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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

My palm lies!

Thursday May 18th, 2006 at 9:49am

Apparently it’s 23:18. Cor. Can I go back to bed? Oh, apparently it’s 23:18 on Jan 7th, 2002. Hur. Wonder why my time’s not synching... Shite day at work. Too much to do, zero project management. By “too much to do” I mean someone else has too much to do, I don’t, but I’ll end up having to stay late anyway as I’ll have to pretty up his stuff. Sucks. Lunch at Mr Wu, surrounded by American tourists. I’m so not getting slimmer this week. Going to try and buy Rocky ticks today from PCC so we’re guaranteed places. Left work at 7:30 and headed to Retro to meet Lloyd and Miles — not seen him in about a year — he’s lost weight - suits him. He’s also broken his hand and had to have bones pinned in 3 places. Says he’s a bear with a broken paw. Aww. Sat in Retro being silly. Miles sulked because Owen (I’m watching the football) and Danny (strop) weren’t there. Adam turned up and Darren was there and got talked to. Smess tended bar. With a really naff piercing. Ah well, I’m sure his clique love it. TJ also appeared. Had a couple of drinks, then decided to wander down to some other bars. Adam wussed out because it was raining. Hit CXR, where TJ was IDd, much to our amusement. OtherLloyd popped in to say hello. Blue was there but didn’t really get a chance to say hello... Miles bled a bit. Was a little worrying as he was in pain, but he said he was ok. He can feel it all move around inside, pulling at his skin, apparently. I thought it looked cute and that he should get puppy paws. Am I sick in the head? Stayed there for a couple of drinks then headed to Old Compton St for other bars. Arranged a picnic on Sunday in a park (Green? St James’? Watch the events), went to Nero for coffee. And chocolate. Mmm. Much to TJs disgust, as they don’t sell beer and you can’t smoke in there. Departed at 11, said goodbye to Miles, went home on 25+15. Lloyd was going to the Bleak Hearse and TJ decided to follow him so I was the only one changing at Aldgate. All on my own. Sniffle. Home at 12:30ish. Checked messages and then bed. Woken at 4:30 by TJ drunk on the balcony having a fag. GRR. In work. Everything’s broken. Firstly the interweb broke, then the build. So twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Dan to fix things so I can do some work. Doing nothing tonight, ROCKY HORROR tomorrow. Hopefully doing Neil’s pics on Saturday (and zzzp’s barbecue) and then a picnic on Sunday. Must make it shine. Toodles...

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