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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday April 24th, 2006 at 7:43am

Blogging on the move with a crufty old Palm Wireless Keyboard :D (clicky)
Blogging on the move with a crufty old Palm Wireless Keyboard : D
Friday — finished work shockingly late at about 7pm. XMLC was being a bitch and I abandoned it at the point where it was rewriting my Javascript and helpfully escaping all the quotes. Grr. Went to Retro but there were no seats and I wasn’t feeling barish and Owen wasn’t out an stuff, so headed off again after about 10 minutes or so. 4 days until camping, can’t wait : D Headed home where I removed Thursday night’s dinner from the microwave (hur) and proceeded to fiddle with Fedora on Novak until I got compiz working. TJ was impressed because of the wobbly windows. 1 month until X III : D stayed up until 6am getting fedora working right on Pixel. Noticed on Saturday that something’s now fucked in video playback. We can have sound and 2 frames a second using Xvidix or 24 frames a second and white noise using Xshlm. Wah! Will fiddle another time I guess. Played with bits of freakcity, mostly bug fixing. Chatted to a few people online too. It was gorgeously sunny so I decided to don shorts and tshirt, take my camera and go a wandering round London (see my flickr for more). I was planning on picking up an airbed but sadly failed to realise the best place I could look would be Argos until a day later. Woolies did however have some lovely solar powered LED lights that I’m tempted to get for about a fiver. Got the 15 to the Strand, wandered up through Covent Garden and took a few photos. There was a random woman on stage singing, she appeared to be quite happy doing this, so I’m assuming it was planned. Watched the patrons of the Punch and Judy being entertained by Punch and Judy. Guessing by the amount of British flags about that this might have been part of some sort of St George’s Day ritual. Someone should make us a better flag, ours is a bit rubbish. urbanian’s version of the Union Jack may provide some kind of inspiration. Walked through to Soho. Stopped in a music shop on Charing Cross Road to try an buy an “A” string for my violin, but alas they were out of stock. Bah. Have texted Nikki to see if she’s got one. Wandered round the arse of Soho, to Oxford Circus. Cashed a cheque in case I need money in my account this week. Bleh. Hopefully this month coming’ll be easier on my wallet. Not sure however as British Gas are being fuckwits. They now claim I owe them £100ish. Last week they owed me £30ish. Comedy. I’ll do the maths later, I have the meter readings. Wandered down through backstreets, snapping away. Headed to Soho Sq where I saw Log enjoying the sun. Headed to Old Compton St where I bumped into James — he’s back from the States and had a fun time. Lots of duty free fags. He was unimpressed with Drew being on the sofa, those two really don’t get on, bless. Wandered down to the park by Embankment whose name I can never remember and took lots of photies of flowers. Got the bus home. Stopped off in Poplar park on the way. I never even realised it was there! Took pics. Got home and cooked Spaghetti Bolognaise. Seasoned with a glass of red wine from a bottle TJ had passed out on whilst drinking. Was yummy : D Not seen the new Doctor Who yet, might do tonight. Watched some of Batman but was knackered so went to bed via flickr and all the pics I took. Sunday I was up fairly early.Tidied a bit and then set about making a new theme for Freakcity based very loosely around a common layout used by lots of open source type people for their blogs. Possibly should have thought that over a little bearing in mind lots of these sites use Ruby on Rails and now it looks a bit thingboxish layout wise. Although of course I didn’t notice until I’d done it. Ah well. The graphics are fun. Not done a tiled background in aaaaages. Bugfixed lots of stuff, rearra

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Monday April 24th, 2006 at 0:19am

It’s pretty, but it’s also a bit late to be up on a schoolnight. I is nawty :S

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