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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Late again.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 at 8:01am

""Celebrating the queen’s birthday by putting her face on our cover in a thinly veiled attempt to sell more of our excreable rag (clicky)
Got sidetracked by doing things to freakcity. I should really not touch it in the morning. Burnt pizza too. Not sure what’s worse, burning it or eating it at 8am. Work yesterday was bitty. Grr. Hate it when there’s not quite little enough to do to be a slacker but not enough to do to actually be interested. Stayed until 7. Bleh and double bleh. Texted Stephen to see if he wanted to go fo a drink some time and catch up. He replied with “I’m free now, where do you want to meet?” Went to Retro and had a drink, chatted about all the things that have happened in the last 5 years or so since we’d chatted properly. He still keeps in touch with some of the guys from Digital Architecture. Our boss at the time, a guy called Owen (or pixie, as fruitbat liked to call him), is aparently living in France now and was last seen doing a tour of the uk, presenting one of those personal saviour type “this is how I changed my life” talk things. Hur. I’d not buy a used car off the man at any rate ; ) Stephen had a look through some of my photos on the T3 and was very impressed. He’s a freelance photographer and reckons I should build a portfolio and try and get work doing photography. I’m gnna give it a go I think. He really seemed to like my portrait work. Lloyd arrived at Retro too as he had a travelcard and was bored. He seemed fairly impressed with Stephen’s awsomeness. Left Retro at about 9:30 (Stephen had done an all nighter the night before and was shattered) and I headed home. Chatted to some people before bed. At 1:30am. Woops. Today will be a coffee++ day ; ) 2 days until payday. 3 until camping. Yay. Should be quite a few people : D

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