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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday March 28th, 2006 at 8:59am

My impromptu studio ;) (clicky)
My impromptu studio ; )
Fucking typical — the black sheet is only black on one side. Is white on the other side. Bah! I wonder if I can convince anyone to give me a new camera before tomorrow : D My impromptu studio worked gorgeously — check TJ out on flickr : D Showed (well, made) TJ make pancakes. Worked well with rice milk an all ; ) Today I’m working and then hopefully saunaing. Going to add something new to the front page too at lunch. My phone randomly went flat overnight. Wah! Have a song in my head. Have sung it quietly (and embarassedly) into my Tungsten, need to get it down. The “Crystaleyes” box in this bus just told me about today, tomorrow and Tuesday’s weather. Nice to see they keep them up to date... In the office now. One of the good things about working for a company that specialises in UM including voicemail and wap is that when you’re a fuckwit that forgets to charge your phone, you’re able to borrow one of the office chargers to charge it. And I just hit “strong” on the coffee maker. IF I vibrate onto another dimension, do come rescue me? Short entry? Oh well : D Welcome to Tuesday, you Tuesday people!

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