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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 at 14:12pm

“every morning i jerk off with you i wish i could have a pair of you well worn socks. smelling them while i jerk off with you would make it a little more like you next to me you biggest fan” [theinternetisweird]

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Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 at 12:30am

Left work pretty much on time yesterday and decided that dammit, I was going to go to the sauna. So got off the bus at City Thameslink and found the right train and stuff. Got there at just after 7. Gorgeous guy there, but I was too shy to talk to him. Story of my life. Free food, fuck all talent after he left. Bah. Still, had a nice jacuzzi and chilled out, which was nice. Mark was there so said hello too. Left at 9:30ish. Got the bus from there to Monument and then walked to St Pauls to get the 15. Came home feeling all refreshed and stuff. Drawing stick men on the windows of buses is childish. But I don’t care ; ) Had ready meal curry. Couldn’t be bothered to do any Freakcity or Novak so didn’t, just chatted online instead. Bed a bit later than I meant, but hey. Slept ok, but felt tired when I got up. Ended up chatting to a very sexy guy on gaydar about modelling and photography, he’s looking for work and I can’t think of anyone who wants anything other than porn. Bah ; ) Left the flat lateish because of it and so got the DLR/Tube to work as we had a meeting at 10. The meeting explained some restructuring of how we work and was somewhat surreal. Not for what was said, but because as one of the guys was talking about teams, all I could see behind him through the window was a naked woman cleaning her bathroom in nothing but a shower cap. Someone should have told her her frosted windows aren’t that frosted. So I’m being distraced by tits. Surreal. Bored, have lots to do but can’t be arsed. Fucked up my finances again by forgetting about interest payments. Gah! The Bank of Owen has bailed me out until Friday. Hopefully the Bank of TJ will pay me some backrent and I can pay him back before then : ) Might sauna again on Friday, might do some more Freakcity over the weekend, might plan a trip to Manchester, not sure. Drama in the circus. Sorta. Apparently one of the clowns was in a restaurant in Ramallah when 6 hooded men with M16s and Kalashnikovs came in and took one of the diners. Apparently the locals looked after the clown...scary stuff...

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