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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Happy voting day

Thursday May 4th, 2006 at 8:29am

I think I am running a little late. Am on a bus on Cmmercial Road and should by rights be approaching The Strand by now. Oh well. I was in late yesterday anyways. Am blogging from Libby...finally got broadband working ok, so I can have broadband in my pocket : D Need to discover how ghost works as this install of win2k on libby is far far better than the other one on the big drive. So I need to copy it over. Worked until late yesterday, lots to do, everything’s meant to be finished by Friday. Woops. Did take a long lunch though — wandered down to the Oxford St fat person shop — it was rubbish though. Hideously overpriced. £120 for jeans? I think not...sunny out, so got to wander about a bit. Bought TJ a scsi connector so he can get Bertha up and running (wonder who named their computer Bertha first out of Adam and TJ?). Ate at Singapore Sam. Never again ; ) Chatted to Tom bout stuff when back at work — am going to buy his libby, so we’ll be a two libby household. Thinking bout sprayypainting this one as I’m feeling arty. Home at 8ish via the reduced aisle at Tesco. Gorgeous day. TJ cooked the pizzas I’d bought and we settled down to smirk at the shit acting in EpIII. Watched the deleted scenes and making of as well. So many plotholes. If that’s how it happened, the Jedi deserved to die. Bed earlyish but slept bad : (

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