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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

The north is indeed grim

Wednesday March 15th, 2006 at 17:51pm

Schindler’s Lift (clicky)
Schindler’s Lift
Left work at about 7ish, unfortunately for me the bus was fairly speedy and I arrived at Kings cross at about 7:30. Dave was arriving at 8 so I wandered about aimlessly for a bit and munched a sausage roll. My bag was fucking heavy though. Gah! Acquired Dave and then headed off to the first class lounge for free coffee and biscuits. And apparently free wifi, although it failed miserably. Got quickly bored, so went and found our train via M&S for Dave to get a sarnie. First class is very exciting. No really. Showed Dave how to make the wifi work, much to his possible annoyance ; ) and then sulked as the connection dropped whenever we were in a tunnel. I shall write a stiff letter ; ) Chatted (slowly) to everyone for most of the duration of the journey. Decided to try and install RealPlayer on Libby to see if she’d bingle when I got messages. So attempted to download said player to discover that the net connection was letting me download at about 9k a second. we now suspect that GNER runs its wifi enabled service over GPRS and that somewhere there’s a Nokia 6210 plugged into a serial port powering the lot. I pointed out my phone can manage 384kbps which is a little better. Nice man served us coffee. And then some more coffee. And then, yes, a little more. The last time, Dave refused and I capitulated and the nice man was all like “are you sure” “Oh go on then” says Dave “Isn’t peer pressure great?” The north got darker and colder and rainier. Libby bingled. I was joyous. as we sped towards our destination, the nice first class hostesses whizzed about making all our rubbish disappear and setting our table up cleanly. I ruined it all by bleeding on a doily. I was tsked at. I felt bad : ( Arrived in Leeds, offloaded everything and went to find Del. Discovered something offering “Hats of the Ocean” in a petrol station. Took a photo as it seemed somewhat bizarre. Arrived at the house at about 11:30, met their housemate Steve and settled in for the night. Bed at about 2am after fiddling lots with Del’s computer to try and make it a little bit faster - which I think was mostly successful ; ) Woke early but managed to go back to sleep. Out of bed at about 10:30 and off out into Morley to grab something for Del’s mum (Nina) from the post office and some other bits and pieces. Got envelopes and paper and stamps for Dan, just have to send them all now. Headed off to Currys to get Nina a tumble dryer. Got her the same mini one that Owen and I had when we first moved to London. Amazed they still make them. The bloke who wheeled it out to the car for us was amazingly fit. Blonde, blue eyed, muscled and tattooed and a bit stubbly. Del asked him if he could come with us and fit it too. He giggled shyly. Blessim. Wandered off to Ikea to have a poke around and eat meatballs. Got a large plate of them (20!) and then realised I couldn’t manage them all. Stuffed them all down eventually, and a cheesecake, then headed back to the car to play delivery boy. went and grabbed Nina’s keys from her at work under the false pretence that we were simply dropping the parcel off at her flat. She asked Del when she was going to be getting a tumble dryer and moaned lots about the ironing she was spending all her time doing at the moment. Little did she know that she was getting a tumble dryer installed and would find it in her flat that evening. Arrived at her place, got the lift upstairs. Was amused to find that it was made by a company called “Schindler”. Her flat’s quite small but very nice. Had a nose around as we unwrapped the tumble dryer and set it all up. Left her place and wandered about her complex for a bit, then decided to head off. Dropped the keys back and headed to the Armoury to see what was what. Wandered about taking pics lots. (see my flic

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