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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday May 31st, 2006 at 8:31am

I just cycled to work quicker than I could have got here on the fastest DLR/Tube combination I know. Took me a little over half an hour : ) That’s not bad is it? 6.1 miles according to my odometerthing. Not bad at all considering I’ve not cycled properly in well over a year... And I’m not dying. AND I was in work for 9:10am. Bike worked fine, no problems at all, not even with the novel places I’ve put the bike locks...although if I ever go over a really big bump I’ll possibly lose my testicles. I shall photoise my bike later... I suspect TJ may have got a leeetle drunken last night. I suspect this because the back door was open, there was uneaten toast in the toaster, the marge was out, there was a finished dead bottle of vodka in the kitchen and an ugly man thing wandered out of his bedroom whilst I was getting ready for work. Either that or TJ’s had very bad plastic surgery and got a bit taller. Who can say? I shall tell him off about the back door though...I had to chase a pigeon out of my living room. Ick. That’s like having rats or summat...

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Tuesday May 30th, 2006 at 22:36pm

Got the damn thing to work again. I suspect it’s cheating to just remove and replace the innertube to fix the puncture, but hey. The old one was fucked. And also a racing bike tyre. Of the wrong size. Ah well, he was cheap... So gonna cycle to work tomorrow...will it work? Will I die horribly? Who can say! Bought 2x self sealing innertubes from Halfords, only one of which is the right size. Their error, not mine. Bought a U lock and a self coiling metal rope type lock for £8.99 Bought 2 bike lights for £6. Both from Argos. I am budget travel man! Fear my r0ar!

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Ooh. I haven’t blogged in a while...

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 at 9:21am

TJ got older and drank too much. Sunin came to London and we all went sex toy shopping. Wil and Gav came back from Paris and were bemused by not being able to drink beer in Retro after 11. We did CXR (this was the Thursday night) - a quiet drink until TJ and Danny and the rest of the world arrived. This was just after X3, which was a bit shit really, tho flying bridges were cool. Someone should have bought them a script instead of a few set pieces and some loosely linked words. Hit midnight and we all wished TJ a happy birthday as now it was technically Friday. Lloyd was there too, managed to pull (again) a large man who looked like he’d escaped from a WWF smackdown. He was lovely though, and I’m not just saying that because Lloyd’s making him join here and he’s bigger than me. Wil and Gav decided to crash at mine instead of wherever it was that they were gonna crash. So I got to sleep at about 3:30. TJ apparently walked in on them shagging, the dirty bitch. Yay! No more roadworks slowing me down! Work on Friday — got plenty done, even though I was a bit shattered. Went to Retro after to see people and await Sunin. He arrived and we took a drunken Mogwai home via Wings Buffet for birthday dinner. He wasn’t *that* drunken until after I went to bed. I got up at 8:30 on Saturday to find him still swigging wine. Told him off, lots. Left him and Sunin peeling off their hangovers and headed to Barking to the fatperson shop to buy some jeans. Bought 3 pairs (one were american 3/4 length shorts) and headed back via an encounter with a Dalek. I survived. Took my bike into the bike shop. £60 for two new tyres, wheels, innertubes, brakes and back cluster. Pretty damn good deal. Said it’d probably be ready Monday. Having decided I was fed up with being late everywhere whenever other gays were involved, I planned carefully what we’d be doing for the rest of the day, and for the most part we stuck to it. Went to Londinium and went filth shopping. It was shitting it down, so failed to find anywhere nice for food other than the food hall in the shopping arcade on Oxford St. We got very very impressively wet. Went to JJB sports because I wanted some insoles for my boots (oh the comedy). It’s a basement, it’s way too overstocked, there’s no markings for the single exit and it’s not air conditioned. I suspect that that’s what hell feels like. After food we went to RoB to filthshop. Sunin bought an inflateable penis which didn’t work. I have to go back this week and sort it. Feh. “Excuse me, this penis is faulty...”. Headed back home, where I did something a little different with my look. Even TJ said I looked younger. Go me... As we were running late we failed to do Pizza express and simply went home, changed and came back. Got to Retro in time for TJ to decide to collapse in a corner and then give up and go home. Guess he’s getting old... Dragged people with us to XXL via Tescos for crap food, had a really really good night. Chatted to Mario about some stuff, the freaks met Jay, saiid hello to Drew, all kinds. Taught Lloyd about darkrooms (giggle). Saw Daz, Jay and Sunin naked, scary. Lloyd couldn’t get over how good I looked. Giggle We left XXL at about 4:30. Sunin was drunk, the rest of us sober. Went via a 24hr garage for bacon and cooked a fryup, ate it then went to bed. Sunday we decided to do more filth shopping, this time at Regulation, somewhere near Old Street. Took the boys to Spitalfields — it’s so lovely there. Looked at musical instruments (accoustic bass, electric double bass...mmm) and found a crypt too. Lounged about there a bit, then wandered through everything to Shoreditch station so we could go to Old St. Would have been quicker to walk but my feet hurt. Found food and then went to Regulation. Fantastic shop, really needs a coffee bar though. Sunin bought a harness. TJ bought a studded wrist band (well, it was shiny and he’s a gay). I thought about buyi

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Welcome, watchers of illusion...

