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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday March 17th, 2006 at 14:15pm

pretty pretty armoury tower (clicky)
pretty pretty armoury tower
Went out to Sheffield for food yesterday, though the general consensus was that we shouldn’t have bothered as it was a bit vile. My rare steak turned up medium, barely any pink at all. Wah! Tried to get in contact with Jon as I think he’s in Sheffield again but failed. Wandered around shops. Noticed a big bug in Freakcity. Oops. Came back and chatted online. Accidentally found sunin’s bottom on slave4master. Decided to go out. The original plan was to go to the Bridge for karaoke, (Well, Dave’s original plan was to go to Subway for a sandwich, but we soon put paid to that ; )) but we got dragged into the New Penny by Del. The stripper was rubbish. We went into the curtained off back bar to find porn being beamed onto a wall and lots of people looking dodgy. Was great fun. 4ft penises get my vote any day ; ) The toilet had apparently had the lights turned off so it was a darkroom, but I didn’t dare venture in. We stuck about for half an hour or so and then went back home via subway. Up earlyish today to try and fix freakcity, which I did. I’d not realised but one of my dodgy sql joins had stopped profiles working for anyone without a pic. Woops! Off to Manchester tonight for drinks and fun. Will let you all know tomorrow how it goes : D

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