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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Saturday March 18th, 2006 at 15:03pm

Via Fossa in Blur-o-vision (clicky)
Via Fossa in Blur-o-vision
OH MY GOD! Dr Kildare is gay! Chatted online to find out where’d be fun to go in Manc. Mostly chatted to a bloke called Anthony who seems really nice and friendly. He recommended the Falcon and a place behind the Rembrant called Company bar. Finished chatting, and by this time Del had woken up and so we set off to get Del and Matt’s hair cut. I thought about it but wasn’t gonna pay £10 for a shaved head. Slight issue with a traffic warden (well, if he will just park outside on double yellows...) meant we had to dash to a carpark... After hair we wandered back to the car and then went in search of hair people for me. Drove to Morley and arrived just in time for everyone to be shutting. Undeterred we simply went to Morrisons for much shopping goodness. Bought food for that evening (Pork, veg, potatoes). Del hadn’t eaten so bought some chicken bite things which we munched all the way around the store and then after finishing them promptly forgot to pay for. Woops. Del then decided to buy some ribs and potatoes, his logic being that he’d fall asleep if he ate then went straight out, so he wanted to eat earlier. Got back in and put the pork and potatoes on. Chatted online for a bit to random peeps, Del and Matt’s mate Lee (who is so fucking sexy) turned up to come out with us. Ate food, got ready. Dave decided that as he was skint he might as well drive as it was going to be £15 each on the train. £75 for the 5 of us. Boggle. Arrived at about 10ish, had a drama finding a carpark that wasn’t a ripoff and then raced up the NCP. I had my coat, they all didn’t, it was 3°C so they all froze and I didn’t. Fucking St Patrick’s Day meant straight people everywhere wearing stupid Guinness hats. Which coincidentally looked somewhat like Boy George hats. Someone should have told them... Had a couple of drinks in Via Fossa, then headed off to the Rembrant (Hey Lee, what’s it like being the youngest person in the bar?) for a drink. Scary stuff. Was quiet, but the cute boy didn’t pay me any attention so I stuck to my coke. £1.50 for a can. It’s like the Swan all over again ; ) Headed afterwards to Company bar — tho Del had to confirm with the barman that it existed because my word wasn’t good enough ; ) Small teeny tiny bar in a basement. Restraints on a cross of wood. Strange hooks dangling from the ceiling. Decorated like a darkroom, loads of army style camouflage netting on the ceiling. Drunk homosexuals. Tried to take photos but it was way too dark... Found Steve in a dark corner, possibly the most surreal thing to happen to me for the entire trip...said hello. He said hello, asked me what I was doing there. Told him...he was meeting a bloke and very drunken. Bless... Hid in a corner. Sat on a barstool. Lee sat on my knee. Bless x2. Got to watch a very drunk homosexualist open the inward swinging door to the toilet straight into his face. Silly gay. We left there, my justification being that any bar where David Bellamy wouldn’t look out of place is probably not the bar for us. Headed to the Falcon bar. Surreal place. Has tiny TV monitors on the bar pumps, just like the Black horse does, but plays softcore porn on them. Two doors at the back of the room, “Toilets” and “Men Only”. Pool table. Dark...had a couple of drinks. Smirked at some really really young chicken wearing a “GAP” shirt...was tempted to go up to him and say “Awwwh...Baby Gap...” Decided that it’d be amusing to go in the “Men Only” door. Discovered more toilets, then a door at the back with a queue of men going in to a very dark room. Got bored at that point and couldn’t be bothered to join the queue of munters, so ran away. Went to Legends, although it wasn’t Legends last night, it was a private mixed club called "Homoelect

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