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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 at 9:23am

I take some pretty good photos sometimes ;) (clicky)
I take some pretty good photos sometimes ; )
So Thursday night I wasted far too much time fucking about with PCs. Decided to upgrade Libby, which went oh so terribly wrong. Also installed two 73gig drives in Stone (thanks afootytop) and attempted to get a stable OS on that. Which I think I managed, but the windows installer was being surreal so I’ll not be sure until I reboot it. Bed at 6am. Gah! Friday I zoomed around London a bit. Bought luggage and an airbed at Argos in Stratford and then came home and packed. Lloyd came over. Steve got held up in London, didn’t actually get to us until 5:30ish...headed off. Stopped en route at Mother’s as we were horribly delayed by traffic anyway. Andy lent me his 3.5 million candlepower (y’know, I’m sure light is measured in lumens) torch and an inverter so I could instantly flatten any car battery by attempting to charge it. Had coffee. Lloyd seemed impressed by the house ; ) Arrived at the campsite at 10 fricken 30. I blame Lloyd. Put up tents in the dark. Met SteveDSD. afootytop was being drunk and scary so hid with Brian down the other end. Ben and Ali arrived, having been delayed. Fruitbat joined us and waved at people in the cold. Lloyd moaned because my tent was on top of his. Tsk. Hugged Lenny lots as I’ve not seen him in ages. Met a nice Canadian who has since joined the site. Pam and Dom were there in Dom’s camp(er) van. Eventually went to bed after freezing a bit. Up bright and early on Saturday chose to go to Wells after brekkie. I had toast. Managed to cunningly leave both my shampoo and shower gel in the shower, although I did later find the shampoo. Went with Steve, trying to find a supermarket type thing. Sorta failed (found a costcutter). Lloyd and Justin came with us. Bought a hurricane lamp and pegs. Went for burgers (they were vile — Lloyd also had the biggest vileburger in the universe). Took too many pics on the EX-Z3. Saw the top of Pam’s head through the glass, sofound the other lot who’d walked there. Predictably they were in the pub. Offered them all pegs. Wandered around a car boot sale next to the pub — Lloyd suggested we buy a chainsaw that was on sale, but Nikki’s bad enough with an axe. Nikki arrived. Headed down to the mini train thing that we’d found that takes you to the beach, £1 a ride. Howard the engine was so cheap ; ) Wandered about on the beach taking photos for a bit, went to a cafe and then headed back. Lost David. Popped into a shop and emerged with cutlery, utensils and a gas stove. And a silly hat. Also stopped in Costcutter and bought some really really vile sausages. Arrived back to find fruitbat had gone and David was there. Built a fire. Made food. Ate food. The pissheads went to the pub and we stayed and made fire. Everyone asleep by 11. Weird vibe. Sunday it was decided to do Sheringham, as there was a terribly exciting steamtrain thing going on. Lloyd and some of the others went and spent 9 quid each on steamtrain rideyness. We wandered into Sheringham. Was lovely and warm in amongst the tall buildings, no wind to annoy or freeze us. Wandered down to the beach with Dom and Pam and some of the others (having left the rest gambling their lives away, two pence at a time, in the arcades). Was pretty. Took groyne photos. Stared at pretty boys. Pam ran off to commune with the sea. Went to a hat shop to buy Ben a hat. Ben is a big ginger girl, see? Slightest hint of sun and his face turns red and falls off. He looked like an extra from Brokeback Mounting, bless. Pam tried a flat cap. On top of his baseball hat. Poor boy, one day he’ll get the hang of dressing himself. I, of course, remained radiant. I wandered back to meet Steve (as mother was arriving at 2 and we needed to be back). Via Woolies, where I bought some amplifed spea

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