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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday April 26th, 2006 at 7:46am

Good mood so far today. Managed to get lots of bits of css done yesterday, was an interesting day. Lots of people running around like headless chickens as David, my line manager, leaves on Friday. Greg wandered over to one of the programmers near me and informed him that as David was leaving he’d requested that his leaving gift be that Greg strangle this guy in front of everyone. Mirth. More CSS tomfoolery. Nearly done now. Back to fiddling with Java and XMLC, which is way more fun. decided to sauna after work. Met a guy called Nat there who I’ve been chatting to on gaydar for years. Was nice to meet him at last. Talent was awful though. Think I’ll bring my own next time. So no fun for me. Hmph. Came home to a flurry of FC posts about random shit. Have decided that the website’s like a kettle. If I don’t watch it, people use it ; ) Pete contacted me to let me know FC was about to appear in ScotsGay. Scary. Chatted to some people. Earlier in the day I’d got raffik to join. He’s dirrrrty, so I put him on the filth group. Yay. Nice to see he was keeping it up. Fnarr. At last I think I’ve solved the problem with messages randomly fading out and not coming back. Need to fiddle and see if it works in Safari. 2 more days at work then camptastic! 133 OVER MY FRICKEN LIMIT THIS MORNING. Can someone lend me £140 until tomorrow morning? : P

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