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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

For today is Friday and we rejoice

Friday May 12th, 2006 at 11:50am

I need some time off. Urgently. Finished work after 9 (again) and was knackered. Rolled home. Bleh. Had to get the tube as the bus was fucked yesterday. Waited 45 minutes for a 15 and none appeared. Worked like buggery. As previously mentioned, escaped work at 9, went home. To a very drunken TJ (I’m on my third bottle today) and chinese takeaway. I was right about him failing to work. Heh. Put on “From Hell” as TJ hasn’t seen it before. Not entirely convinced he’ll remember it either. Will ask him when he (eventually) wakes up. Hopefully with the mother of all hangovers ; ) Bed at a sensible time (as I almost fell asleep part way through the film). Bright today. Doubt it’ll manage to last for the picnic tomorrow but hey, who knows. Not even sure if I’ll make it yet, Neil wants pics and I need money so I should be doing him tomorrow at some point. If it works out then I’m going to try and get my bike fixed as well, then at least I can cycle to work next week, thus avoiding traffic queues. On this day in 1994, Labour leader John Smith died of a heart attack. 12 years ago. 12 years and I remember it like yesterday. And I don’t even support Labour, never have. Weird. 12 years of Blairism. Enough is enough. My Anger is like a soul that gets things accomplished! tshirt arrived today. The woman in Tesco said “Can I read your tshirt?”, I turned and she walked off, making the laugh of one-who-doesn’t-get-it, with a strange expression on her face. Munching salad. Pretty day, some pretty people out in Covent Garden. The quartet were there again (I think they’re the same people, never sure). Much lovely music. Popped into the G4 store. There were a few things I liked the look of in the window (PLUS ROBOT HAMSTERS!!!11) but ALL the cool stuff wasn’t actually out on display for purchase. How fucking weird is that? Going to do the Outside of Retro for a bit tonight I think. No plans this weekend other than possible picnic and possible NeilPhotoage, so I think I’m just gonna chill. And tidy my room. Although I mean actually tidy my room, not tidy my room ; )

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