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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday April 13th, 2006 at 12:45am

Hi from! We have shipped your package to: Scott van Looy XX Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx London, London EXX XXX UNITED KINGDOM This package contains: 1 x freakbag Your package is sent via UPS Mail Innovations International. Tracking is not available for this shipping method. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Department: - On the Web at - Phone toll-free at 1-877-809-1659 Thanks! This is an automated e-mail. Please do not respond.

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Some things die

Thursday April 13th, 2006 at 8:38am

The writing’s on the path. (clicky)
The writing’s on the path.
(Small).JPG Much of yesterday was spent making javascripty DOM stuff, a welcome change from the monotony of Javay DOM stuff. Owen agreed to help with SQL Server. I agreed to pay him in gin. My phone returned — Three claim it’s not faulty but water damaged. Not impressed, think I’d remember showering with it. Ah well, it’s only cosmetic. Unfortunately my SIM was at home in a safe place. Or so I couldn’t use it. Not *too* many bugs in the new FC code, which was nice. Been thinking about new designs - going to try and make some very striking themes and then have the front page randomly pick one before you log in. Possibly. Or a dropdown. Left work at just before 7. Justin had a mini USB dongle, which is apparently mac compatible, going spare. TJ has been looking for one for ages, so met J after work at the Bankside gallery to grab it. He’d invited me to a private showing of some very cool stuff (Redwire did their rather sexy website )-- decided to walk it along the South Bank as it was a pretty day. Arrived with time to spare, found J, grabbed dongle and then wandered about looking at pretty things. See my photoblog for piccies. Was offered wine, declined and went for OJ — Justin enquired as to why I didn’t have wine and I told him, can’t believe I’ve not seen him in that long... Wandered to St Paul’s after Gallery fun. Was dark and beautiful. I can always feel the power and grandeur more when it’s dark. It was lovely, like bathing in honey. Or some other shite cliché. Bus home, realised I’d walked about 1/3 of the distance home by walking to Bankside, must walk the full distance some time. Tried hard to get the lovely dongly thing to work on TJs mac but to no avail. Also upgraded Slackware on my PC (Pixel - named after The Cat Who Walks Through Walls) and downloaded and slackware-latest. Left it all doing things overnight. The dongle works on the Mac, however the driver utils are fucking awful (*uncheck* “radio on” to turn the radio on?) and it wouldn’t connect. Am going to see if anyone’s ported wlantools to OSX - then I’ll amaze and astound TJ by making it work from the command line. Late to bed, woke up at 6:30 again. New kernel (installed). Tried compiling the beta of th rt2x00 driver for my wifi card — it failed. Downloaded a CVS version from 4 days ago and was shocked to see it work fine. Upgraded the Nvidia driver too. Shiny. Going to see if interdev runs under wine. Last night and today I’ve had a strong feeling that something’s coming. I feel like a surfer, poised, ready to hit the wave. Something good. Something positive. Time will tell... The writing’s on the path Lost, You turn away, Not sure where, Not sure how, Direction and purpose, Lost Still you travel, But you don’t see it, Still you grow, But into what. Stagnation kills you, Pushing them away, Because it’s simpler, To be alone The writing on the path Under your feet Your head in the clouds You never see The writing on the path Down by the earth Down on the level Down, the natural state. The writing on the path Makes the world a wonder See it through the eyes Of a child once more. Expect nothing And be contantly surprised Or expect the world And be constantly dismayed The rest is up to you

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