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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday April 7th, 2006 at 17:17pm

We’re now on a much faster box. Everything should be quicker. We also now have a bigger DB capability and 2.5x more bandwidth to use up per month : ) Soo...I shall attempt the upsizing to SQL server some time over the weekend. Beta will start running as a seperate DB for testing, and I’ll finish groups at the same time. Hopefully by the end of the weekend I’ll have everything running gorgeously on the beta and we can see how much faster this baby goes! Already, searches are far quicker, as are the forums etc. DNS will finish propogating some time tomorrow, then everyone’ll be able to see it again : )

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Friday April 7th, 2006 at 9:05am

They have Johnny Vaughn in the lifts at Covent Garden now. And somehow he sounds almost exactly like Robert Elms. Cunning use of “celebrity”. Snowed under at work, splitting my time between 3 people. Fun! Left the office at 7:30 (ugh) to go to Owen’s leaving do but felt exceptionally ming, so left again. Cancelled Tom too — hope the gig went ok. No money, couldn’t afford to get in. Owed money. Fucked off. Gone overdrawn by 44 quid today — more bills. Very pissed off about it all. I’ll be charged 25 quid for the privilege too. And get another black mark on my account history, thus preventing me from being able to lower the rates on my loans. If I don’t magically get 44 quid by 4:30 I predict I won’t be able to meet Tom tonight due to cashflow too. Grr. I refuse to borrow *more* to cover someone elses shortcomings. Home by 9:30ish, ate potatos and beef and cheescake left over from last night. Noticed that SteveDSD deleted himself. Odd. Decided to sort out the deletion stuff — created a “dead users” table, the site deletes everything (inc messages, which I should change) and puts the primary image, the username and the uid in the dead users table, so dead people show up in forums with a name and a crossed out pic. I also remove user images from the file system, which I wasn’t, fuck only knows why... So I wrote something to collect all the currently used image names in an array and delete the ones that weren’t in it. Which spanks the server so much I’ve not yet got it to work. Fun. Am I the only person shallow enough to want every single boy on the Emporio Armani bus pants ad? ; )

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