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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday April 4th, 2006 at 10:34am

There’s an annoying clicking coming from my Karma. Am a little concerned that the hard drive might be on the way out. Still, it’s relatively easy to replace them if it’s not under warranty. And I believe it is under warranty still anyways... Erk. Having checked, it’s under warranty for the next 4 days. March 9th 2005 was the purchase date. Cripes. Maybe I’ll talk to the nice people at the shop thing. However, apparently if I have the spare cash, I can buy a 60gb Hitachi drive for it and “upgrade” it if I’m careful. It’s the kind of thing I’d do for kicks anyways, being the kinda person who buys a Libby and overclocks it. So I might do it ; ) ...after I buy the camera... Work was dull and crap. Left on time as I couldn’t face any more brokenness. Grr. Home via Somerfields and “White Fish” for 68p. Bargain dinner (again). White fish+Rice+Sweetcorn. Mmm. Got home to discover most of my Play order had arrived. Matrix ultimate edition thingy was outstanding. We watched Final Flight of the Osiris, then Matrix Reloaded. Then the making of. Was very very impressed with how they did the freeway scene. Tired so went to bed earlyish. Did no FC at all. Bleh. Require a good night’s sleep and my throat fucking off I think. Used up all the space on my Karma this morning, bunging the new OGGs on it. Oopsie. Maybe I *will* go for the new drive after all ; )

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