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 at 9:21am

Here comes the rain again... (clicky)
Here comes the rain again...
(Small).jpg My plans for world domination through winning the lottery have so far proved fruitless. Really need to think up a different way to take over the world and make you all bow down to me. In other news, I had (you guessed it) a long day at work yesterday, finishing at somewhere near 9:30. Urg. I am considering making an “are you a freak?” online quiz to publicise the site with questions ranging from Peter Tatchell’s window dressing to Leela and the Sevateem. Could be a giggle, Am also thinking about visiting mum and nicking all my old classic Doctor Who books and other bits and pieces that I think she still has. Just wish I’d have kept all my old transformers and Star Wars stuff. Bah. It’s raining again but I feel bouyant. That two-days-before-payday-and-I’m-not-overdrawn feeling that will undoubtedly be shattered by my bank balance tomorrow. TJ is working tonight so I get the flat to myself. I may try and leave work early and just chill at home. Or I might go out a wandering round Soho if it’s not pissing it down. Which it will be, of course. Last night I ate at Mr Wu and watched the world go past. Felt knackered after work, but like I’d accomplished something. The demo will happen this morning and then I’ll have lots and lots of redesigning to do. Plus it doesn’t work well in the POS that is IE either. But no matter, by the end of today it will... Chatted to Owen on the bus home. We’re off to see X3 tomorrow, Leicester Sq, opening night, etc. Hoping it’s as good as it could be, but suspecting it won’t be. Lenshaw has never been as ambiguous as he should have been. But we get to see one of Joss’s characters brought to life (although he won’t have written her) and Kelsey Grammar being blue, which could be entertaining. Hoping to get Owen’s PC to my place so I can take it all apart and make it work again. Means I get Manny back too. Am also considering getting a new PSU cooler for Pixel so I can get some peace and quiet. And perhaps a new PSU that’s a bit less powerful so I don’t eat all of the power ever when I leave it on. That said, now I’ve got it set up with most of what I need, I’m grooving with Fedora. It boots so much faster than XP that I can’t really complain about having to start and stop the PC all the time to save power. All I need now is either VS98 running under wine or a free IDE that can open stuff directly from a FPE website, and then I can use it for web development too. Oh, and Gaydar’s chat thing working right under linux. Grr, Might see if there’s blackdown packages for FC5. It’s stopped raining. Got mail from Jonni, still looking forward to meeting him. Must reacquire Jam so I can show him what some of the lovely Green Wing people were up to before Green Wing. Decided that sleep patterns are dictated in part by foods. Eat fatty foods or eat too much and you become sleepy. Eat protein and don’t eat too much and you don’t. Think this is part of my problem at the moment. Sleep too much and put on weight. I’m feeling things more, since stopping drinking. It makes me impatient with the human dance, causes me to be short with people who aren’t actually paying attention to their lives. So much death and suffering is avoidable, so many people hurt, it seems inconceivable that those priveliged few in our country cause more death and suffering for themselves, just to feel alive. You are a product of your choices. A person who says he/she has no choice is lying. A person who says he/she has no choice is generally trying to console themselves about a choice they already made. Take responsibility. It’s raining again. Lots. The Omen is playing in cinemas on 6/6/06 — anyone want to come?

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Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 at 7:12am

