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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday May 15th, 2006 at 16:18pm

+Sunday+ was spent mostly fiddling with linux and fixing a few small bugs in the site. Had planned on revamping but failed to do anything useful as I was still immensely tired. No idea why. Washed up some though. Don’t know why I’ve been so tired of late, although it could just be way too much work. It’s really hard switching off when you don’t get home until 10pm. Bleh. I am determined I’m gonna leave on time tonight though. 2.6 hours remain. Yay. The lifts work again. But they left the light on in the lift shaft, which was kinda cool as it meant you could see between lift and door and look down 5 storeys of shaft. It’s very high up. Decided as we’d been in all weekend that we should go out, at least for a little bit, so dragged TJ to Somerfields. He idly said “yeah, and we should probably get some power too” — as he’d failed to get any and I’d had no idea. We arrived at 15:59, too late to get in (Damn Sunday licensing law bollocks, I want 24 hour shops). So decided to do Tesco at Canary Wharf as it’s open until 6pm Sundays. Wandered to the DLR to discover that actually it was shut that weekend, no trains between Stratford and Canary Wharf. So thought “fuck it” and we walked to Canary Wharf instead (it’s not very far from All Saints to C Wharf, we’re just very very lazy...). Got there and decided to do Waitrose instead as we were feeling silly. Commented that TJ should make a “rates card” and give it to random blokes in the store as he kept getting eyed up by the scary old fruitcases. As you walk along the mall to Waitrose, you notice that the people you pass get gayer and gayer and the shop assistants get whiter and whiter. It’s all very very strange. We shopped a bit in Waitrose (they do ricemilk 2p cheaper than Tesco! The horror!), bought baby veg and some random stuff. Undressed the rest of the merchandise with our eyes. TJ decided that it wasn’t actually a supermarket at all, but really a gay amusement park. I tend to agree. Finished the shopping and wandered home via Poplar park. Was briefly amused (hey, I’m simple : P) by the sign for the changing rooms, as I’d walked around the corner, all I’d seen was “Hanging Rooms”. See flickr for more details. Headed home, watched some Carnivàle whilst cooking dinner. Made gravy out of a veggie stock cube, some herbs and stuff. Value pork chops, potatos, baby veg. Was all yummy. Went to bed at 9pm and slept until 6am. Feel much better for it. Played with freakcity a bit. Made it so it gives you a random theme on the login page. Changed the text too so it’s way more pretentious...but shh, no-one’s noticed yet ; )

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The blog

Monday May 15th, 2006 at 8:17am

lights were on but nobody home... (clicky)
lights were on but nobody home...
Lots done at work on Friday - the last of the nice days. Popped into Retro for a bit to say hello but (predictably) wasn’t in the mood so headed off after a bit. Had previously attempted to drag Mr Lickspittle to London with the promise of guiness but he apparently doesn’t do Fridays so I had no such luck. TJ failed to work as he was feeling “ill”. Heh. The lift was immensely broken when I got back. That’s the arse of being on the 5th floor, lift breakage. The lights were on but nobody was I had to walk up 5 flights of stairs. Bah. Had planned on going out and doing Swan then Sauna but once I got in I just couldn’t be bothered. Fucked around with OpenGL and Xgl instead. Then bed. Saturday I also did bugger all except play with the computer. Didn’t do the picnic as I was asleep. Caught up on Doctor Who though and bought pizza too. Chatted to some nice friendly fluffy people. Didn’t leave the flat as the lift remained broken all day. Woops. Bed at 4ish because I was still so very very tired. Sunny when I went to bed, torrential downpour when I woke up. Oops. I had told the picnic people it’d rain... Up at 8, fiddled with things, downloaded Doctor Who, took a photo of the rain (yay!) and processed it with the gimp and uploaded it on linux (double yay!) then bed a5 5:30. Cripes. More later as I’m about to get off the bus...

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