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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Final Day

Sunday March 19th, 2006 at 14:11pm

Pretty but very very very fucking cold. (clicky)
Pretty but very very very fucking cold.
Went out driving with Dave - up to Castle Hill in Huddersfield to take photos. But after 5 minutes we gave up as it was so fucking windy that neither of us could feel our faces. Very pretty though, and an amazing view...Zoomed off to find snowy hills — through Holmfirth (where they shoot Last of the Summer Wine) and almost to Manchester. Ms Coates has been told he can play the organ at Notre Dame - The bastard ; ) Sam has made it to Israel, was in Tel Aviv in a hostel, travelling up to Haifa today and will be in the West Bank tomorrow. Apparently things have calmed down enough (so our spies on the ground tell us) for the circus to reenter. Hope everything goes well : S Drove back in the dark, taking a photo of the “Golden Cock” en route. It so needs to be a gay bar. On the way back got a text from Del telling me how hungover he was. So went and stopped in Dewsbury and visited him. We were both rather shocked by Dave coming in as well, although possibly not as shocked as he was. Entertaining. He managed ok : ) We jacuzzi’d and buggered around online and drank far too much coffee. There was almost some talent in there too, but one of the guys was just the bf of another guy who worked there and the other was following a munter no fun for me. Well, cept splashing in the jacuzzi that is. Left at about 10:30 after chatting to a lovely bloke online from Derby. Bit of a geek. Yay! Got back and dumped all the pics I’d taken onto flickr. Shitloads of them. I posssibly should have auto balanced them first as many are very very dark. Woops. Decided upon takeaway - they all had curry and I had a piece of chicken (bleeding) and some very very lardy kebab meat. Clever Scott ; ) Bed lateish (3) and then fucking about with video on Libby (it now plays video!) until about 5ish. Woops. so today I shall mostly be being tired ; ) Going out in a bit to buy a lightbulb. And possibly some lunch. Train at 8:15pm, then back home to my own bed. Which Dave’ll be happy about as I’ve nicked his up here...

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