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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Windy in Essex

Thursday March 16th, 2006 at 21:32pm

My photography kit at Chafford Hundred station (clicky)
My photography kit at Chafford Hundred station
Having acquired my photography stuff — spent the afternoon working hard with Dom trees and fun like that. Found a couple of bugs in FC and fixed all but one too. Unfortunately I didn’t get out of work until 7:30 scuppering my chances of finding a DIY shop open to get a stepladder. Wah! So came back via Limehouse in the hope the lil garden place was open and might sell them. Which it wasn’t and probably doesn’t. Wahx2! Brainwave. As far as I remembered (and TJ confirmed), Lakeside is open until 10 so I scooted down here to see what I could find. And I found Argos : D Bought a stepladder and stopped in a DVD shop just long enough to make sure I missed my train. So I’m sat on a bench in the wind, watching silhouetted cars go past, black against the twinkling yellow lights of Thurrock. 16 minutes of cold left until my train takes me home. I feel so much freer than I did. Like a great tiredness has been lifted from me. I hope it lasts, I really do. I just feel capable of so much at the moment. I just don’t have time. Come summer I hope to be doing the cycle thing again — and I hope to do the Glastonbury thing again too, see what I can see with my eyes fully open. Going to assemble my “studio” when I get in and do some shots of TJ to see how they come out. Hope they let me on the DLR with the ladder. Heh! So my roadmap. Work Java certification, more learning and more experience Home Careful building of inside and out. More alternative choices, less time in bars. Music Finish my album, possibly with João’s help (well, he offered, and he’s moving here soon) Freakcity Build a java session framework that’s lightweight and uses little memory. Personal Not fall off the wagon. Be more confident in myself and what I can do. Be less shy. Find new people who “get” me. Maybe meet someone and start to build something, although that’s not a high priority after last time. Explore things ; ) I spoke to James today. He’s back in the states and loving it. Off to Disneyworld soon, the big kid. Back mid April, I made him promise to come see me and hug me. I need to get away from Britain again. I’d love to go back to Amsterdam. £50 return plus €8 a night camping. Anyone? Or I’m just gonna take João up on visiting him in the summer : ) So. Home, pancakes and photos. I am going to teach Teej to pancake : D Well, if you can make them with rice milk, that is. They don’t work so well with soya milk ; )

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