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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday March 21st, 2006 at 16:32pm

Condoms? Lube? Puncture repair kit? Northerners are strange ;) (clicky)
Condoms? Lube? Puncture repair kit? Northerners are strange ; )
Lots of stuff to do at work. Had Majfoods sandwich for lunch. “Breakfast Sandwich”. Consisted of eggs, tomato, and the tiniest piece of sausage in the corner. Bless...Paid MogsRENT into the bank (it was early!! : D) and then fucked off to buy a jiffy bag as all the ones I bought in Leeds were too small to put the stuff I bought for Dan in them. Wrote Chris an email telling him about Leeds, coz I told him I would ages ago. Not seen/heard from him in a month, he’s not logged in here in exactly a month either. Fuck only knows why — I didn’t even do anything this time. Unsurprisingly, no reply. *sigh* He really makes me feel like kee at times. “He seemed so mature...” etc. Next time I get a boyfriend he’s going to be over 25 at least, dammit. Left work mostly on time, fell asleep muchly on the bus and then got to my stop and did a quick whizz round Somerfield to see what was cheap. Which was half the store, as ever. I love their concept of stock control. Picked up fresh plaice fillets for 58p and took them home to cook with rice and the remains of the chinese rice from the night before. Muchos yummeh. Watched House of Flying Daggers, which was incredibly fucking weird. And really quite silly. I’d got it because it’d been recommended on account of the cinematography, but I found it shallow, too many cuts to hide the pauses in action, too much direction-by-numbers. Some of the scenery was beautiful, but many of the fight scenes were marred with obvious impossibilities and appalling CGI. Overall, a bit crap really. Lloyd may spank me for typing this... Fixed a few freakcity bugs with the help of Jay who joined yesterday and noticed he couldn’t upload pics or add links. Woops. Bed lateish and then up on time. Went to work, nipped out at lunch after printing a letter for Dan and cramming it all in the Jiffy bag. No way in hell he could read my writing ; ) He got 3 years, but still hasn’t told me what for. Will try and see him this month if I can work out how the fuck to get there. Ate salad. Weighed myself this morning, I’ve lost 9lb since I last weighed myself a couple of weeks ago. So it seems going to Leeds and eating mostly junk food is actually good for me, and not unhealthy at all ; ) Gonna have a ready meal tonight and try and stay awake a little longer. There’s things I should do to FC but haven’t yet and as I have no money to do anything fun (ie sauna) I may as well...ho hum...

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