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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Here comes the rain again

Monday May 8th, 2006 at 9:44am

Typical. Sunny all* week and then it shits it down all weekend. Friday I went to Vix’s leaving do (nobody left on SCE but me an Dan now!), stayed for a drink and then headed to Retro to meet Danny. Had a couple of drinks and then ran off home. Was considering Swan or sauna or something but didn’t have the energy. Early night instead. Up at 6 on Saturday as I couldn’t sleep. Chatted to people online, including Justine who was bored. He wanted to do TK Maxx as he’d just discovered it, so we met up in Lewisham and bought pretty things. I bought 13 sabatier knives, as I now live in a tory ward I suspect they could be useful. Bought a couple of tshirts too. Went for lunch in the terribly stylish BHS restaurant. Hideously overpriced. Bah! Also did Argos, where I successfully refrained from buying a huge tent. But I will, soon... Came home, still planning on saunaing later. Via Somerfield for steak as I now owned Sabatier steak knives : D Also via the bike repair place in the market. What is it with bike shops and very young teenagers? They all hang about outside “helping” the older dodgy looking bloke who runs it. Should have a cull of bike shop owners... Anyways, he reckoned he could make my bike operational again for about £30 and told me to bring it in. Got home and chatted with Pam some. Eventually took my bike frame to the shop to find they’d closed. At 4:30. Fuckers. Pam popped over with his Libby which I purchas0red off him for some notes. Now I have two : D We wandered to DLR via fried chicken. Yay health. Back home and decided I didn’t have the energy to go out. Bleh. Watched Crash instead. Amazingly good — not seen a film in a while that’s either that compelling or unpredictable. I got that the pretty boy’d do something silly, but hey. Definitely worth watching... Steak was yummy. The knives performed outstandingly ; ) Started watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind but fell asleep part way through. It’s like someone took a good idea and made it bad with overdirecting. Ah well. Two recommendations, one crap, Crash made up for the other ; ) Bed. Sleep. Zzz. Sunday started early. Chatted lots to Nick, a bloke I used to chat to lots. Was good to catch up. Also caught up with anticon a bit too, which was good. Felt crappy most of the day due to tiredness. It’s almost like I felt trapped in the flat, without being...I go through phases of this, trying to sleep lots, having no energy. Took some internal photos because I was bored. Made a small film. Made roses look pretty. TJ was out with jasontomsguy having photos taken all over the place. Drew was out somewhere or other. Quiet in the flat : ) Stone is ill. I think her ram is a bit broken. Need to try some more. Anyone got any spare SDRAM? All donations greatfully received... Bed earlyish. Slept bad. Still knackered. Still raining. Coffee required. M&S have started making mars bars that are nicer than mars bars. And not Nestlé either. [*Except, of course, Monday — bank holiday rules apply]

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