The weekend flew by. Literally. Mostly because I did fuck all. Friday night was fun though. Rocky Horror with Owen and Mogs. Met Owen after work at Retro, he was already in drag and terrifying the audience (well, the upper bar at any rate). Had a drink then headed down. Owen chose to get changed out of jeans and into stilettos somewhere near the cinema in Leicester Sq, prompting a nice man to ask very loudly and almost incomprehensibly “are you gay?” as Owen smoothed his stockings. Unsurprisingly, Owen replied “yes” and the nice man shouted something inconsequential and staggered off into a group of rubber clad servant girls. Lots of people there. The goody bag was wholly disappointing, no rice, no waterpistol, no cards, no toast. Just some “slut/arsehole” cards which doubled up as “Rocky/Dr Scott” cards as there was a rock with an “e” after and a scotty dog on their respective backs. And a party popper. And instructions on how to use a party popper without killing anyone. However, the atmosphere was wonderful and the host was entertaining. Was a fun evening. Left at just gone 10, wandered back to Retro via some policemen that Owen decided to flash. Pulled him off as we didn’t fancy getting arrested ; ) Back to Retro and Owen scared the rest of the upstairs bar. Took some photos and then I headed home as I was knackered. Saturday I decided to get XP onto the ickle libby Tom sold me. It rained lots. Was meant to be going to Jules’s barbecue but didn’t have the money to get there. Or know where it is for that matter. So stayed at home, watched telly and fiddled with librettos all day. Miles wanted a picnic on Sunday so we headed out to St James’ park in the rain. Met up with scareglow and zaty. Took silly pictures in the rain. Decamped to a pub and used a libby to find the nearest wetherspoons (Miles is a student : S. Gave Richard’s boything Si directions to the pub, which proved entertaining. As soon as he’d arrived (he walked from Victoria) we left and walked to Victoria, much to his chagrin. Said goodbye to zaty at Victoria and entered the Wetherspoons. Wetherspoons it seems are VERY FUCKING SCARY. I had a mixed grill. A mixture of anonymous meats that had been left under a heating lamp for a day. Miles had a burger that looked like it was made from sole. How anyone can make pork taste of air is beyond me. And apparently part of the mixed grill was rump steak. Although I couldn’t identify which part. The clientele was a source of much amusement. There was a blonde girl there in a hot pink furry catsuit. And more chavs than you could shake a stick at. Headed to Halfway for a brief nosey about and then came home and watched telly and ate chinese takeout from Wings Buffet that I’d grabbed on the way. Still not getting any slimmer ; ) Yesterday was a horribly full day of work. Discovered I’d made a booboo and that that is why some of my CSS wasn’t working, so spent the day fixing that and some other bits and generally cleaning up the code some. Left at just gone 7 and came home via HMV (what? It was raining!) and the “The Nightmare On Elm Street” 7 DVD box set ( : D : D : D ). Ate chicken and watched A Nightmare On Elm Street. I’d forgotten that Johnny Depp Chicken was in it (his first film). Some of the visual effects still looked impressive even today. And it was reasonably remastered : ) Still trying to remove the trojan in the libby. And the “h” key doesn’t work too good. Bah. Going to upgrade the other one to XP though, as bizarrely it seems to work faster than 2k. And bearing in mind these are P266 chips with 64meg ram that’s quite scary...

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Rainy days make good playgrounds

Friday May 19th, 2006 at 8:22am

Sat on a bus connected to the interweb via libby and gprs. Oh the horror. I get some amazing looks when doing this : ) Someone behind me isn’t happy. We’re changing driver and they’re apparently to him gossiping downstairs even though they’re not and the other driver is long gone. It’s just we’re in England, see? There’s someone gossiping downstairs, it *can’t* be the public. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups, as a very wise film once said to me. “Just change the fucking driver...” Worked until 8ish. Got the indenting all working correctly, yay me. Last day on the project (again) today. Hur. Left work to meet TJ at GAY bar. The horror. The absolute fucking horror. Filthy floors and dirty upholstery masked by bright video walls and enough chicken to fill a shit britporn library. We bumped into Kieran too, being camp, Irish and lovely. I was literally there for 10 minutes, all I could stomach. Wandered slowly down to the Embankment, deep in thought. Bumped into James coming the other way, chatted a bit, he was telling me he’s sent some pics off to Cazzo as he really wants to be in porn. Fabulous. He was just off to do some bits as he is playing somewhere dull today and wanted an early night. Got the bus and headed home. Chatted to Nick a bit (who still hasn’t fucking joined. Grr.) and texted James to invite him to XXL next weekend — also suggested I could *ahem* help him get used to being filmed...smirk. Both suggestions he found interesting ; ) TJ rolled in and demanded pizza so we got pizza. I’m so not losing any weight this week either. Bah. Watched some of Season 1 of Green Room. Seems quite good fun, if a little predictable : ) I think part of it is seeing two of the Jam regulars playing major characters — I just want something brilliant out of them and only get mediocrity. I miss Jam. Come back, Chris (Morris, tho I suppose either’d do as the other Chris has my Jam DVD. Bah), we want more Jam, give up on Nathan Barley, it was shit. Bed earlyish, feeling fat. Via Freakcity forums — a couple of freaks have decided to make here more like thingbox and so started an argument. Who needs Smess, any old insult’ll do ; ) Today. Lots of work. Will mail Jonni (who is off filming stuff) and tell him Green wing amused. Will finish work onfuckingtime. Will meet Owen and TJ (and anyone else who wants to) for Rocky Horror after work. Yay. This weekend is Jules’ barbecue, Miles’ picnic and I’m also meant to be doing Neil’s pics. If I do I shall also try and get my bike fixed. And it will be sunny : D

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My palm lies!

