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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 at 7:12am

The weekend flew by. Literally. Mostly because I did fuck all. Friday night was fun though. Rocky Horror with Owen and Mogs. Met Owen after work at Retro, he was already in drag and terrifying the audience (well, the upper bar at any rate). Had a drink then headed down. Owen chose to get changed out of jeans and into stilettos somewhere near the cinema in Leicester Sq, prompting a nice man to ask very loudly and almost incomprehensibly “are you gay?” as Owen smoothed his stockings. Unsurprisingly, Owen replied “yes” and the nice man shouted something inconsequential and staggered off into a group of rubber clad servant girls. Lots of people there. The goody bag was wholly disappointing, no rice, no waterpistol, no cards, no toast. Just some “slut/arsehole” cards which doubled up as “Rocky/Dr Scott” cards as there was a rock with an “e” after and a scotty dog on their respective backs. And a party popper. And instructions on how to use a party popper without killing anyone. However, the atmosphere was wonderful and the host was entertaining. Was a fun evening. Left at just gone 10, wandered back to Retro via some policemen that Owen decided to flash. Pulled him off as we didn’t fancy getting arrested ; ) Back to Retro and Owen scared the rest of the upstairs bar. Took some photos and then I headed home as I was knackered. Saturday I decided to get XP onto the ickle libby Tom sold me. It rained lots. Was meant to be going to Jules’s barbecue but didn’t have the money to get there. Or know where it is for that matter. So stayed at home, watched telly and fiddled with librettos all day. Miles wanted a picnic on Sunday so we headed out to St James’ park in the rain. Met up with scareglow and zaty. Took silly pictures in the rain. Decamped to a pub and used a libby to find the nearest wetherspoons (Miles is a student : S. Gave Richard’s boything Si directions to the pub, which proved entertaining. As soon as he’d arrived (he walked from Victoria) we left and walked to Victoria, much to his chagrin. Said goodbye to zaty at Victoria and entered the Wetherspoons. Wetherspoons it seems are VERY FUCKING SCARY. I had a mixed grill. A mixture of anonymous meats that had been left under a heating lamp for a day. Miles had a burger that looked like it was made from sole. How anyone can make pork taste of air is beyond me. And apparently part of the mixed grill was rump steak. Although I couldn’t identify which part. The clientele was a source of much amusement. There was a blonde girl there in a hot pink furry catsuit. And more chavs than you could shake a stick at. Headed to Halfway for a brief nosey about and then came home and watched telly and ate chinese takeout from Wings Buffet that I’d grabbed on the way. Still not getting any slimmer ; ) Yesterday was a horribly full day of work. Discovered I’d made a booboo and that that is why some of my CSS wasn’t working, so spent the day fixing that and some other bits and generally cleaning up the code some. Left at just gone 7 and came home via HMV (what? It was raining!) and the “The Nightmare On Elm Street” 7 DVD box set ( : D : D : D ). Ate chicken and watched A Nightmare On Elm Street. I’d forgotten that Johnny Depp Chicken was in it (his first film). Some of the visual effects still looked impressive even today. And it was reasonably remastered : ) Still trying to remove the trojan in the libby. And the “h” key doesn’t work too good. Bah. Going to upgrade the other one to XP though, as bizarrely it seems to work faster than 2k. And bearing in mind these are P266 chips with 64meg ram that’s quite scary...

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