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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Pretty pretty

Friday April 21st, 2006 at 13:32pm

Pretty pretty walls. (clicky)
Pretty pretty walls.
It’s sunny. At lunch I had to visit Oxford Circus so went for a wander through the arse end of Soho to the forrin exchange place by the station. Walking through Carnaby Street, sun in the sky, it’s lovely. I love London, I just don’t get to see enough of it. Wandered past a shop (I think it was called Canvas) where all the walls are scribbled on in marker pen. Very cool. Sexy cyclists zooming around topless are also cool. Went to the bank and paid stuff in. Should do me until Monday at any rate. Now I just have to worry about the no electricity issue... Sun has gone byebye now. It’ll get slowly greyer and more miserable until it gets dark. Then it might rain. We’re in the middle of a huge drought. Water intensive industry is told to use as much as it needs, we’re told to save water. Coca Cola is still manufactured (it uses 4x the amount of water to make coke), cars are still manufactured, lawns go brown and prices go up. That’s our solution to everything. Put the price up. Deprive the poor of something, don’t inconvenience the rich. The rich won’t notice the gas shortage. The rich weren’t dying this winter because they couldn’t afford to heat their homes. Remind me to move country soon? I pray for the rain. I hope it comes. I hope it wipes out the smell of the petrol and the nicotine. I want to smell wet grass again. River is definitely in order later. River and possibly some tea. I fancy champagne on a boat on the Thames. One can dream? Charles made a “moving tribute to Queen” according to the Evading Standards billboards today. I didn’t realise he was so upset about Freddie’s death...

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Friday April 21st, 2006 at 11:01am

“u are a complete asshole babes, and manners u need a lot of” That told me then!

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Friday April 21st, 2006 at 7:48am

My Crappy Bus. (clicky)
My Crappy Bus.
(Small).JPG Finished a big chunk of work and learnt a few things too. I’m on exit controllers today, should be a right giggle. My freakbag is full and by my side. Slightly more in it than my coat can carry, just enough for fun. Libby comes out to play too : D Am going to fix linux on her, with a lightweight WM she should be much faster. Popped into Retro after work to see Lloyd and Nich. Still get the feeling Lloyd is trying to set us up or something but it’s probably just him. Went to Halfway and bumped into Bear and Martin. Justin turned up and loaned me “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” - I shall probably start it on the bus home. Ran away from Halfway as soon as someone started singing “Jim’ll fix it”. Retro karaoke it’s not... Home to my freakbag and TJ with a bit of money for me. Cooked dinner (Tesco Macaroni cheese ready meal, reduced for quick sale). Forgot about it entirely. It’s probably still sat in the oven. No wonder I’m hungry. Ate chocolate pud. Someone signed in — wasn’t expecting it. Kinda threw me : ( Spose it means he thinks of me from time to time too. Feel shitty, need to get away from everything. Next weekend can’t come quick enough. Suspect I’ll be on my own, looking at stars. Shiny. Need more friends who are just there for me. And fewer who think they know what’s best for me. Quiet weekend. No money, nothing to do, fuck all on my oyster. River, I think. If TJ manages more rent, we’re off to CXR to buy a violin string. Almost finished the moderators bit of groups. Am going to ask plucker if there’s anything he’d like to see in the forums. There’s still a load of configurable stuff in there with no UI. I could give group owners the power to suspend threads for example, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Hm. Traffic is shit. Gonna be late. Ken should never have extended the CC west. Now thousands of bored housewives have a license to drive in the zone...

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