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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Thursday August 17th, 2006 at 12:29am

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Something wicked this way comes

Thursday August 17th, 2006 at 12:27am

Currently listening to Jeff Buckley. Arr. Phone failed to turn up at work yesterday, spoke to a lovely incomprehensible Indian woman from three who somehow managed to pronounce enough of the consignment number correctly for me to be able to phone Parceline myself to find out what’d happened. Turns out they’d incorrectly addressed it to me, at the building my office is in, as opposed to me, at the company I work for, in the building I work in. Which incidentally looks like it’s about to get Channel 5 moving in upstairs : D So arranged to pick the phone up from their depot after work, an easy ride up to Kings Cross then back down through angel, shoreditch and home. Or so I thought ; ) Didn’t count on two things. Pentonvile Road has a large bastard hill. Very large. Very bastard. And my bike chose that moment to die. I think I’m in love with Jeff Buckley. Does that make me a necrophiliac? So, left work having printed directions from the RAC website coupled with a streetmap showing where I was going to (and the consignment number and address and stuff). Followed the RAC directions until I got to Tottenham Court road where they went hideously wrong and so I decided that street signs were the way forward. Fortunately this meant I was travelling slowly when my front tyre decided to fall off my bike, get jammed in my front brake and then cause my bike to judder to a halt. Had this have been a normal day and I’d been on my way home this would have been nasty as I’d have been travelling at speed. Urgh. So, sorta a mixed blessing that my phone wasn’t delivered correctly. Tires have a metal chord running round the inside where they meet the wheel, inside the rubber. It stops the tyre stretching and falling off. Mine had snapped on one side, so the slightest bump pushing the innertube makes it pop the tyre off the hub. I slowly limped as far as the office to pick up my phone, then slowly limped back towards Kings Cross. Vile icky area...cycling round N1, scared to go too fast. Up the huge vast and horrible Pentonvile Rise, through Angel and then down into Shoreditch and familiar territory...not doing more than 10 miles an hour for most of it. My poor freakbag way way way overfilled with mobile phones, rice milk, bike locks, waterproofs, etc. Bah. Tyre finally gave up completely somewhere near my old flat, so I locked the thing up, bought some food, sat down, then walked it the rest of the way home. Used the last of my savings (bah) to buy leccy, although I’ll hopefully put some of it back in again when TJ pays me rent on Sunday. Watched the last half of the last Angel then watched from “Tough Love” to the end of Buffy S5. Kinda cool. Haven’t watched any in aaages. Too pissed off with general stuff to go near any computers so simply went to bed afterwards. Got up and TJ reminded me that I hadn’t thrown away my old tyre, so I hastily repaired the bike before work (it was either that or the bus again) and pedalled in. Today will be long. Bah. Doing UAT tomorrow morning on the whole look and feel business, hoping not too much is raised by then.

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