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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday April 3rd, 2006 at 11:51am

Had a brainwave on the bus about a web address I wanted and the type of company I’d make with it. Gah. 27 is my lucky number (I was born on 27th Sept, can’t get much luckier than that. 27 = threecubed. So I thought I could make an IT consultancy business called threecubed - and that it would be a really cool name and everything. Just looked up — not only does someone own it, but they’ve come up with exactly the same fucking idea as me. Shite website though. Grr. Ate shit throughout the weekend. Didn’t lose any more weight, didn’t put any on either...ho hum. Time for health foods ; ) cuntycuntcunt. Time to think of a better web idea too : D

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Monday April 3rd, 2006 at 8:50am

In da hood. (clicky)
In da hood.
Friday I ran away before getting dragged to the Roundhouse for a leaving do. Got to Retro at 7ish - hung about outside as it’s infinitely preferable to inside on a Friday night. Bear was there and said hello. Danny, Lloyd, Owen turned up. O was only there for a bit, as he had a birthday party to go to, so I walked with him through Soho to the Welly. Told him that every Friday at Retro seems a waste — we need to play in new places, find new people. Thursday I have a photoshoot. I forgot I’m supposed to be at Owen’s leaving do. So will try and do both. Friday he invited me to Starkers. Sauntered slowly back to Retro via CXR to discover shitloads of thingboxers littering the bar. I’d forgotten that a load of them were doing Popstarz that night. Fortunately, John, Jack, Sal and a load of other freaks were there too. Jack was pissed. Sal was sober. Tarrant was there. I asked Rob if he was Swanning and he said he was doing Duckie’s birthday. Grr. I’d forgotten about that. *sigh* Tom texted to say he’d come down and then texted at 10:45 to say he’d been waylaid and wouldn’t make it. Sunin arrived at 11:15 to ferry myself, Sal and John back to the flat, via an unexpectedly very closed Tesco at Bow. Back to the flat, put on MCoG but they all looked at me funny so we opted for Carnivàle instead. Stayed up too late ; ) Saturday I was up early and putting together the groups stuff. Didn’t get the front end finished though. Was silly with the extra info bits on the profile. Decided to do something with the mountain of mail for other people we’d acquired. Most of which was from the Inland Revenue and addressed to many names at my address. I suspect the nice man who lived there before me might have been being a touch nawty ; ) So wrote “not known at this address” all over all of it, opened one that didn’t have a return address, but did happen to be an A4 envelope, just the right size for my tenancy agreement. Considered drawing the recycled symbol on it in biro but thought better of it. Sunin wanted prescription sunglasses, I wanted new clothes and John wanted a lift home, so we went to Barking and ate lots of unhealthyness, I bought a hoodie and cargo pants. John tried to make me get a Hawaiian shirt. Looked at glasses too, but there was nothing nice. Decided it’d be amusing to go to Lakeside in my hoodie and see if they banned me. They didn’t : ) Loads of totty. Sunin remarked on the huge number of gays there, I pointed out to him that they were straight Essex boys who worship at the altar of Sir Becks and that they just mimic him. Not sure what that says about Becks... ; ) Fuck all nice sunglasses. Got cookies and diet coke from M&S. Sunin got voddie. Headed home. Via a now open Tesco at Bow. Bought cheap chicken, OJ with which to tempt Lloyd over with and cranberry for Sunin to drink the litre of voddie with. And 15,000 eggs and some milk as I taught TJ how to make pancakes : D Home, and I wrote more Freakcity. Cooked chicken in white wine and pepper sauce, which all went hideously wrong but somehow tasted ok. Mogs went to work. Lloyd arrived. Watched telly of some description, but forget what. Got Sunin’s wifi working (there was a digit wrong in my key. Woops!). Bed earlyish coz I was knackered. Up early on Sunday — decided to validate all of freakcity against the W3C checker. Mostly it was fine, I fixed a few bugs too. Also fixed an annoying IE6 bug with the footer, it now works correctly. I still recommend that people use firefox for the site as it’s faster. Decided on brekkie at Canary Wharf. In ma hoodie. Wasn’t banned from there either : ’( Had a lovely (if small) fryup — Sunin needed it more than me though as he was hungover : D -

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