Thursday May 18th, 2006 at 9:49am

Apparently it’s 23:18. Cor. Can I go back to bed? Oh, apparently it’s 23:18 on Jan 7th, 2002. Hur. Wonder why my time’s not synching... Shite day at work. Too much to do, zero project management. By “too much to do” I mean someone else has too much to do, I don’t, but I’ll end up having to stay late anyway as I’ll have to pretty up his stuff. Sucks. Lunch at Mr Wu, surrounded by American tourists. I’m so not getting slimmer this week. Going to try and buy Rocky ticks today from PCC so we’re guaranteed places. Left work at 7:30 and headed to Retro to meet Lloyd and Miles — not seen him in about a year — he’s lost weight - suits him. He’s also broken his hand and had to have bones pinned in 3 places. Says he’s a bear with a broken paw. Aww. Sat in Retro being silly. Miles sulked because Owen (I’m watching the football) and Danny (strop) weren’t there. Adam turned up and Darren was there and got talked to. Smess tended bar. With a really naff piercing. Ah well, I’m sure his clique love it. TJ also appeared. Had a couple of drinks, then decided to wander down to some other bars. Adam wussed out because it was raining. Hit CXR, where TJ was IDd, much to our amusement. OtherLloyd popped in to say hello. Blue was there but didn’t really get a chance to say hello... Miles bled a bit. Was a little worrying as he was in pain, but he said he was ok. He can feel it all move around inside, pulling at his skin, apparently. I thought it looked cute and that he should get puppy paws. Am I sick in the head? Stayed there for a couple of drinks then headed to Old Compton St for other bars. Arranged a picnic on Sunday in a park (Green? St James’? Watch the events), went to Nero for coffee. And chocolate. Mmm. Much to TJs disgust, as they don’t sell beer and you can’t smoke in there. Departed at 11, said goodbye to Miles, went home on 25+15. Lloyd was going to the Bleak Hearse and TJ decided to follow him so I was the only one changing at Aldgate. All on my own. Sniffle. Home at 12:30ish. Checked messages and then bed. Woken at 4:30 by TJ drunk on the balcony having a fag. GRR. In work. Everything’s broken. Firstly the interweb broke, then the build. So twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Dan to fix things so I can do some work. Doing nothing tonight, ROCKY HORROR tomorrow. Hopefully doing Neil’s pics on Saturday (and zzzp’s barbecue) and then a picnic on Sunday. Must make it shine. Toodles...

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Rock bottom.

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 at 15:53pm

It took me 43 minutes and 6 seconds to get to work today. By the fastest route I can muster. That’s nearly 7 days a year I spend travelling to and from this place. 7 days wasted. Life’s too short. Going to attempt to find a new job I think as I’m really not a very happy bunny at the moment... Attempted to leave the office on time, failed (again). Got some stuff done but trying to get all of this to work in IE as well as Firefox is a little tricky. Web applications are always far more complex than websites, but this takes the piss...each page is roughly 800k, and that’s no tables, nothing but pure html. It’s huge. And because it’s huge IE’s rendering engine gives out and refuses to display parts when you scroll, so I’m juggling classes about in an attempt to find the magic combination that doesn’t break IE whilst not breaking firefox too...The fucking horror. Eventually got home at a relatively early 9pm. Ate sausage in Yorkshire pudding. Chatted to Jams on cam - managed to get a driver for my webcam to work under linux, yay. Trouble is, it’s a really really shit quality driver. So amusing. So I looked like a stripy pink square for a bit, then I changed into a solarised version of me, in the end I settled for looking a bit like a grainy off colour film poster. Chatted to Jonni too - a guy I’ve been chatting to on and off for a few months now. Very much looking forward to meeting him, he seems lovely. We’re going to (hopefully) go on a proper date and everything : D Bed a bit later than I wanted to, but hey. Still in linux, still not booted back into Windows. Still not bored of wobbling windows just for fun. Rar! Work dull. Lots to do. Bah : ’(

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Tuesday May 16th, 2006 at 8:16am

Almost done at work, I think. Wah. Project from hell. We need a project manager : ’( Finished at 7:30. Home at 9. Chatted to peeps. Ate. Lloyd came over. Bed. Blah. My life is so dull

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Monday May 15th, 2006 at 16:18pm

+Sunday+ was spent mostly fiddling with linux and fixing a few small bugs in the site. Had planned on revamping but failed to do anything useful as I was still immensely tired. No idea why. Washed up some though. Don’t know why I’ve been so tired of late, although it could just be way too much work. It’s really hard switching off when you don’t get home until 10pm. Bleh. I am determined I’m gonna leave on time tonight though. 2.6 hours remain. Yay. The lifts work again. But they left the light on in the lift shaft, which was kinda cool as it meant you could see between lift and door and look down 5 storeys of shaft. It’s very high up. Decided as we’d been in all weekend that we should go out, at least for a little bit, so dragged TJ to Somerfields. He idly said “yeah, and we should probably get some power too” — as he’d failed to get any and I’d had no idea. We arrived at 15:59, too late to get in (Damn Sunday licensing law bollocks, I want 24 hour shops). So decided to do Tesco at Canary Wharf as it’s open until 6pm Sundays. Wandered to the DLR to discover that actually it was shut that weekend, no trains between Stratford and Canary Wharf. So thought “fuck it” and we walked to Canary Wharf instead (it’s not very far from All Saints to C Wharf, we’re just very very lazy...). Got there and decided to do Waitrose instead as we were feeling silly. Commented that TJ should make a “rates card” and give it to random blokes in the store as he kept getting eyed up by the scary old fruitcases. As you walk along the mall to Waitrose, you notice that the people you pass get gayer and gayer and the shop assistants get whiter and whiter. It’s all very very strange. We shopped a bit in Waitrose (they do ricemilk 2p cheaper than Tesco! The horror!), bought baby veg and some random stuff. Undressed the rest of the merchandise with our eyes. TJ decided that it wasn’t actually a supermarket at all, but really a gay amusement park. I tend to agree. Finished the shopping and wandered home via Poplar park. Was briefly amused (hey, I’m simple : P) by the sign for the changing rooms, as I’d walked around the corner, all I’d seen was “Hanging Rooms”. See flickr for more details. Headed home, watched some Carnivàle whilst cooking dinner. Made gravy out of a veggie stock cube, some herbs and stuff. Value pork chops, potatos, baby veg. Was all yummy. Went to bed at 9pm and slept until 6am. Feel much better for it. Played with freakcity a bit. Made it so it gives you a random theme on the login page. Changed the text too so it’s way more pretentious...but shh, no-one’s noticed yet ; )

