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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday April 18th, 2006 at 10:23am

Some fucker’s put an ad on Gumtree using my email address for “Camden Crawl” tickets. I got bored of replying to random people after the first 10 or so. Bah : ’(

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Looooooooong weekend

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 at 9:42am

...and I did pretty much fuck all. TJ in his “drought period” so no money. It happens every month at around the same time but he never seems to realise or prepare for it. If he was a farmer he’d starve during winter ; ) So I got loads of bits of freakcity done. I wish Javascript was threadsafe : S Actually, I just thought of a way around that...possibly... Finished the themes. No more “freakcity beta” logos. Made dark the prettiest again, although I still prefer Day. It’s the jellybeans, see? One day I’ll answer for it. One day, when Dan eventually gets out of prison, I’ll have to explain to him that I squandered his jellybeans making my website pretty. I hope he can forgive me... Tom rejoined gaydar. He just couldn’t stay away. Must get around to meeting him, he’s funny. Drew came over Friday. There’s some weird shit going on there. I suspect I’m in for a rough ride and about to end up in the middle of things I don’t want to be in the middle of. Oh well, such is life. Mum and Andy became Freakcity’s 1000th member as a gestalt entity called redvacman. Coolness ; ) Chatted to them on Saturday (they sent me an easter card — I don’t know why people bother), also talked to Nikki yesterday, we’re almost definitely going to do Amsterdam in the summer. Might see if David wants to tag along and see his mum. Nikki won’t arrive on the campsite until Saturday morning now apparently. Watched Doctor Who. Annoying, whiny doctor and far too many plotholes. All the reasons why scifi can be awful wrapped in one episode. But the characters were reasonably well written, aside from that. Plus Billie Piper “acted”, which was frankly shocking. And the end was almost touching too. Then again, Ep1 of Season 27 was as bad. Acquired Aeon Flux, not watched it yet though. Spent much of the weekend attempting to get an Xgl based linux desktop configuration working. There’s a Kororaa live CD out there that shows off this incredible new technology. It’s amazing eyecandy. Windows that wobble. Transparency. Antialiased WMs, desktop rotating instead of switching. So cool! Failed to get it to work right on Gentoo (compile error in Cairo, the new funky graphics engine for x) and on FC5 (computer says no). Bah. Have instructions on how to do it using Umbongo so might try later. Originally tried it by installing Kororaa, but there appears to be a bug in my net driver (rt2500) that means if your kernel is SMP or preemptible it hangs as soon as you bring up the interface. Which is annoying as the stock kororaa kernel is both, and the liveCD doesn’t include the sources so I can’t rebuild it all. Well, not at least until I’ve worked out slightly more gentoo than I currently know anyways. Yay, the policemen who killed Jean Charles De Menezes have been cleared! So if you want to kill foreigners with impunity, join the Met! *sigh* Chatted to Bill and Dave online a bit yesterday, then, as the sun got low in the sky, decided to go to the Thames Barrier to take pictures. And then City Airport. And then Poplar. Hehe. Got back at 10ish, recycled dinner with added flat yorkshires. TJ downloaded porn of himself, the sick fuck : D

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