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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday May 9th, 2006 at 9:28am

OH GOD! NOT AGAIN! (clicky)
Work was shite. As per usual. Too much to do and no-one doing anything in the right order means people who shouldn’t be waiting on me are waiting on me before they write functionality — which is silly as it’s easier for me to do my bit if their bit’s all written and stuff. Horribly behind schedule. Arg. Woo. Fit boy on bus! : D So shitloads to do today. Bleh. Chatted to Mr Lickspittle on and off through the day, going to meet up later this week for a beer as lunch was terribly agreeable for us both. Chatted to Tom a bit, his band are playing June 1st, so I’m going to try and actually turn up this time. Hopefully with some freaks. Anyone like strange punks? One of the bands playing describe their sound as “like hundreds of angry wasps in a jar”. Class ; ) Offered Chris pegs, he asked if they were shiny, possibly the longest conversation we’ve had in months. I miss silly conversations with him. Wonder what he’s up to on here an my green eyed monster... Bought lasagne at Tesco, nuked it at work, ate it whilst wearing a sky blue tshirt and didn’t get any down me. Go me. Chatted to Sam briefly before heading home. Asked him when he wanted to come over to do pics, settled on “now”. Left the office at 6:45 and was frowned on. Grr, Sam wanted pics for his profile and possibly just for a laugh, well, he seemed to enjoy himself. TJ certainly enjoyed playing the part of fluffer, though looked a little disturbed when Sam mentioned pissfucking. Snigger. Sam is mid 20s and amazingly fit. We went down t’ canal (there’s lovely graf there) for the urban look. Watched two kids throwing a bike into the canal. Briefly considered trying to rescue it and cannibalise it for parts, mine could use some wheels. Decided against it as the canal is pretty vile really. TJ claimed to have seen a big fish swimming in it the other day but I don’t think anyone believed him. Briefly considered between us what we’d have to do to make the canal a cruising ground. Smirk. Discovered I’d left my microdrive at home, so I had a big butch camera and no way to take photos with it. Yay me! Took a few pics with the lil casio but light was leaving us, so headed home. Passed a gorgeous old run down warehouse. Desperately want to live in a place like that. Keeping the outside looking shite but making the inside amazing. Would be so cool. Back to the flat, Drew had woken up — he was recovering from Orange on Sunday night, much beer and more than a few class As. The lush. And he was moving out. I told him that getting trashed the night before moving wasn’t the wisest of ideas and he agreed. As Drew and Stone were strewn all over the livingroom we decided to use TJs room. Which was cool as I got to use his Mathmos projector to add a bit of colour to it all. Took loads of pics of Sam, got to experiment quite a bit too. TJ got to be fluffer as well, on Sam’s demand. Which was a little disturbing but hey. Experiment city. I’ve never been up a ladder with a camera taking photos of cock before ; ) Sam headed off at about 11:30 and I flickrd and then headed to bed via sausage sandwiches as the chinese was closed. No clue what’s up with my appetite at the moment, I seem constantly hungry. Have put on weight again too. Bah : ( Also no clue what’s up with the traffic either. Been sat on Commercial Road for fucking ever. I was hoping to be at work for 9:30 but am doubting that’ll happen now considering it’s 9:22. Bah. Sign ahead says emergency gas works for three fucking weeks. Gah. I’m going to have to get the bus at 8 or something to get in on time : ( Rotherhithe tunnel DEAD. Need more bus lanes. Grr.

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