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The blog

Monday May 15th, 2006 at 8:17am

lights were on but nobody home... (clicky)
lights were on but nobody home...
Lots done at work on Friday - the last of the nice days. Popped into Retro for a bit to say hello but (predictably) wasn’t in the mood so headed off after a bit. Had previously attempted to drag Mr Lickspittle to London with the promise of guiness but he apparently doesn’t do Fridays so I had no such luck. TJ failed to work as he was feeling “ill”. Heh. The lift was immensely broken when I got back. That’s the arse of being on the 5th floor, lift breakage. The lights were on but nobody was I had to walk up 5 flights of stairs. Bah. Had planned on going out and doing Swan then Sauna but once I got in I just couldn’t be bothered. Fucked around with OpenGL and Xgl instead. Then bed. Saturday I also did bugger all except play with the computer. Didn’t do the picnic as I was asleep. Caught up on Doctor Who though and bought pizza too. Chatted to some nice friendly fluffy people. Didn’t leave the flat as the lift remained broken all day. Woops. Bed at 4ish because I was still so very very tired. Sunny when I went to bed, torrential downpour when I woke up. Oops. I had told the picnic people it’d rain... Up at 8, fiddled with things, downloaded Doctor Who, took a photo of the rain (yay!) and processed it with the gimp and uploaded it on linux (double yay!) then bed a5 5:30. Cripes. More later as I’m about to get off the bus...

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For today is Friday and we rejoice

Friday May 12th, 2006 at 11:50am

I need some time off. Urgently. Finished work after 9 (again) and was knackered. Rolled home. Bleh. Had to get the tube as the bus was fucked yesterday. Waited 45 minutes for a 15 and none appeared. Worked like buggery. As previously mentioned, escaped work at 9, went home. To a very drunken TJ (I’m on my third bottle today) and chinese takeaway. I was right about him failing to work. Heh. Put on “From Hell” as TJ hasn’t seen it before. Not entirely convinced he’ll remember it either. Will ask him when he (eventually) wakes up. Hopefully with the mother of all hangovers ; ) Bed at a sensible time (as I almost fell asleep part way through the film). Bright today. Doubt it’ll manage to last for the picnic tomorrow but hey, who knows. Not even sure if I’ll make it yet, Neil wants pics and I need money so I should be doing him tomorrow at some point. If it works out then I’m going to try and get my bike fixed as well, then at least I can cycle to work next week, thus avoiding traffic queues. On this day in 1994, Labour leader John Smith died of a heart attack. 12 years ago. 12 years and I remember it like yesterday. And I don’t even support Labour, never have. Weird. 12 years of Blairism. Enough is enough. My Anger is like a soul that gets things accomplished! tshirt arrived today. The woman in Tesco said “Can I read your tshirt?”, I turned and she walked off, making the laugh of one-who-doesn’t-get-it, with a strange expression on her face. Munching salad. Pretty day, some pretty people out in Covent Garden. The quartet were there again (I think they’re the same people, never sure). Much lovely music. Popped into the G4 store. There were a few things I liked the look of in the window (PLUS ROBOT HAMSTERS!!!11) but ALL the cool stuff wasn’t actually out on display for purchase. How fucking weird is that? Going to do the Outside of Retro for a bit tonight I think. No plans this weekend other than possible picnic and possible NeilPhotoage, so I think I’m just gonna chill. And tidy my room. Although I mean actually tidy my room, not tidy my room ; )

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Wdlcome to my world.

