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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Rainy days make good playgrounds

Friday May 19th, 2006 at 8:22am

Sat on a bus connected to the interweb via libby and gprs. Oh the horror. I get some amazing looks when doing this : ) Someone behind me isn’t happy. We’re changing driver and they’re apparently to him gossiping downstairs even though they’re not and the other driver is long gone. It’s just we’re in England, see? There’s someone gossiping downstairs, it *can’t* be the public. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups, as a very wise film once said to me. “Just change the fucking driver...” Worked until 8ish. Got the indenting all working correctly, yay me. Last day on the project (again) today. Hur. Left work to meet TJ at GAY bar. The horror. The absolute fucking horror. Filthy floors and dirty upholstery masked by bright video walls and enough chicken to fill a shit britporn library. We bumped into Kieran too, being camp, Irish and lovely. I was literally there for 10 minutes, all I could stomach. Wandered slowly down to the Embankment, deep in thought. Bumped into James coming the other way, chatted a bit, he was telling me he’s sent some pics off to Cazzo as he really wants to be in porn. Fabulous. He was just off to do some bits as he is playing somewhere dull today and wanted an early night. Got the bus and headed home. Chatted to Nick a bit (who still hasn’t fucking joined. Grr.) and texted James to invite him to XXL next weekend — also suggested I could *ahem* help him get used to being filmed...smirk. Both suggestions he found interesting ; ) TJ rolled in and demanded pizza so we got pizza. I’m so not losing any weight this week either. Bah. Watched some of Season 1 of Green Room. Seems quite good fun, if a little predictable : ) I think part of it is seeing two of the Jam regulars playing major characters — I just want something brilliant out of them and only get mediocrity. I miss Jam. Come back, Chris (Morris, tho I suppose either’d do as the other Chris has my Jam DVD. Bah), we want more Jam, give up on Nathan Barley, it was shit. Bed earlyish, feeling fat. Via Freakcity forums — a couple of freaks have decided to make here more like thingbox and so started an argument. Who needs Smess, any old insult’ll do ; ) Today. Lots of work. Will mail Jonni (who is off filming stuff) and tell him Green wing amused. Will finish work onfuckingtime. Will meet Owen and TJ (and anyone else who wants to) for Rocky Horror after work. Yay. This weekend is Jules’ barbecue, Miles’ picnic and I’m also meant to be doing Neil’s pics. If I do I shall also try and get my bike fixed. And it will be sunny : D

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