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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Thank crunchie

Friday May 5th, 2006 at 7:30am

Last day (supposedly) of the project I’m working on and so much to do. Trying to be early to work but doubtless I’ll be foiled. So worked until almost 7 and then ran off to meet TJ. Got told off for leaving at almost 7 too. Grr. Met TJ at Retro but declined to go in as it was a tad vile in there. I think Chris Morris has been at the Metro today — headline on the front page: “Teased student dies in chin op” Went to the Fitzroy to meet up with some of the MT lot. jrg, mojococo and CelticLo were there from the list (is akira on here too?). First time meeting Roy, he’s a huge amount different online to in real life, was very surprised. Was expecting him to be a miserable Scottish git — pleasantly surprised when he wasn’t ; ) Not entirely sure what TJ made of it all. ceedee also turned up a bit later, he’s something to do with the lovely elephant that’s wandering the streets of London at the moment. He gets about... TJ ran off to Ku for “a drink” (yeah right) and I stuck about for a bit then headed off. The Fitz had been heaving all night on account of the gorgeous weather and a bunch of gay Dr Who fans hiding in a straight pub, trying to stay in the closet about their geekiness. It was at that point I didn’t see lemonfresh. No, not at all. Wandered to Dionysus for some wings (mmm) and then slowly sauntered up to Ku ("I’m just staying for one drink more, then I’m heading home") to collect TJ. I failed. Got the bus and headed home. Chatted to people online a bit then went to bed as the ADSL collapsed a bit. The ADSL randomly started getting faster yesterday. Since upgrading to 8mb it’s still been almost exclusively 2mb. TJ noticed he was getting 4mb and I managed a sustained 350kbpsish from UKMS downloading FreeBSD ISOs. Curious. Restarted it this morning and it only synched at 6mbps. It’s misbehaving. May whine at Eclipse later about it... Tonight. Hm. May sauna. Might just go home. Am going to make some freakcity wallpapers so may do that. Might finish Stone and work out Ghost instead, unsure. TJ has a laptop mini IDE to normal IDE adaptor apparently, in his room. Going to steal that ; ) Tesco shopping will arrive this afternoon. Let’s hope they manage to deliver all the bags this time...

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