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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

I was bored.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 at 12:56am

Mr Cunt! (clicky)
Mr Cunt! I made "Mr Cunt"

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snigger (clicky)
Work is starting to irritate me now. Patchy and being managed by a programmer who is way too busy to manage anyone. Maybe I’ll jump ship too — not sure. There was training offered, but it was offered in December and there’s been no sign of it. Shite sickness policy of only allowing 5 days ill a year means ill people in the office and everyone getting ill. No bonus, pension, perks and only 20 days holiday too. Other than the boss getting people drunk on occasion. Maybe I’d be better off elsewhere? Think I’ll sit on the fence a little longer and see if we get any of our big contracts. Left work and bussed to the sauna to spend my last £10 looking at ugly people. Bah. Sat next to a masturbating skeleton for a bit, which was disturbing. I thought men lost their sex drive as they got older? Poor thing could barely get up and down the stairs. Wonder if any saunas have Stannah stairlifts? They were playing Starship Troopers and most people seemed to be watching that. Then Kill Bill. Loud. Tricky doing stuff in the dark with people when all you can hear over the porn grunts is Uma Thurman screaming. Almost missed the bus back. Fewer mad people on it this week. Phew. Going to write a message wrapper function for FreakCity I think. And some form of admin interface. All the code in the back end exists to suspend users\threads, and whilst I’m not likely to use it, it might be useful *not* to have to write it when I need it. Also need to finish groups ; ) There’s apparently a bug that stops you signing up using Opera, which Saint found yesterday when he joined — think it might be linked to the problems Sunin’s been having in MS PIE and Opera Mobile too. Started work on the mobile site over the weekend — will do more of that too. Sainty’s apparently been having a horrible time of it. I’d hug him if he did that kinda thing... ; ) Chatted to Tom a bit, he apologised for standing me up and we pencilled Friday in at Retro as a possibility. Also texted James to see if he’s back from Ireland. He’s not yet, back next week, hopefully will see him then. Bus home from the sauna was quicker than usual. There’s something nice about sitting right at the front of the top deck of an empty double decker bus, in the dark — nose pressed up against the glass. Almost feels like flying. Have you ever flown in your dreams? A feeling so intense, so real, but so totally unlike anything in this world. Where does it come from? Uh oh. New bus route involves a bus only barriered entrance to Great Tower Street off of Byward Street (Tower of London). And we’ve been sat at the lights waiting for the barrier to move for 5 minutes. It just stays down. TechnologyFAIL. Or possible DriverFAIL, I can hear him on the phone now... ...and now it’s worked. 10 minutes wasted. So much for getting to work punctually. Urg. So much traffic. Changing from the 133 from Streatham to the 15 to Poplar involves getting off on London Bridge and walking to Cannon Street. There are loads of roadworks going on and someone had just left a load of streetlights laying on the footpath. So wished I had a van at that point. Home at 11 and failed to manage an early night Munched RFQS kievs (will EU regulations dictate that they can only be made in Kiev? Will we end up with shitloads of “kiev style chicken in breadcrumbs”?) and chatted some to Will (an ex freak) on MSN. Sorta slept ok. More awake than I was. Weighed meself this morning. Have lost weight again. Yay! Spent the morning before work deleting bits from the Rio so I could squeeze more CDs on. Deleted most of Anastacia as she’s a whiny bitch (with a fantastic voice, but still...). Deleted Rufus Wainright, he writes like he read about love and pain in the Readers’ Digest once whilst taking a dump in his parent

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