Scott’s blog
Musings on a world I am no longer sure about
Shrove Tuesday
On this day in history, Jesus wandered into some kind of wilderness to stare at rocks in the hope of enlightenment. But then he got sidetracked by some hens and a cow and invented pancakes.
Plodding along in Berlin, going a bit stir crazy as all I seem to do these days is work and sleep. Thinking I might pop back to the UK soon for a visit.
Is quite beautiful out here in Berlin right now — very cold, there’s snow on the ground and has been for some time. I’ve been popping out early to take some photos, they can be seen on my flickr.
One of the things work let me get involved in is an effort by a bunch of people to document the web and how it works. So I popped down to Supermarkt in Berlin last week for the first Berlin www.webplatform.org doc sprint. Really nice bunch of guys and girls, am thinking that I might see if I can help out more. The idea is that instead of googling all over the place, you can just head here and find up to the minute documentation on any aspect of the web platform. I spent a bit of time documenting CSS animations.
Hoping to start proper German lessons in a month or so. We found a course just down the road that allows you to do 20 hours a week part time in the evenings. It might knacker me a bit, but I think it’s likely the only way I’m going to get around to doing it properly.
This month marks my 6th year at AKQA. That’s a looong time for me. I usually get bored after a year and move on to a different challenge. I think one of the great things about working here is that when I DO get bored, I can just move to a different project.
So yeah, that’s a small update on my life right now. Perhaps I should do something interesting and then I’d have words to write about?
So I’ve heard tale of a hill, a hill in Kreuzberg. The hill in Kreuzberg to be more specific. I’m gonna go find it and go up it. And it’s going to be dark and cold but hopefully it will show me something of Berlin I’m missing. Or I may uncover something different. We shall see.