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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Thank fuck it’s Thursday.

Thursday April 6th, 2006 at 9:08am

Work got a little hectic. That and irritating certain self important people on a certain website took up much of my Wednesday. bump and deev told me off a bit. Work was split between playing with the callflow editor tree, updating the UI code for the videomail themes so it’s XHTML (grr. If we updated XMLC we’d not need to) and helping modify old code I wrote to do more stuff in the new theme. Everyone’s spirits seemed much higher, which was good. Oooh. My old flat appears to have net curtains now... Bought a RFQS Tesco Finest chunk of beef for dinner for about £3. Also bumped into Dave in Tesco. He asked me how the photography stuff had worked out. Told him I’d be doing the shoot tomorrow (today). He told me to show him the results. Back to the office and I get a text cancelling the shoot. Typical! Kinda handy though as I was triple booked. Whoops! So it’s Owen’s leaving do tonight, then rush off to Islington for The Patty Winters Show at 10. Should be entertaining : ) Left almost on time, arrived home to discover my Ulysses 31 DVD had arrived. Phoned Mumsie. She’s hoping to come down over Easter at some point, stay over in a Hilton and go back the next day. She was telling me about Shaun too — apparently she thought he was in Spain on Mothers’ day when he turned up and surprised her. Sounded really sweet of him. So unlike my lil brother, hehe. Did some bits on FreakCity whilst cooking. Beef with shallots (no red wine. Poo!), roast spuds, cauliflower and yorkshires. 6 each *cackle* — dished up (white wine spicy gravy that worked okish) and settled down to watch Ulysses. Damn I must have had a strange childhood. More FC then bed. Finally finished OGGing everything too. Slept badly and woke up at 6:15. Bah. Did more freakcity. I still have the theme from Starship Troopers going round my head. Grr.

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