Thursday May 11th, 2006 at 14:01pm

Chris is strange. I can have a surreal conversation with him offering pegs but ask if he’s ok and silence. Spose he is elusive... Sleepy. Yesterday was horrible. IE is rubbish and was misbehaving all day. using cloneNode you’re meant to be able to grab a copy of a part of the DOM. Using appendChild you’re meant to be able to insert an item into a node. Using both works fine in IE when the child has nothing complex in it but fails if it’s a bit tricky. Works fine in Firefox, of course. Fuckety tuckety grr. Spent about 3 hours trying to make it work ok. And nothing. Wah! Tuesday evening I went to Owen’s after finishing work at about 8 — via the clap clinic as I need a blood test to see if my Hep B vaccination has held. They couldn’t find my patient notes so I told them I’d find my card and bring it next week. Sorted. How to get out of having blood taken, by Scott van Looy, aged 31Y Got to Ilford at about 9fucking30 (I originally wanted to have left Owen’s by 10. Grr). Disabled the nvidia hardware acceleration and watched as magically Owen’s PC didn’t crash. (I’m sure we’ve tried that, you must come over : P). Have since given him instructions on how to make sure his slot is clean (ooer) so he can try and make the hardware acceleration stuff work again... Left there at 11:30ish, got some pretty pics. No pegs though. Home at 1am. Urg. So I finished work at 8:45 on Wednesday and popped to Retro to see people. Gave Owen a hug and chatted to some of the rest. Sam was out, Owen (and most of the rest of the table) were dribbling lots. Bless ’em. Chatted a bit then headed off as I really wasn’t in a pub mood. People still seem shocked by this, even though I’ve not drunk alcohol or smoked in almost 3 months and can’t really see the point in going places where all people do is both (and try to converse over overloud shite music). 3 months. Cor. I should give myself a medal. Tho I spose Mumsie did make me drink a glass of poo when camping, but that was only one glass. Doesn’t count. Feel shattered, but alive. It’s good. Am powered by coffee and have an excuse for being shattered. TJ worked Tuesday night, so was out as well last night. Paid his rent and a chunk of leccy, although neither of us have been near anywhere that sells leccy yet to buy any. Enquired of the letting agency today if I could possibly get a normal non-key meter fitted if they’ll let me, as I really really hate PAYG leccy meters. TJ was outrageously drunk and meant to be working today. TJ won’t have worked today. Hopeless boy. I left Retro at 9:30ish and spur of the moment decided to do Chariots. Stayed there until about 1am and then headed home. Bed at somewhere (just) before 3. Urgh ; )

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Tuesday May 9th, 2006 at 9:28am

OH GOD! NOT AGAIN! (clicky)
Work was shite. As per usual. Too much to do and no-one doing anything in the right order means people who shouldn’t be waiting on me are waiting on me before they write functionality — which is silly as it’s easier for me to do my bit if their bit’s all written and stuff. Horribly behind schedule. Arg. Woo. Fit boy on bus! : D So shitloads to do today. Bleh. Chatted to Mr Lickspittle on and off through the day, going to meet up later this week for a beer as lunch was terribly agreeable for us both. Chatted to Tom a bit, his band are playing June 1st, so I’m going to try and actually turn up this time. Hopefully with some freaks. Anyone like strange punks? One of the bands playing describe their sound as “like hundreds of angry wasps in a jar”. Class ; ) Offered Chris pegs, he asked if they were shiny, possibly the longest conversation we’ve had in months. I miss silly conversations with him. Wonder what he’s up to on here an my green eyed monster... Bought lasagne at Tesco, nuked it at work, ate it whilst wearing a sky blue tshirt and didn’t get any down me. Go me. Chatted to Sam briefly before heading home. Asked him when he wanted to come over to do pics, settled on “now”. Left the office at 6:45 and was frowned on. Grr, Sam wanted pics for his profile and possibly just for a laugh, well, he seemed to enjoy himself. TJ certainly enjoyed playing the part of fluffer, though looked a little disturbed when Sam mentioned pissfucking. Snigger. Sam is mid 20s and amazingly fit. We went down t’ canal (there’s lovely graf there) for the urban look. Watched two kids throwing a bike into the canal. Briefly considered trying to rescue it and cannibalise it for parts, mine could use some wheels. Decided against it as the canal is pretty vile really. TJ claimed to have seen a big fish swimming in it the other day but I don’t think anyone believed him. Briefly considered between us what we’d have to do to make the canal a cruising ground. Smirk. Discovered I’d left my microdrive at home, so I had a big butch camera and no way to take photos with it. Yay me! Took a few pics with the lil casio but light was leaving us, so headed home. Passed a gorgeous old run down warehouse. Desperately want to live in a place like that. Keeping the outside looking shite but making the inside amazing. Would be so cool. Back to the flat, Drew had woken up — he was recovering from Orange on Sunday night, much beer and more than a few class As. The lush. And he was moving out. I told him that getting trashed the night before moving wasn’t the wisest of ideas and he agreed. As Drew and Stone were strewn all over the livingroom we decided to use TJs room. Which was cool as I got to use his Mathmos projector to add a bit of colour to it all. Took loads of pics of Sam, got to experiment quite a bit too. TJ got to be fluffer as well, on Sam’s demand. Which was a little disturbing but hey. Experiment city. I’ve never been up a ladder with a camera taking photos of cock before ; ) Sam headed off at about 11:30 and I flickrd and then headed to bed via sausage sandwiches as the chinese was closed. No clue what’s up with my appetite at the moment, I seem constantly hungry. Have put on weight again too. Bah : ( Also no clue what’s up with the traffic either. Been sat on Commercial Road for fucking ever. I was hoping to be at work for 9:30 but am doubting that’ll happen now considering it’s 9:22. Bah. Sign ahead says emergency gas works for three fucking weeks. Gah. I’m going to have to get the bus at 8 or something to get in on time : ( Rotherhithe tunnel DEAD. Need more bus lanes. Grr.

