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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday March 29th, 2006 at 15:22pm

GRAF! (clicky)
I didn’t get the camera, refused credit. Bah! But I knew it... Sam’s cousin’s murderers appears to have been put in prison for life All the code in the world is broken thingbox is being silly I’m tired and haven’t heard from Mr Photoshoot yet so might have a night off. I’ve rewritten quotebot as a TCL+ASP script running from the freakcity database itself instead of a seperate synched postgres one. I found some pretty graf at lunch. (See attached picture) Today is a fat day as I had fried chicken to drown my sorrows after being refused credit. Sinful Lunch(TM) There’s a small churchyard near where I work. It’s open to the public and has a few benches in. It’s a welcome oasis of calm amongst all the main roads and people in Soho. I’m considering making packed lunches again and sitting out there when the weather gets better. Rained on me again. Was a nice rain, refreshing. As I walked up to the photography shop I felt something I hadn’t in a long time. I can’t really put it into words, it’s like catching a riff of a recognise it but can’t place where from or what it is. All I know is that I sensed it meant I was on the right tracks. It was something that evoked how I used to feel when I was younger. It was reassuring and fluffy. One of the guys here is convinced he’s cursed. Every time he goes to the coffee machine he has to do something to it. He was stood behind me as I made my coffee, and the machine ran out of water half way through, I assumed it was because he was stood there, the thought amused me as I filled the water tank and replaced it in the machine. Then after making more coffee to top it up I left and noticed that it’d asked him to remove the grounds (the used coffee remains after it’s been ground and put into lovely cups). So he’s definitely cursed. Have just been convinced to go into a meeting for an hour and a half. A pointless and dull meeting. That will probably make me want to shoot people. Ho hum. * Scott loads gun

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Quietly waiting for a bus...

Wednesday March 29th, 2006 at 10:22am

Pwetty. (clicky)
Yesterday I added quotes to freakcity’s front page. Today I shall rewrite QuoteBot. Cleaned up lots of odds and sods — removed dead pages and the like. Also found and corrected the last few pages still showing the old look. Now I have to implement groups (and I know now how to do that — It’s all in my brain : D). Supposedly doing a photoshoot tonight. Will see if he contacts me. Tried to contact Three yesterday but their email form appears to be fucked. Yay. Saunad after work. No talent so came home again. Put the feta cheese and spinach lattice in the oven and sniggered at thingbox some. Sno apparently has joined and there’s a big flamewar going on. Ate the lattice. Posted some shit. Carried on working on Freakcity. Going to try and get the EOS20D on 7 months interest free credit at lunch. Will probably be turned down, which is a shame considering I can afford to pay it all off in 7 months. Worked out how much I pay every month in credit cards and loans. It’s more than the rent on my entire 2 bed flat. Still, only a year left on my biggest one, then imma be rich : D Pissed it down on the way home. Ended up lost in thought as the rain splattered against the windows of the bus — the twinkling patterns of headlights hypnotic in the dark. Beautiful in a strange way. More DOM stuff at work, as well as fitting my lovely CSS into the new code. Well, when I eventually get there. Bah. I should not code in the mornings... Must go see The Hills Have Eyes — it looks cool • 9:34: Grr. Bus dead Previous blog entry title strangely prophetic. Dammit. * Scott waits for next the rain...

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