
Words of the Day for July 2024

People leave us lovely words in the amusingly named dick, along with short, factual and concise definitions. No really. Here's this month's words so far...

Saturday July 27th, 2024

That dangly thing between your boyfriend’s legs : )

Added by baboonish

Friday July 26th, 2024

Something lameass geeks say to each other to profess their admiration for a lameass geeky thing.

Added by scott

Thursday July 25th, 2024

You know, I actually have no ide

Wednesday July 24th, 2024

Mmmm hairy.

Added by MySound

Tuesday July 23rd, 2024

Place to keep all the men you fancy, in preparation for you taking over the world with them.

Added by laurs_bobbins

Monday July 22nd, 2024

pointing the camera at something, pressing the button and praying that it looks ok!!

Added by baboonish

Sunday July 21st, 2024

Delicious with butter and a cup of tea.

Added by flux

Saturday July 20th, 2024

Donnie Darko
Really interesting film, and made all the better coz I had to explain what happens to a 3rd year Media student who had seen it 3 times before!

Added by laurs_bobbins

Friday July 19th, 2024

an fleshy receptical for lubricants.

Added by almagill

Thursday July 18th, 2024

A rust bucket that should have never left the production line, some alas, still on the road.

Added by taxidriver

Wednesday July 17th, 2024

"The Real Fresh Food People"

Added by rangitoto

Tuesday July 16th, 2024

Ninjas are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.


1. Ninjas are mammals.

2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.

3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Added by Swinkle

Monday July 15th, 2024

Orange Juice. The drink of the gods (or something. I blame Lloyd)

Added by scott

Sunday July 14th, 2024

makes a BLT sandwich a BLAT

Added by rangitoto

Saturday July 13th, 2024

Goody Drawer
Where Jade’s ashes are kept

Added by Thirtyt

Friday July 12th, 2024

The Secret Language of Gays.

Basically, coz it was punishable by death, gay people developed their own pseudolanguage early last century. Fascinating stuff meaning they could get away with talking about boys in bars and no-one would be any the wiser. It’s where the word “naff” came from, which actually stands for “Not available for fucking”, ie hetero ; )

"How bona to vada your eek!"

Added by scott

Thursday July 11th, 2024

A big hairy cuddly word I just made up

Added by scott

Wednesday July 10th, 2024

Quite fun actually. Bit squashed though.

Added by moogal

Tuesday July 9th, 2024

fantastic place where pure cheese is played..

Added by sunin

Monday July 8th, 2024

Near the Gower. Now there’s lovely!

Added by taxidriver

Sunday July 7th, 2024

Alien babies
Babies, from aliens... they tend to pop out of your chest and make cute squealing noises until you fall on the floor like a dead thing.

Added by kee

Saturday July 6th, 2024

Annoying musical instrument composed of four cows lungs sewn together with tapeworms and blown into at high-velocity by Scottish people

Added by dolphinstar

Friday July 5th, 2024

A way to describe something normally incomprehensibly and reprehensibly vulgar and disgusting, that actually is quite ok, like said coffee.......difficult to make correctly, smells like burnt toast or fags in its raw state and usually follows after consumption with stomach cramps and sickness.

Added by dolphinstar

Thursday July 4th, 2024

The arse-end of civilisation. I searched for about half-an-hour to find a decent link. I couldn’t find one. Just search on Google or said’ll see what I mean

Added by dolphinstar

Wednesday July 3rd, 2024

Computer Games
They also Cost you a fortune in Hardware Upgrades [PC] for playing the New games that are always comeing out that Demand Better Hardware

Added by hitechguy18

Tuesday July 2nd, 2024

Something that big corporates’ IT departments lack muchly.

Hosting providers often aren’t much better, either.

I want an actual great sword Cluebringer .

Added by Owen

Monday July 1st, 2024

Has The X-Factor on it though.

Added by MySound