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Here comes the rain again

Monday May 8th, 2006 at 9:44am

Typical. Sunny all* week and then it shits it down all weekend. Friday I went to Vix’s leaving do (nobody left on SCE but me an Dan now!), stayed for a drink and then headed to Retro to meet Danny. Had a couple of drinks and then ran off home. Was considering Swan or sauna or something but didn’t have the energy. Early night instead. Up at 6 on Saturday as I couldn’t sleep. Chatted to people online, including Justine who was bored. He wanted to do TK Maxx as he’d just discovered it, so we met up in Lewisham and bought pretty things. I bought 13 sabatier knives, as I now live in a tory ward I suspect they could be useful. Bought a couple of tshirts too. Went for lunch in the terribly stylish BHS restaurant. Hideously overpriced. Bah! Also did Argos, where I successfully refrained from buying a huge tent. But I will, soon... Came home, still planning on saunaing later. Via Somerfield for steak as I now owned Sabatier steak knives : D Also via the bike repair place in the market. What is it with bike shops and very young teenagers? They all hang about outside “helping” the older dodgy looking bloke who runs it. Should have a cull of bike shop owners... Anyways, he reckoned he could make my bike operational again for about £30 and told me to bring it in. Got home and chatted with Pam some. Eventually took my bike frame to the shop to find they’d closed. At 4:30. Fuckers. Pam popped over with his Libby which I purchas0red off him for some notes. Now I have two : D We wandered to DLR via fried chicken. Yay health. Back home and decided I didn’t have the energy to go out. Bleh. Watched Crash instead. Amazingly good — not seen a film in a while that’s either that compelling or unpredictable. I got that the pretty boy’d do something silly, but hey. Definitely worth watching... Steak was yummy. The knives performed outstandingly ; ) Started watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind but fell asleep part way through. It’s like someone took a good idea and made it bad with overdirecting. Ah well. Two recommendations, one crap, Crash made up for the other ; ) Bed. Sleep. Zzz. Sunday started early. Chatted lots to Nick, a bloke I used to chat to lots. Was good to catch up. Also caught up with anticon a bit too, which was good. Felt crappy most of the day due to tiredness. It’s almost like I felt trapped in the flat, without being...I go through phases of this, trying to sleep lots, having no energy. Took some internal photos because I was bored. Made a small film. Made roses look pretty. TJ was out with jasontomsguy having photos taken all over the place. Drew was out somewhere or other. Quiet in the flat : ) Stone is ill. I think her ram is a bit broken. Need to try some more. Anyone got any spare SDRAM? All donations greatfully received... Bed earlyish. Slept bad. Still knackered. Still raining. Coffee required. M&S have started making mars bars that are nicer than mars bars. And not Nestlé either. [*Except, of course, Monday — bank holiday rules apply]

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Thank crunchie

Friday May 5th, 2006 at 7:30am

Last day (supposedly) of the project I’m working on and so much to do. Trying to be early to work but doubtless I’ll be foiled. So worked until almost 7 and then ran off to meet TJ. Got told off for leaving at almost 7 too. Grr. Met TJ at Retro but declined to go in as it was a tad vile in there. I think Chris Morris has been at the Metro today — headline on the front page: “Teased student dies in chin op” Went to the Fitzroy to meet up with some of the MT lot. jrg, mojococo and CelticLo were there from the list (is akira on here too?). First time meeting Roy, he’s a huge amount different online to in real life, was very surprised. Was expecting him to be a miserable Scottish git — pleasantly surprised when he wasn’t ; ) Not entirely sure what TJ made of it all. ceedee also turned up a bit later, he’s something to do with the lovely elephant that’s wandering the streets of London at the moment. He gets about... TJ ran off to Ku for “a drink” (yeah right) and I stuck about for a bit then headed off. The Fitz had been heaving all night on account of the gorgeous weather and a bunch of gay Dr Who fans hiding in a straight pub, trying to stay in the closet about their geekiness. It was at that point I didn’t see lemonfresh. No, not at all. Wandered to Dionysus for some wings (mmm) and then slowly sauntered up to Ku ("I’m just staying for one drink more, then I’m heading home") to collect TJ. I failed. Got the bus and headed home. Chatted to people online a bit then went to bed as the ADSL collapsed a bit. The ADSL randomly started getting faster yesterday. Since upgrading to 8mb it’s still been almost exclusively 2mb. TJ noticed he was getting 4mb and I managed a sustained 350kbpsish from UKMS downloading FreeBSD ISOs. Curious. Restarted it this morning and it only synched at 6mbps. It’s misbehaving. May whine at Eclipse later about it... Tonight. Hm. May sauna. Might just go home. Am going to make some freakcity wallpapers so may do that. Might finish Stone and work out Ghost instead, unsure. TJ has a laptop mini IDE to normal IDE adaptor apparently, in his room. Going to steal that ; ) Tesco shopping will arrive this afternoon. Let’s hope they manage to deliver all the bags this time...

