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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

What is The Matrix?

Tuesday April 11th, 2006 at 8:50am

Novak, now with 4, yes, that’s right, you count ’em, FOUR hard drives attached... (clicky)
Novak, now with 4, yes, that’s right, you count ’em, FOUR hard drives attached...
Lots done at werk. Ate toast, drank cawfee, that kinda thing. Managed to finally fix a bug that’d been annoying us for fucking ever. Wading through 1490 lines of code to find a

tag isn’t pretty. The irony being that if we’d have used our DOM manipulation classes and rendered it in the web app this wouldn’t have happened, but for speed we created it as a JUnit test. Hah! I swear the Wachowski brothers hit “view source” in a web browser and conceived of The Matrix right there and then. I look at the code and I “see” what it will do. I write the code, knowing in my minds’ eye exactly what it’ll look like. Perhaps that seems odd to people? Fixed Novak’s resolving issue at lunch. An incorrect entry in nssetup. A known issue. Also reinstalled yum and repositories, updated, installed a new kernel and the livna nvidia module and then using a USB2 to IDE board mogwai just happened to have laying about, mounted the cruddy old drive so I could grab config files for X off of it. And as if by magic, X works again. (Well, after two fucking hours picking bits of the old 7676 version nvidia driver out of the system). No sound. That will be tonight’s project if I don’t sauna. Also shopped at Tesco online at lunch. Did it all, realised I’d not changed my address, changed it and it wiped out everything I’d just chosen to buy. Fuckwits. Shopping arrives tonight. No phone, feel naked : ( Groups going well. Almost finished. Wrote a chunk this morning before getting on this bus I’m on. I can now see who has requested to join a group but haven’t written the code to actually join them yet. As ever, it’s going around in my head and will continue to do so until it works in the correct way : ) Home. Added rice to last night’s left over delivery chinese rice to make enough for 2 mountains (am crap at making enough rice, always get too much). Defrosted 2x chicken thighs, put milk (run out, oops — so milk splash and water) and cornflour, mushroom stock (reduced to stock cubes! The shame!) and white wine in a pan to make a sauce, poured it over chicken and (frozen) cauliflower and put it in the oven for 1 hour. Whilst I listened to Skin’s rather excellent new album, which arrived in the post yesterday : D Watched some Angel with dinner. Which had turned out quite well ; ) Did some CSS stuff to FC for a few hours before bed. Decided on toast but accidentally set fire to it. So being me, I flickred photos of it, then put it out. Heh.

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