the pope’s dead bones none of you know me”. Well, I thought it was funny... Thursday was a hangover day. All day. Feh. James popped back and said hello - he left for Scotland or something on Friday - won’t be back for 2 weeks...failed to manage the list meet at all. Dan phoned Friday and I met up with him after work at the (ick) Quebec for a drink. After meeting Danny to pick up the Carnivàle DVDs that I’d left in his bag at Heaven. Oops. Dan was fine - seemed to have missed me am guessing by the amount of times he said “you’ve missed me, haven’t you?” - bless : ) And yeah, I have missed him. Might see him in the week if I can. Asked me if I still loved him, I replied “I love you as a friend” but I think he just took that as a “yes”. Ah well. Bed after he’d popped over to pick up his stuff. Bit concerned as he’ll be homeless on Tues, but am sure he’ll sort it out - though I’m half expecting to find he’s moved himself in on Tues... Woken up again by a very pissed Adam at 3:30am. Grr. Saturday and up early, cleaning kitchen, licking the carpet, trying to wake Adam up, etc. People arrivorised - zaty, gayrath and lloyd were the core viewers but we also had Ben and Alister as well as Adam (when he eventually woke up),Rick and Rob who came straight from Chicago. Myself and gayrath had decided on Pink Lambrini. So we ended up consuming three bottles. Plus a shitload of voddie. Adam and Ben got wankered within about 10 minutes (for a change) and we spent much time trying to shut them up. They sensibly decided to barbecue chicken from frozen and may since have died as I’ve not heard from them yet... Got through Season 1 by the skin of our teeth, finishing at around 4:17am. Large quantities of my flat had gone to the sauna before then, having mistaken the Carnivaleathon for a barbecue and pissup and generally having annoyed most of the rest of us by not being quiet and watching. Got to sleep at around 5:40am. Cripes. Up at 11:30ish, watching Carnivale by 12. Our dedication was faultless. Sunday was gorgeously gorgeous, I managed to somehow make a superheated barbecue type thing which managed to entirely cremate the outside of chicken whilst not quite cooking the middle bits. Shocking. Didn’t drink on Sunday (probably a good thing) and Lloyd and Gareth both left at around fiveish, leaving only myself and zaty to do the last bits. Finished at 11:50pm or so. Hah! Been chatting to cutelad1984 lots who is quite lovely and can probably play piano better than me. The git. May be going to Brum for sunin’s thing next weekend. James isn’t back for another week too. Gareth is driving to Brum so might suggest we share petrol or something. Or might just go up on Friday evening and get the train, go to XXL Brum and then do Sunin’s on Sat...

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Thursday April 7th, 2005 at 11:47am

"Before the beginning, after the great war between heaven and hell, God created the earth and gave dominion over it to the crafty ape he called man. And to each generation was born a creature of light and a creature of darkness. “And great armies clashed by night in the ancient war between good and evil. There was magic then, nobility, and unimaginable cruelty. And so it was until the day that a false sun exploded over Trinity. And man forever traded away wonder for reason.” - Samson

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Wednesday April 6th, 2005 at 9:18am

Camilla and Charles’ wedding has forced the Grand National to move. I suppose it’s a little unfair to make her run on her wedding day... I have decided to tube_surf into work today as there’s no seats, and I can’t (yet) blog one handed. I expect I shall fall over embarrassingly on my fat arse at some point. (or possibly someone else’s fat arse ; )) Found the excellent Lux Aeterna remix that was used for the Two Towers cinematic trailer. Rah! Shit quality but still pretty : D The Mail today screams “Can we trust the result?” - obviously about our reasonably uncorrupt democracy as opposed to, say, the Iraqi elections which weren’t even almost free or fair. About them it said (and I paraphrase) that it was a great day for Iraqi democracy. So perhaps what we need is for supermarkets to refuse to sell us food if we don’t vote, and they’ll be happy? "Dell recommends Windows XP (because it makes us a shitload in support contracts : D)" * Scott listens to Cassetteboy waffling about heroin Spent most of last night retagging mp3s. Urgh. The fun. List meet tomorrow. Rah!

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You try walking in my shoes

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 at 9:34am

I have to find a hobby. Boredness generally prevails over my life and it’s a tad dull really. I am aware that it’s possible to do more than simply eat food, work, and drink beer, but it’s the volition I need. Coupled with the fact that all my friends ever do is drink I sort of find it insurmountable. Perhaps I should just take up class A drugs and become whatever passes for a sheep in gay culture. In other news, the Pope is still dead. Do you care how many people die to keep you ontime for work at a reasonable price? Or who profits from this? Or is all you care about what comes out of your pocket? We just sleepwalk through every day, yearning for the weekend, accepting without blinking, without thinking - the prison we’ve made of our lives - that it could be another way doesn’t occur to us at all. It’s shocking, but true - out of our 80 years, 40 will be wasted following the orders of others. No wonder there’s so many bitter, broken people out there. Tony and chums - work us hard, Feed us false life through television, replace our friends with actors, watch our every move and control our reality - but god no, don’t ever let us wake up, we might see what’s happening around us and stop you. Sometimes I wish it wasn’t so shit, I really do.

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Bigtalk not smalltalk

Monday April 4th, 2005 at 12:36am

Long and frankly disturbing weekend for reasons I can’t go into. Friday involved beer and vodka and Veuve and Dom Perignon and more beer and watching things which I shouldn’t have and drinking for roughly 36 hours solid and chavs and Gaz and meeting gayrath for the first time and Heaven and hell in the bottom of a bottle and various other things. Now my head is more broken than it was. I’d like to be able to be innocent enough to say “why is the world so unfair?” at this point. But I’m not. I know full well why it’s so unfair. Have a diagram. <= Friday Sunday => Retro => Heaven => Ilford => Swan => Home Sleep is for the weak. Spent last night watching Carnivale again and chatting online. Want to buy swords. Must not buy swords. Bad gayrath. Chatted to someone on MSN who was pretending to be Dan. We suspect it was probably Laura as I phoned Dan up half way through the conversation. Plus whoever it was couldn’t spell at all (even less so than Dan) and was fishing way too much...the comedy

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Friday April 1st, 2005 at 14:55pm

Arsing cunting safari and it’s many pointed handles. It’s fucked up in the head and doesn’t behave nicely when I want it to render HTML using CSS-P. Gah!

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SQL serviette.

Friday April 1st, 2005 at 9:23am

New designs have been signed off for hotels, so more fucking around with CSS-P and the like : D SQL server has been less fun - but I think I got it sorted this morning. Rah! Will connect it all up at lunch and see if it works. Wibble. Out for drinks with winj last night - the construction company want 20k damages for the crane protest *snigger* - even though the people there carried on working throughout the protest. Upstairs in the John Snow is funky.

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