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Happy voting day

Thursday May 4th, 2006 at 8:29am

I think I am running a little late. Am on a bus on Cmmercial Road and should by rights be approaching The Strand by now. Oh well. I was in late yesterday anyways. Am blogging from Libby...finally got broadband working ok, so I can have broadband in my pocket : D Need to discover how ghost works as this install of win2k on libby is far far better than the other one on the big drive. So I need to copy it over. Worked until late yesterday, lots to do, everything’s meant to be finished by Friday. Woops. Did take a long lunch though — wandered down to the Oxford St fat person shop — it was rubbish though. Hideously overpriced. £120 for jeans? I think not...sunny out, so got to wander about a bit. Bought TJ a scsi connector so he can get Bertha up and running (wonder who named their computer Bertha first out of Adam and TJ?). Ate at Singapore Sam. Never again ; ) Chatted to Tom bout stuff when back at work — am going to buy his libby, so we’ll be a two libby household. Thinking bout sprayypainting this one as I’m feeling arty. Home at 8ish via the reduced aisle at Tesco. Gorgeous day. TJ cooked the pizzas I’d bought and we settled down to smirk at the shit acting in EpIII. Watched the deleted scenes and making of as well. So many plotholes. If that’s how it happened, the Jedi deserved to die. Bed earlyish but slept bad : (

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Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 at 9:23am

I take some pretty good photos sometimes ;) (clicky)
I take some pretty good photos sometimes ; )
So Thursday night I wasted far too much time fucking about with PCs. Decided to upgrade Libby, which went oh so terribly wrong. Also installed two 73gig drives in Stone (thanks afootytop) and attempted to get a stable OS on that. Which I think I managed, but the windows installer was being surreal so I’ll not be sure until I reboot it. Bed at 6am. Gah! Friday I zoomed around London a bit. Bought luggage and an airbed at Argos in Stratford and then came home and packed. Lloyd came over. Steve got held up in London, didn’t actually get to us until 5:30ish...headed off. Stopped en route at Mother’s as we were horribly delayed by traffic anyway. Andy lent me his 3.5 million candlepower (y’know, I’m sure light is measured in lumens) torch and an inverter so I could instantly flatten any car battery by attempting to charge it. Had coffee. Lloyd seemed impressed by the house ; ) Arrived at the campsite at 10 fricken 30. I blame Lloyd. Put up tents in the dark. Met SteveDSD. afootytop was being drunk and scary so hid with Brian down the other end. Ben and Ali arrived, having been delayed. Fruitbat joined us and waved at people in the cold. Lloyd moaned because my tent was on top of his. Tsk. Hugged Lenny lots as I’ve not seen him in ages. Met a nice Canadian who has since joined the site. Pam and Dom were there in Dom’s camp(er) van. Eventually went to bed after freezing a bit. Up bright and early on Saturday chose to go to Wells after brekkie. I had toast. Managed to cunningly leave both my shampoo and shower gel in the shower, although I did later find the shampoo. Went with Steve, trying to find a supermarket type thing. Sorta failed (found a costcutter). Lloyd and Justin came with us. Bought a hurricane lamp and pegs. Went for burgers (they were vile — Lloyd also had the biggest vileburger in the universe). Took too many pics on the EX-Z3. Saw the top of Pam’s head through the glass, sofound the other lot who’d walked there. Predictably they were in the pub. Offered them all pegs. Wandered around a car boot sale next to the pub — Lloyd suggested we buy a chainsaw that was on sale, but Nikki’s bad enough with an axe. Nikki arrived. Headed down to the mini train thing that we’d found that takes you to the beach, £1 a ride. Howard the engine was so cheap ; ) Wandered about on the beach taking photos for a bit, went to a cafe and then headed back. Lost David. Popped into a shop and emerged with cutlery, utensils and a gas stove. And a silly hat. Also stopped in Costcutter and bought some really really vile sausages. Arrived back to find fruitbat had gone and David was there. Built a fire. Made food. Ate food. The pissheads went to the pub and we stayed and made fire. Everyone asleep by 11. Weird vibe. Sunday it was decided to do Sheringham, as there was a terribly exciting steamtrain thing going on. Lloyd and some of the others went and spent 9 quid each on steamtrain rideyness. We wandered into Sheringham. Was lovely and warm in amongst the tall buildings, no wind to annoy or freeze us. Wandered down to the beach with Dom and Pam and some of the others (having left the rest gambling their lives away, two pence at a time, in the arcades). Was pretty. Took groyne photos. Stared at pretty boys. Pam ran off to commune with the sea. Went to a hat shop to buy Ben a hat. Ben is a big ginger girl, see? Slightest hint of sun and his face turns red and falls off. He looked like an extra from Brokeback Mounting, bless. Pam tried a flat cap. On top of his baseball hat. Poor boy, one day he’ll get the hang of dressing himself. I, of course, remained radiant. I wandered back to meet Steve (as mother was arriving at 2 and we needed to be back). Via Woolies, where I bought some amplifed spea

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