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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Welcome, watchers of illusion...

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 at 9:21am

Here comes the rain again... (clicky)
Here comes the rain again...
(Small).jpg My plans for world domination through winning the lottery have so far proved fruitless. Really need to think up a different way to take over the world and make you all bow down to me. In other news, I had (you guessed it) a long day at work yesterday, finishing at somewhere near 9:30. Urg. I am considering making an “are you a freak?” online quiz to publicise the site with questions ranging from Peter Tatchell’s window dressing to Leela and the Sevateem. Could be a giggle, Am also thinking about visiting mum and nicking all my old classic Doctor Who books and other bits and pieces that I think she still has. Just wish I’d have kept all my old transformers and Star Wars stuff. Bah. It’s raining again but I feel bouyant. That two-days-before-payday-and-I’m-not-overdrawn feeling that will undoubtedly be shattered by my bank balance tomorrow. TJ is working tonight so I get the flat to myself. I may try and leave work early and just chill at home. Or I might go out a wandering round Soho if it’s not pissing it down. Which it will be, of course. Last night I ate at Mr Wu and watched the world go past. Felt knackered after work, but like I’d accomplished something. The demo will happen this morning and then I’ll have lots and lots of redesigning to do. Plus it doesn’t work well in the POS that is IE either. But no matter, by the end of today it will... Chatted to Owen on the bus home. We’re off to see X3 tomorrow, Leicester Sq, opening night, etc. Hoping it’s as good as it could be, but suspecting it won’t be. Lenshaw has never been as ambiguous as he should have been. But we get to see one of Joss’s characters brought to life (although he won’t have written her) and Kelsey Grammar being blue, which could be entertaining. Hoping to get Owen’s PC to my place so I can take it all apart and make it work again. Means I get Manny back too. Am also considering getting a new PSU cooler for Pixel so I can get some peace and quiet. And perhaps a new PSU that’s a bit less powerful so I don’t eat all of the power ever when I leave it on. That said, now I’ve got it set up with most of what I need, I’m grooving with Fedora. It boots so much faster than XP that I can’t really complain about having to start and stop the PC all the time to save power. All I need now is either VS98 running under wine or a free IDE that can open stuff directly from a FPE website, and then I can use it for web development too. Oh, and Gaydar’s chat thing working right under linux. Grr, Might see if there’s blackdown packages for FC5. It’s stopped raining. Got mail from Jonni, still looking forward to meeting him. Must reacquire Jam so I can show him what some of the lovely Green Wing people were up to before Green Wing. Decided that sleep patterns are dictated in part by foods. Eat fatty foods or eat too much and you become sleepy. Eat protein and don’t eat too much and you don’t. Think this is part of my problem at the moment. Sleep too much and put on weight. I’m feeling things more, since stopping drinking. It makes me impatient with the human dance, causes me to be short with people who aren’t actually paying attention to their lives. So much death and suffering is avoidable, so many people hurt, it seems inconceivable that those priveliged few in our country cause more death and suffering for themselves, just to feel alive. You are a product of your choices. A person who says he/she has no choice is lying. A person who says he/she has no choice is generally trying to console themselves about a choice they already made. Take responsibility. It’s raining again. Lots. The Omen is playing in cinemas on 6/6/06 — anyone want to come?

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