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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

My last forum post was viewed 47 times

Wednesday March 30th, 2005 at 11:08am

arteh (clicky)
Cripses. *faint* So rundown. Barbecue, drunkenness, sex, barbecue, vodka, waffles, barbecue, river trip, pubs, clubs, sex shops and getting high on James’ hairspray Oh yes, I’ve had a fun few days. I think I had a chat with my mother half way through it too, but I might not have been sober. I went to trash palace (shit) and I went to PurpleE3 (shit) and I went on a river trip from Greenwich to Embankment (outstanding, if only for the fact that we ran a duck over and it DIED). Went to harmony where everything was a tiny bit more than I wanted to pay for it. Barbecue was entertain0rizing. Showed everyone (some of) the photies I did of James (anandamide’s flatmate) on Friday. We were up chatting until about 4am Friday morning and he was bored and so he decided to come over coz he wanted some new pics...he arrived at about 5:30, we went to bed (*ahem*). Got up and went restauranting with ref:Adam. Talking about vomit sex in polite company is apparently welcomed there as we were given complimentary Amaretto “from the lady”. Aww. Realised I now have an entire phonebook page of Jameses and considered categorising them into those I’ve slept with and those I haven’t, but then realised I’d only slept with two of them and I don’t speak to one of those two any more, so that’d still be crap. I guess there’s just been a run on gay Jameses in the last few years...might start numbering them... James (number 12 from now on) had brought props. So we took willypix down by the canal and I did strange things with a cigar and my fisheye lens. Barbecue was fun. James got back Monday morningish, we had spent £150 on various alcohol and meats for the barbie. Much drinking and eating. Many freaks were there including zaty, hillbilly, bingowings, zzzp, sexylushcrazycool, mogwai, mattnottm, teleute, huggie, robl and probably some other people I’ve forgotten. Rah!

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