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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday April 27th, 2006 at 15:56pm

Picture (clicky)

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Working too much...

Thursday April 27th, 2006 at 14:27pm

Much better quality, innit? (clicky)
Much better quality, innit?
Worked too late — finished around 9:30. Urgh. Lots done though, which was quite good. David leaves tomorrow, I’m off tomorrow so we were just trying to get stuff finished off. Reckon it might work too... Decided I didn’t want to go straight home so popped to Retro where I discovered Harry being slightly tipsy. Followed him upstairs and said hello to the rest of ’em. Roddy turned up and we all went for food. Wagammmmamas. Had the same as usual. Crap waiter, made excuses not to leave a tip. Ollie paid for most of my dinner as Barclays were being strange about when they update their accounts again. Odd people. Got the fastest bus home in the world, failed to get into Chariots on acccount of Barclays declining my card (grr) even though technically I’d been paid. Went home. Sat online chatting to Chris for much too long...woops. Another Chris. There are startling similarities. Was talking to him about the other Chris and was kinda spooked. Said “christ, I’ll be really scared if you tell me you play piano”. “I do” he said. Heh. Ah well. We’ll see what happens with everything lifewise. I’m tired of doors closing, I’m opening some new ones. Inside my skin I’m dying. My revelation for the day. Went out at lunch and tried to buy an airbed/pump and batteries at Argos with absolutely NO success at all. So sulked and went to Computer Exchange and bought a camera instead. Or so I thought... Special offer as it was in bad shape, Casio Exilim EX-Z3 - £78. Got back to the office and put it on charge to discover that inside the camera case was a *second* one. Crap sales guy obviously gave me the display model too or something. Two cameras for £78? Bargain! Sold as seen has its advantages ; ) It’s a teeny bit thicker than the MobiDV cam but the rest of the dimensions are smaller and its body is metal. Feels nicer. Picture quality isn’t half bad either considering it’s only 3.2meg and I’m used to my SLR. It’s small enough to take out with me but gorgeous too. Impressed so far : ) Back display’s fucking huge! See my flickr for more bits of it. Will blog more later, too much work to do right now ; )

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