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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

I am naughty...

Wednesday April 12th, 2006 at 9:35am

Scott on tour! (clicky)
Scott on tour!
(Small).JPG Unfortunately for everyone I had time last night to build more freakcity. Heh. I also did something with my fabulous cafépress store and designed some things, including a rather lovely messenger bag which I bought : D Finished the forums. Made quorn fillets in a white wine and pepper sauce. Went to bed at about 2am. Whoops. Up at 6:30 - put everything live. Will watch it fall over from work when I get there. Eventually. Oops. Going to add in “group inviting” tonight Eclipse tell me I’ll be regraded by the 20th. Short of cash. Will write to Barclays and see if I can be refunded. Going to polish themes and blogs next on FC. Picture (clicky) So. Groups. Freakcity Stuff. More info about us. Banner ads. Online indicators. Myriad bug fixes. Not bad for a point release. Installed Trac on Novak for bug tracking. Going to add FC to CVS on there too, should make things easier for Jeff. Going to make some nicer banner ads too when I next have my design head on. Slightly different route to work today as I’m hideously late (left flat at 9:30 — oops!), so on the District line from Bow Road to see if it’s any quicker...

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