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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday April 10th, 2006 at 15:54pm

...sent my phone off to be fix0red. It’s buggered, stripes on screen and crap battery doing strange things like being full one minute and empty the next. 3 business days after they receive it I should get it back. That’ll be Friday I hope. And I’m hoping I can get all my contacts back on to the fucking thing. I trust SonyEricsson about as far as I could dropkick a llama. I feel naked without it. Even though no-one ever calls or texts : ’( Just ordered an upgrade to my ADSL as well, 8mbps. Let’s see if it all works. Wonder if my green frog modem can handle that kinda speed?

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Monday April 10th, 2006 at 8:28am

Bizarre artwork in the Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design window (clicky)
Bizarre artwork in the Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design window
Friday I went straight home after work - feeling mingy and crap. Did bits of FC and chatted to people. Bed quite late, but hey. Mogs was working so flat to myself : ) Started upsizing to SQL Server. Bed lateish and then up at 6:30 on Saturday for more FC and a general tidy up. Finished OGGing my MP3 collection. Shiny. Skin’s new album should arrive today some time, got a Play confirmation it’d been posted. Arranged CDs alphabetically. I appear to have some of Owen’s boyband CDs too. Oops. Sorted my DVDs so TV was in its own shelf, giving me more space for films. Will post on Freakcity a list of VHSes I’m getting rid of, including such scifi classics as Sphere and Total Recall as well as Season 5 of Babylon 5 - all 11 videos. Continued upsizing. My overnight job had failed. Am skeptical bout the SQL Server that comes free with my hosting — it took 5 hours to import the forum posts — surely it should be a tad quicker than that? TJ came home and gave me a huge chunk of cash. Unfortunately a day late, I went hideously overdrawn and got charged £30, but hey. Went hatstand shopping. Failed. Ended up in Stratford, he bought a memory stick and battery charger for his Cybershot camera, then we shopped at Morrissons. Headed home. Bored. Drew (a friend of mine from waaay back) started chatting. Apparently he is about to be made homeless and wanted help. Arranged to pop to the Stag and see him. Mogs also had to pick his dry cleaning up from the hotel so came along too as he was just as bored. Took the DLR to Tower, but were foiled by it being rubbish, so got off at Shadwell and walked the rest of the way. St Katharine’s dock twinkling in the dark. Admired ships. Sniggered at Waitrose trying to be posh in the shell of a Morrissons. Got to the hotel and asked the steadily more exasperated concierge for the dry cleaning. “Guest is looking for his laundry. Housekeeping? Somebody talk to me?!” — eventually acquired said laundry, apparently it’d been undercharged by £4 and so housekeeping made TJ pay for their mistake. My brother’d have been livid if that was at his hotel. Wandered to Tower Hill in the rain. Forced to get a tube as no buses seemed to go near Victoria. Eventually found the Stag and chatted to Drew. Introduced him to TJ. He asked if we were together (*snigger*) and I said “no”. He said “but you wanna be?” Looked at TJ, smirked and replied “no!”. He’s going to come stay for a bit until he sorts something out. TJ was mightily amused by Drew’s boss and his bitch tits. Sat around and drank. Drew informed us his boss fancied TJ, who looked horrified. Decided to go to the Swan (TJ is easy after 3 pints and half a bottle of Merlot). Bumped into Kieran — tho that was sort of planned as he said he might go — as well as lazpac who introduced me to the rest of his household ("this is my landlord, he used to be a whore" — “Oh, this is my flatmate, he still is...” hilarity). The Swan is dire on Saturdays. The Swan is dire when sober, and there’s only so much diet coke you can drink. The combination of the two, vile. Mullets everywhere as well as fag hags. The floodgates open from Essex and they all arrive, to have a great night in “London”. Bless. We wandered through the dance floor to try and escape the teeming hordes but the garden was shut (too cold) and so we couldn’t get out : ’( Pointed at a man and said “Look, I found Nemo.” Took TJ about 5 minutes to get it, at which point he sniggered lots. Well, if you’re fat, you really shouldn’t wear horizontal stripes. Certainly not ones that match the colourscheme of a clownfish... I have no idea why, but Essex faghags are all ugly, fat and about 4ft9. I suspect because the pretty tall girls a

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