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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Wdlcome to my world.

Thursday May 11th, 2006 at 14:01pm

Chris is strange. I can have a surreal conversation with him offering pegs but ask if he’s ok and silence. Spose he is elusive... Sleepy. Yesterday was horrible. IE is rubbish and was misbehaving all day. using cloneNode you’re meant to be able to grab a copy of a part of the DOM. Using appendChild you’re meant to be able to insert an item into a node. Using both works fine in IE when the child has nothing complex in it but fails if it’s a bit tricky. Works fine in Firefox, of course. Fuckety tuckety grr. Spent about 3 hours trying to make it work ok. And nothing. Wah! Tuesday evening I went to Owen’s after finishing work at about 8 — via the clap clinic as I need a blood test to see if my Hep B vaccination has held. They couldn’t find my patient notes so I told them I’d find my card and bring it next week. Sorted. How to get out of having blood taken, by Scott van Looy, aged 31Y Got to Ilford at about 9fucking30 (I originally wanted to have left Owen’s by 10. Grr). Disabled the nvidia hardware acceleration and watched as magically Owen’s PC didn’t crash. (I’m sure we’ve tried that, you must come over : P). Have since given him instructions on how to make sure his slot is clean (ooer) so he can try and make the hardware acceleration stuff work again... Left there at 11:30ish, got some pretty pics. No pegs though. Home at 1am. Urg. So I finished work at 8:45 on Wednesday and popped to Retro to see people. Gave Owen a hug and chatted to some of the rest. Sam was out, Owen (and most of the rest of the table) were dribbling lots. Bless ’em. Chatted a bit then headed off as I really wasn’t in a pub mood. People still seem shocked by this, even though I’ve not drunk alcohol or smoked in almost 3 months and can’t really see the point in going places where all people do is both (and try to converse over overloud shite music). 3 months. Cor. I should give myself a medal. Tho I spose Mumsie did make me drink a glass of poo when camping, but that was only one glass. Doesn’t count. Feel shattered, but alive. It’s good. Am powered by coffee and have an excuse for being shattered. TJ worked Tuesday night, so was out as well last night. Paid his rent and a chunk of leccy, although neither of us have been near anywhere that sells leccy yet to buy any. Enquired of the letting agency today if I could possibly get a normal non-key meter fitted if they’ll let me, as I really really hate PAYG leccy meters. TJ was outrageously drunk and meant to be working today. TJ won’t have worked today. Hopeless boy. I left Retro at 9:30ish and spur of the moment decided to do Chariots. Stayed there until about 1am and then headed home. Bed at somewhere (just) before 3. Urgh ; )

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