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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday March 30th, 2006 at 10:25am

I possibly bought too much from Play... Skin - Fake Chemical State Sin City The Ultimate Matrix Collection (10 Discs) Ulysses 31 - Vol.1 Sphere - Special Edition Mars Attacks Woops... And my bills every month (inc rent) total £1701.54 Jaysus. Rent’s only £690 of that Remind me I don’t know. Someone be my sugar daddeh?

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Circling issues, not once touching them

Thursday March 30th, 2006 at 8:45am

sun! (clicky)
The morning sun is hot today. Shining from a pale blue wispy sky. It’ll last long enough to prove a point but not until the weekend. William told me he was leaving for Bangkok on Wednesday, I told him I’d make it sunny on Thursday. Smirk. It’s too early in the year to manage much more than morning sun, I doubt it’ll have the strength to punch through the clouds that’ll appear later. Photoshoot guy didn’t turn up, but I’m thinking of getting a commercial profile and doing photos properly for a month, ,just to see what happens. Arranged to possibly see Dom after work — so headed home. How I’ve changed - a month ago I’d have waited in town for him and been disappointed. Went home with turkey escalopes and fresh pasta with pesto inside. Cooked and decided to watch Episode IV for shits and giggles. Me an TJ picked lots of holes in it. Was fun. Read a surreal article about a certain dead black soul singer being outed posthumously. Freaky. Tweaked the new ASPQuoteBot some. Got hungry again so made mushrooms deep fried in batter (isn’t fannybatter a wonderful word?). As ever, made too much batter, so just deep fried the rest. Nibbles! As TJ hadn’t seen it before I showed him the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I think he was equal parts shocked/disturbed/amused. Which is good. Bought cod liver oil capsules. Cod is a vegetable, it’s ok. Sunin is visiting tomorrow. Tomorrow is Friday. And there was much rejoicing! Spinning around, spiralling down, everything looks grey, ashen. No hope of your dreams so may as well crash and burn. Nothing matters any more. Endless time escaping, but every escape leads inevitably to the truth, in the end. But I am still here, all you need to do is reach out and touch. I am strong enough to carry you, at least until you can carry yourself again.

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