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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

This is my journal. So ner.

Thursday March 23rd, 2006 at 10:22am

“Terrorist plan to bomb Bluewater” HAHAHA er. That’s nice. Might make the place look better and/or sort out our chav problem ; ) Work was dull. Things broke. Was unable to finish what I wanted to until they fix them and release a new tag. Things are still broke so I’m busy blogging and waiting for someone to fix it all : D Chatted to Owen some too — he’s accepted the new job and given notice on his old one, which is good : ) Told him I’d take him to the sauna tomorrow if he’s up for it. Will see hehe. I’m so gonna turn into a sauna whore at this rate. I mean, I have to go on Tuesday to see if the [(incredibly fit and fucking gorgeous and lovely smiled and shiny)] bloke I was stalking last week is there again... Went to Retro last night after chatting to a lovely guy called Tom who I was planning on meeting there. He’s a singer songwriter — lead guitarist/singer in a band. Seems quite a cool bloke from what I can gather online, I like his writing style and the songs are all punky and quite fun. Going to see him play next month I think...anyways, was chatting away but gaydar cut us off. Left him a message with my number in it and headed to Retro. Sat in a corner and watched people for a change. Had really bad urges for a cigarette but didn’t have one. No clue why, I gave up over a month ago and you’d have thought the urges would have happened then ; ) Put 50p in the “Who wants to spank Chris Tarrant’s face” machine but lost it. Stupid machine. Wandered off to get some dinner, bumped into Adam as he was meeting Alec at Retro — so popped back to see him after food. Noticed I’d been texted half an hour before by Tom telling me he’d been cut off and asking if I was still in Retro, so I texted back but he’d already gone elsewhere. The world conspires to fart in my face again ; ) Chatted with Alex and Adam and Alec (when he arrived)...Smess was there too but knackered and fell asleep out back. Alex took a picture, much to Adam’s amusement. Talked crap a bit, then headed home. Had been considering XXL but thought better of it... Got home and chatted with various people online including Dominik (who really ought to log in and update his feckin pics) and various other people. Bed waaaay too late. Woops. Got to work at 10. Got to write a letter I don’t want to today. Also got to remember to sign my fucking tenancy and get it back to the agency before I end up homeless! Tonight, I fear, I may upgrade Novak. Unless I can get Tom to come on a date or something, hehe. Accidentally joined myspace again so I can stalk people. So add me, bitches. I’m now under 18st for the first time in years too. Whee! I was 19st 4 a month ago...yay for not eating/drinking/having fun/etc.

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Thursday March 23rd, 2006 at 7:19am

“hi Scott, i would love to have sex with u babes..hugs” Weird shit ; )

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